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Chicago Gameday X is Feb 26th: Planning stage!

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KnowTheToe said:
I do not think I will have my arena done, but there is still a small hope. I have been working in the nursery instead. I would like to play Talisman and would run it as an afternoon slot, but I do not own the game. I think Curt has one, I can't remember who brought it last time. If we had a copy of the game I would be interested.

I believe it, indeed, was thalmin/Curt who had his own copy of the game. And allow me to just say, because I consider you a friend, no matter how cool it looks on paper, Talisman will be much more politically correct than this nursery-arena, baby out with the blood bath water game you appear to be concocting... :eek:


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Tav_Behemoth said:
Hope I'm not too late - I am as slow on the draw as Mark is fast, alas.

I'd like to suggest a Masters and Minions event for the final slot: a D&D/d20 game introducing the new monsters in one of our Horde Books. We have three tournament modules that were originally used at Gen Con Indy last year: a level 3 venture into a stirge lair, a level 9 raid on a minotaur maze, and a level 16 trek through a remorhaz glacier.

Unfortunately, I haven't lived in Chicago for ten years now (though it seems like yesterday) - but if some noble EN Worlder is up for running such an event, I can hook you up with the Horde Books and the tournament module, complete with tactical battlemaps, counters, and illustrations to show players.

I'll also make a call for DMs at the Behemoth3 forums and mailing lists - and if someone can pass on the info for the Gameday mailing list, I'll post there too.

Whether or not we manage to make this event happen, I'll be happy to pitch in when it comes to prizes!

Alright...I'll do it! But I've never run a game before...

But if you can get me the info, I'll run it here. Either the Stirge or Minotaur deal sounds pretty cool to me. What do I need to do next? Can someone more ENWorld savvy tell me my next step?


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Woo Hoo! We got that last slot filled up and a New GM to boot...a good day for the Game Day all around!

Tracerbullet is one of my best players and he knows the rules maybe better then I do, you guys will have a blast with him.

All you can do now is wait for Tav_Behemoth to get you the information for the adventure. Buzz, can you set up the "game blurb" with what Tav_Behemoth posted?



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FCWesel said:
Woo Hoo! We got that last slot filled up and a New GM to boot...a good day for the Game Day all around

I believe, and I think that Buzz will agree with me, the preferred interjection for such an occasion is....BOO YAH!

(My roommate is an English teacher...and that's the only reason why I know to call it an "interjection.")
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BOOYAHs, indeed! We're full up! Way to step up, TB! I don't know Tav's email addy, but there seem to be various contact methods on his company site, http://www.behemoth3.com/

Once we get the last event descriptions in, I'll start the sign-up thread and whatnot.


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BOOYAH! (Are you sure you're not just embarrassed to call that an ejaculation?)

I'm glad our module is going to be your first DMing experience, Tracerbullet. Do you have our Horde Books? If not, I'll hook you up with 'em so you can start getting to know the new monsters & ecologies.

The stirge module might be easier to run, not just because it's for lower-level characters - FCWesel's testimony makes me think you can handle the extra complexity of higher levels - but because it's got a more episodic structure, so if things go screwy in one sequence, you can move on to the next without harm.

The minotaur module has more of a sustained thread, so if players do something weird - and I've seen them pull some real doozies - it's harder to extricate yourself from.

Anyway, I'm probably giving too much away already. Email me at tav (at) behemoth3.com and we'll go from there.

Do y'all want me to write a blurb? (If so, I'll whip something up in the morning).


buzz said:
Once we get the last event descriptions in, I'll start the sign-up thread and whatnot.

Maybe a list of the ones you need still is in order? :)

Tav Rocks!


Hmm. Given the state of the server, it might be a good idea to email me any event descritions that have been posted in the last day or so. buzz(at)buzzmo(dot)com

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