Chicago Gameday 41 is July 11th: run an event or come to play!

Unfortunately, I've just been informed by my wife of a conflict in the evening when I had agreed to run a slot. I *may* be able to make it in the morning, but unfortunately I'm gonna have to bow out of running a game this time around. I'm sorry for the late notice :(

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Unfortunately, I've just been informed by my wife of a conflict in the evening when I had agreed to run a slot. I *may* be able to make it in the morning, but unfortunately I'm gonna have to bow out of running a game this time around. I'm sorry for the late notice :(

STINK!!! Sorry to hear it, Trev.

Okay, we have room for another event in the afternoon...

Nev the Deranged

First Post
Warhorn does not seem to have a way to communicate with players, so, Christopher Lites, get in touch with me via whatever means are at your disposal. Ditto for anyone else who signs up for DeadEnders, I have preliminary questions for you.


First Post

Hey Buzz:
I just registered with Warhorn as a the Kung Fury pic..totally what I go for every game session!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Twitter: @hujraad for anyone looking for sneak peaks...


First Post
new image


It seems the logo image for my game is too big for Warhorn to display properly.
Can we try this one, instead?


Aaaaand, now it's working. Nevermind!
Last edited:


Warhorn does not seem to have a way to communicate with players, so, Christopher Lites, get in touch with me via whatever means are at your disposal. Ditto for anyone else who signs up for DeadEnders, I have preliminary questions for you.
If need be, I can put you in touch with your players. Let's allow signups to proceed for a bit first.

Hey Buzz:
I just registered with Warhorn as a the Kung Fury pic..totally what I go for every game session!

Aaaaand, now it's working. Nevermind!

Our first event to fill up is Earthdawn — "Bartertown Blues Pt. 1". w00t!


Player sign-up for Gameday 41 is chugging along! We've had four events fill up so far.

In the morning:
Earthdawn 4th Edition

In the afternoon:
Mice & Mystics

Other events are filling up as well, but there is still plenty of room.


Le Peep reservation: MADE.

"Yeah, could you put it under Games Plus?"

"I'm sorry, 'James...' what?"

"No, 'Games'; G, A, M, E..."

"Oh, you guys! Yeah, sure."


Voidrunner's Codex

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