Chicago Gameday XX was June 14th: AFTERMATH


FYI, I've posted some advertising threads on,, and I'll probably hit tonight.

Any other suggestions?

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Buzz, The Forge has some Illinois folk and might be worth putting up anad there, but they might be put off by all the non-Gm-less offerings.

ATTENTION H3 PLAYERS!!! 1. Keel Tings, 2. bigznak, 3. Lifelike, 4. Tekkmage, and 5. Sharraunna!!! It's time to start picking charaters. Please email me (biggles AT friendcomputer DOT net) with your choice from the following list:

Colin Chandra, a minor politician from the Jupiter Trade Union.
Daichi Hidaka, an office worker from the Mars Corporate State.
Karl Weller, a military intelligence officer from the European Union.
Omar Hassan, a journalist from the Republic of Pavonis.
Tricia Venoir, a bureaucrat from the Martian Commune.
Victoria Truman, an aristocrat from the United States of America.

You may select more than one in case your first choice is already taken. If not, I'll randomly assign you a character if your choice is taken. Then I will email you a character sheet and rules summary. (That is, assuming I get time this weekend to finish them!)


WJMacGuffin said:
Buzz, The Forge has some Illinois folk and might be worth putting up anad there, but they might be put off by all the non-Gm-less offerings.
Duh! I totally forgot about the ol' Forge. Thanks!

I think they'll be okay with GMs. :)

Nev the Deranged

First Post
buzz said:
Duh! I totally forgot about the ol' Forge. Thanks!

I think they'll be okay with GMs. :)

I've posted there every game day I've attended prior, and we've never had any Forgizens show up, but maybe you'll have better luck.


Nev the Deranged said:
I've posted there every game day I've attended prior, and we've never had any Forgizens show up, but maybe you'll have better luck.
Mike Holmes always threatens to show up...

Fenril Knight

First Post
Hey there! I'd like to join the following games:

Morning Game 6: The Pearl of Storms


Afternoon Game 5: In to the Forge

Thanks! Its going to be a great time ^^


First Post
Nev the Deranged said:
I've posted there every game day I've attended prior, and we've never had any Forgizens show up, but maybe you'll have better luck.
GD Antioch had at least 3... ;) while d100 isn't conventionally "forge-esque," part of the point of a self-contained resolution system is to be able to eliminate fiat-based GMing and the adversarial dialectic...
The competitiveness of Agon is what renewed my interest in Forge - but I still mostly lurk and limit my posts to structuralist analysis and deconstructon using socratic interrogation.
{enough forge-speak for you yet?}

Voidrunner's Codex

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