Children of the Mud

Deuce Traveler

"Oh, are we playing tag now? Fantastic!" Lem moves to attack, taking care to do only subdual damage to the snake and not using his fire damage."[/color]

OOC: Sacrificing one ki point so Lem gets an additional attack at his highest bonus, and adding a Stunning Fist Attempt.

Attack w/ Stunning Fist Attempt
Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage

HP: 42/56 (9 subdual damage), AC: 26, AC Touch: 24, AC Flatfooted: 19
INIT: +8, BAB: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26
Fortitude: +7, Reflex:+13, Will:+10, Speed: 50'

-Unarmed Strike: Attack: +16 = [BAB (6) + Dex (6) + Size (1) + Weapon Focus (1) + Amulet (2)]
Damage: 1d8+3+1d6 fire, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
-Flurry of Blows: Attack: +17/+17/+12/+12 = [Monk(9) + Dex(6) + TWF (-2) +WF(1) +Size(1) + Amulet (2)]
Damage: 1d8+3+1d6 fire/1d8+3+1d6 fire/1d8+3+1d6 fire/1d8+3+1d6 fire, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist
- Stunning Fist (8/9 day): At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. The monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk. Can also choose to make target fatigued or sickened.

Ki Powers:
Ki Pool, 7/8 points
- ki strike allows his unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
- Ki Pool Cold Iron/Silver (Cla Feat, Lvl 7): Unarmed attacks are also treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can do one of the following:
- Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack, or
- Ki Weapons (Class Feat, Lvl 5): Spend 1 point from his ki pool to deal damage equal to his unarmed strike damage with an improvised weapon for 1 round.
- Increase his speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or
- Give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
- incr range 20' for imp thrown or shuriken
- Wholeness of Body (Class Feat, Lvl 7): Heal his own wounds as a standard action. He can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to his monk level by using 2 points from his ki.

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Deuce Traveler

OOC: I think I overloaded the roller. Splitting Lem's attacks now.

First set:

Attack w/ Stunning Fist Attempt
Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage

Subdual Damage


Larissa draws her blade but simply stands ready. She notes the lack of blood on the halfling, and suspects not all is as it appears to be.

Holding action.

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 93 Current: 93
CMB: +11 CMD: 22
Fort: +10 Reflex: +2 Will: +9 (currently wearing Cloak of Resistance)
PER Roll: +3
Move: 30’ (w/boots of Striding & Springing)
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+2 Greatsword Attack: +14/+9 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2)]
Damage: 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+2 Greatsword Attack: +12/+7 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2) +PA(-2)]
Damage: 2d6+14, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (5+1) Level 02 (4+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Shatter
* Read Magic * Protection from Evil * Resist Energy
* Light * Detect Evil * Grace
* Guidance * Obscuring Mist * Zone of Truth
* *unassigned * D: Spiritual Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Level 03 (4+1) Level 04 (2+1)

* Speak with Dead * Summon Monster IV
* Remove Curse * Divination
* D: Holy Smite
* Dispel Magic
* Searing Light
* D: Heroism

Channeling at current level: Channel 4d6,
DC 18 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save.



ooc: sunshadow21: Lem and Menik have been in the exact same adventures; I'm pretty sure we would have the same # of experience points.

Menik sees that Lem must be holding back. Confused, but expecting a real fight, he opts to cast haste on the party.

"A snake game? If I only knew! I should have brought enough for everyone!"


OOC: It's possible that you hadn't fully updated the top part of your sheet when I pulled my numbers, because I ended up with different numbers for each of you somehow. Menik can level as well.


Lem is easily able to leap up and reach the flying snake, and his flurry of attacks is visually most impressive, but only his first blow manages to hit home and have any kind of effect. Though the snake shrugs off the stunning fist attack, it definitely reels a bit from the blow.

OOC: Will get a full attack sequence for the bad guys up tonight. Sorry about the delay, but Thursday's real life games can sometimes take a bit more out of me than I anticipate ahead of time. 8 people in a room with crappy acoustics gets loud. And that was just our group.


The man laughs insanely as Lem and the snake provide a show, with the snake lashing out with both heads and it's tail at the halfling now back on the ground; one head manages to connect dealing more nonlethal damage. "Yes, yes, yes; beat the corruption of order out of your mortal bodies." As the man cries out, a small earth elemental appears in front of Lem and tries to smack the halfling, but misses. Suddenly a lightning bolt emanates from the crab like creature, hitting the man, his snake, the elemental, Lem, Larissa, and Menik as it streaks away from the creature. Both the man and the snake seem to avoid the worst of it, but the elemental disappears as fast as it appeared, taking the full brunt of the lightning as it tore past. This just causes the man to laugh that much more maniacally.

[sblock=Round 1 status]Larissa: delayed
Lem: 20 nonlethal damage total
Menik: cast haste
Weylyn: delayed

Crab: casts lightning bolt, catches Lem, Larissa, Menik, Slimy, and earth elemental (DC 16 reflex for half of 34 damage)
Thrax: summon earth elemental, takes 34 damage from lightning bolt
Slimy: 10 nonlethal damage from Lem, attacks Lem, one crit for 11 nonlethal damage, takes 17 damage from lightning bolt
small earth elemental: appears, attempts to attack Lem, misses, disappears after taking damage from lightning bolt[/sblock]

OOC: Lem, Larissa, and Menik need to make a DC 16 reflex save to only take half of 34 points of lightning damage; Larissa and Weylyn can still act this round.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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