Chicago Gameday 41 is July 11th: run an event or come to play!

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First Post

Time: Morning
System: Apocalypse World
Description: The Convoy is a thousand miles away from the City on the Sea, and between you and your destination is bad terrain filled with crazies, cannibals, slavers, and death cults. Buckle Up.
If you liked Mad Max: Fury Road and want more, play this game. I'll be using the preview 2E playbooks and battle rules.
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: Up to 6
Table Preference: C, E, F or G


I'd be interested in playing any of these systems to try them out. In general, games with a bit lighter rule sets seem to go over better at game days in my experience. (Unless you're running something intentionally difficult like Synnibar.)


I will be going with 13th Age as I see that there is already a Savage Worlds game on the docket and Runequest won't let me go quite as gonzo as I need to.( and it would be a tad complex as well. )

So same description for the game, just with 13th Age as the system.

I can also run either morning or afternoon, whichever is most convenient as I don't have any scheduling conflicts that day.




I will be going with 13th Age as I see that there is already a Savage Worlds game on the docket and Runequest won't let me go quite as gonzo as I need to.( and it would be a tad complex as well. )

I can also run either morning or afternoon, whichever is most convenient as I don't have any scheduling conflicts that day.
Noted in the OP.

I'll leave your event in the morning for now. but as long as you're flexible, I may move it later depending on how the events shake out.


First Post
Unless people will be Apocalypse engine-d out by the afternoon, I'd like to run a session of The Sword, The Crown and the Unspeakable Power (aka SCUP).

  • Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot;
  • Game system: Apocalypse Engine
  • Event Title: The Sword, the Crown and the Unspeakable Power (SCUP)
  • Description: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power is a role-playing game
    about the politics of a dark fantasy world, powered by the Apocalypse
    engine. It deals with hierarchy, political intrigue, and violent
    retribution. SCUP emulates political fantasy as found in George R.R.
    Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series or Joe Abercrombie's The First
    Law series.
  • An image: Attached
  • Content Rating: "Adults Only";
  • Number of Players: 4
  • Table Preference: I prefer not to be next to the bathroom, so anywhere else.


  • SCUP.png
    59.4 KB · Views: 163


Unless people will be Apocalypse engine-d out by the afternoon, I'd like to run a session of The Sword, The Crown and the Unspeakable Power (aka SCUP).
Back in the day, most of the roster would be d20 games. Having a few ApWo events on the roster ain't no big deal. :)



Unless people will be Apocalypse engine-d out by the afternoon, I'd like to run a session of The Sword, The Crown and the Unspeakable Power (aka SCUP).

  • Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.) slot;
  • Game system: Apocalypse Engine
  • Event Title: The Sword, the Crown and the Unspeakable Power (SCUP)
  • Description: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power is a role-playing game
    about the politics of a dark fantasy world, powered by the Apocalypse
    engine. It deals with hierarchy, political intrigue, and violent
    retribution. SCUP emulates political fantasy as found in George R.R.
    Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series or Joe Abercrombie's The First
    Law series.
  • An image: Attached
  • Content Rating: "Adults Only";
  • Number of Players: 4
  • Table Preference: I prefer not to be next to the bathroom, so anywhere else.

That sounds awesome.

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