Chicago Gameday 41 is July 11th: run an event or come to play!


I'll ask for a morning slot.

Game system: FATE
Event Title: The Secret of Cats
Description: The world is not as simple as humans pretend. We cats know better, a fortunate truth for our "Burdens". While humans scurry about their workday lives, we nap in the sunlight and wait for night to fall. Then we stand vigil while they sleep, ready to protect them with tooth and claw and a legacy of ancient magic.
Content Rating: Kid-friendly
Number of Players: 4
Table Preference: No preference

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First Post
Hmkay, we've gone 48 hours without a new comment, and it's been over 24 since Buzz's email saying there's room for more games...I don't wanna make the day totally lopsided, but khaleb7 said he could switch slots. If I can take a morning table as well as my afternoon one and he switches to the afternoon, that puts us at seven morning games and six afternoon games. (Buzz, if you run your ApoWo Supers in the afternoon, we'll be balanced! *g*) So, let's go with:

System: Supernatural (Classic Cortex)
Description: It's only the tip of the iceberg when the Crew faces off against the violent spirit of a deceased biker. Ghost vehicles are always a pain, but when the spirit's anchor is his gang's belief in his superiority and not his or the bike's remains, what can the Crew do? And then, things just get worse...Looks Like It's Time For Another RoadTrip.

LOCKDOWN is a Margaret Weis Productions RPG in the setting of the CW's Supernatural television show. The Cortex system is easy to use, requiring a full set (or two) of polyhedral dice. Familiarity with the show is not at all necessary, but could prove helpful. All you need to know is that ghosts, demons, hauntings, possessions: they're all real, and some brave souls fight back. Will you join them?
Image: LD.jpg
Rating: Adults Only
Players: 6
Table: D is preferred, but not necessary.


Going in the afternoon works perfectly well for me.

And my last change (promise :) ): Back to Savage Worlds which then gives SW in the morning and in the afternoon for those interested... It also worked better in brief playtesting but that is probably due to my running alot more Savage Worlds in recent years than D20...

Hmkay, we've gone 48 hours without a new comment, and it's been over 24 since Buzz's email saying there's room for more games...I don't wanna make the day totally lopsided, but khaleb7 said he could switch slots. If I can take a morning table as well as my afternoon one and he switches to the afternoon, that puts us at seven morning games and six afternoon games. (Buzz, if you run your ApoWo Supers in the afternoon, we'll be balanced! *g*) So, let's go with:

System: Supernatural (Classic Cortex)
Description: It's only the tip of the iceberg when the Crew faces off against the violent spirit of a deceased biker. Ghost vehicles are always a pain, but when the spirit's anchor is his gang's belief in his superiority and not his or the bike's remains, what can the Crew do? And then, things just get worse...Looks Like It's Time For Another RoadTrip.

LOCKDOWN is a Margaret Weis Productions RPG in the setting of the CW's Supernatural television show. The Cortex system is easy to use, requiring a full set (or two) of polyhedral dice. Familiarity with the show is not at all necessary, but could prove helpful. All you need to know is that ghosts, demons, hauntings, possessions: they're all real, and some brave souls fight back. Will you join them?
Image:View attachment 68789
Rating: Adults Only
Players: 6
Table: D is preferred, but not necessary.


If I can take a morning table as well as my afternoon one and he switches to the afternoon, that puts us at seven morning games and six afternoon games.

System: Supernatural (Classic Cortex)

Going in the afternoon works perfectly well for me.

And my last change (promise :) ): Back to Savage Worlds which then gives SW in the morning and in the afternoon for those interested...
Moved and noted! Thanks for being so flexible.

Vyvyan Basterd

Time: afternoon
Game system: Mice & Mystics
Event Title: Sorrow & Remembrance - Flight to Barksburg

Description: In Mice & Mystics players take on the roles of those still loyal to the king - but to escape the clutches of Vanestra, they have been turned into mice! Play as cunning field mice who must race through a castle now twenty times larger than before. The castle would be a dangerous place with Vanestra's minions in control, but now countless other terrors also await heroes who are but the size of figs. Play as nimble Prince Colin and fence your way past your foes, or try Nez Bellows, the burly smith. Confound your foes as the wizened old mouse Maginos, or protect your companions as Tilda, the castle's former healer. Every player will have a vital role in the quest to warn the king, and it will take careful planning to find Vanestra's weakness and defeat her.

Mice & Mystics is a cooperative adventure game in which the players work together to save an imperiled kingdom. They will face countless adversaries such as rats, cockroaches, and spiders, and of course the greatest of all horrors: the castle's housecat, Brodie. Mice & Mystics is a boldly innovative game that thrusts players into an ever-changing, interactive environment, and features a rich storyline that the players help create as they play the game. The Cheese System allows players to hoard the crumbs of precious cheese they find on their journey, and use it to bolster their mice with grandiose new abilities and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

An image: see attachment
Content Rating: Kid-Friendly
Number of Players: 3
Table Preference: Nothing too small. I need space for the map tiles 20x30 inches.


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