Chicago Gameday 41 is July 11th: run an event or come to play!

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First Post
Here is the event description for my TBD:

Time: morning (9:30 a.m.)
Game system: Earthdawn 4th Edition
Event Title: Bartertown Blues: Part 1: A Fistful of Silver
Description: Your caravan returns to Bartertown to find that your patron has gone missing. Meanwhile, a sinister organization plots the downfall of a kingdom. Do you have what it takes to rescue your boss as well as your paycheck? (Characters provided, rules will be taught).
An image:
Content Rating: "Kid-Friendly"
Number of Players: 3-6


First Post
Are we happy with 7 morning and 7 afternoon games!?!....let's go for 8 & 8!

I'll do my part by offering to run an afternoon game as well (feel free to bump me if someone new comes along):

Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.)
Game system: Earthdawn 4th Edition
Event Title: Bartertown Blues: Part 3: Pyrrhic Victory
Description: Its plans in shambles, evil seeks to consume what it cannot control and a band of adepts is all that stands in its way… (Characters provided, rules will be taught, Part 2 will be available to play instead based on player preference).
An image:
Content Rating: "Kid-Friendly"
Number of Players: 3-6
Table preference: same as morning game

Nev the Deranged

First Post
DeadEnders logo final.jpg

What will you do when Death is not the End?

A playtest experiment for 4 players.
Rules taught.
Materials provided.
Mature audiences.


First Post
Pentra: Adventure in a World of Animal Strife

​Lateish game proposal!

: Morning (9:30 a.m.)

Game System: Pentra, an anthropomorphic animal fantasy in the style of Armello, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Redwall, etc., with a fast, collaborative system inspired by Itras By.

Event Title: Love in the House of Swords

Description: The matron of the powerful House Ranya has retired her position, passing leadership to her proud but inexperienced daughter. Now suitors come seeking the scion's attention, some with love in their hearts, some with murder. Whose ambitions will come to pass when swords glint and fire falls?

An image: Starfinder - Heart of Glass.jpg

Content Rating: Kid-Friendly

Number of Players: 4

Table Preference: None


Here is the event description for my TBD:

Time: morning (9:30 a.m.)
Game system: Earthdawn 4th Edition

Are we happy with 7 morning and 7 afternoon games!?!....let's go for 8 & 8!

I'll do my part by offering to run an afternoon game as well (feel free to bump me if someone new comes along):

Time: afternoon (3:30 p.m.)
Game system: Earthdawn 4th Edition

​Lateish game proposal!

: Morning (9:30 a.m.)

Game System: Pentra, an anthropomorphic animal fantasy in the style of Armello, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Redwall, etc., with a fast, collaborative system inspired by Itras By.

We're full up now! And could our offerings be more eclectic? No, I say! NO.

Fairman Rogers

First Post
My updated event details -

Time: morning
Game system: Savage Worlds
Event Title: Steamscapes: Across the Deccan
Description: The year is 1872. Tensions between Maratha and Hyderabad are rising as each blames the other for delays in completing the final connection in the second Great Peninsular Railway trunk that will allow continuous rail service from Bombay to Madras. You must quickly discover what is at the bottom of these construction setbacks. The fragile Indian Alliance is at risk!
Content Rating: "Kid-Friendly"
Number of Players: 2-6



Okay, folks, we've got one week until player sign-up goes live. If you haven't yet posted your event details, please do so ASAP so I can get all the event data into Warhorn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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