D&D General Chris just said why I hate wizard/fighter dynamic

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This is a Red Herring. It doesn't matter if all of them do. If some of them do and can jump 60 feet... And I'd bet the world class jumpers wouldn't do nearly as well if you strapped 100 pounds to their backs.
no the red haring is "some people will try to do things encombered" that is a function of the carrying rules not effecting the jump and swim not the fact that the best preped fighter can't compeate with world records (even if NOT IN ARMOR)


The High Aldwin
you said that you have seen diffrent... show me
In response to your post:
except that I always see people want to compare +3 weapon +3 armor ring of prot and 2-3 misc items to a wizard with a scroll or two or maybe a potion.

I meant I never see people comparing, or even wanting to compare, such items to a wizard with a scroll or two or maybe a potion.

Who does that? How is it even relevant?


Morkus from Orkus
I disagree. Since in 5e, a character jumps the same distance whether they aren’t wearing anything or just short of fully encumbered, comparing real world records to a fighter in plate is just as relevant as comparing it to a fighter not wearing armor.

By that measure, a 20th level fighter is weaker than a peak human.
Assuming that the peak jumpers don't have feats, perhaps even multiple feats, that are dedicated to jumping. WotC needs to make a lot more feats to enable customization.


Morkus from Orkus
no the red haring is "some people will try to do things encombered" that is a function of the carrying rules not effecting the jump and swim not the fact that the best preped fighter can't compeate with world records (even if NOT IN ARMOR)
Meh. Dumb rules are dumb. Nobody should jump as well in plate as they do naked. And swimming in plate mail? Try it in my game. I advise you to cast water breathing first. ;)

Slightly tougher....? PLAH-EASE give me a break. :rolleyes:

By level 20, a champion fighter can slaughter hundreds of town guards... more so than any wizard could hope to match because the wizard will eventually run out of spells.

Did you miss the part of my post which you quoted:

Lol. You realize fighters don't have infinite HP. Bounded accuracy will lay that fighter low quick with a bunch of crossbows. A wizard can easily kill a town if that's what they choose. For that day. Then repick their superpowers after a nap to roflstomp the next purported challenge.


70% more hit points is "slightly" higher? :p
when the other guys can heal...yes
Also, I question why you'd put a 14 in Cha if you're making a combat beast.
I split my stats for saves. so I would be okay in everything. I dumped INT, and then Dex figureing the heavy armor would fullfil for dex and INT was a dead stat.
And also the lucky feat.
you mean the best feat in the game? let me reroll missed anythings and can force others to reroll against me?
With the ability to give yourself advantage on weapon attack rolls for the entire turn 3 times a day, ditch the shield and lucky.
now do the same for all three, and you have the exact same thing
Grab a big weapon and great weapon master.
okay that changes all 3 and it doesn't change anything
Also, since Fighting Spirit gives 5 temp HP each use, he really has double the hit points of the other two, though as you noted the cleric does have some healing.
cleric AND bard have self healing... 5th level spells for god sake. but yea 84hp compaired to 50 hp is not much it is 34hp diffrent and add in 15 temps and 2d10 (11) second winds and that is double it is 100hp. now add in a 5th level aid and that is 25hp to me and 2 allies, but lets just say me then 1 3rd level healing doing 15 (3d8+2) and useing the least optimal use of healing I am right up there with you,,,

Voidrunner's Codex

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