D&D 5E Christmas magic items for your holiday gaming


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My D&D group tonight will be fighting the Krampus, so I made holiday themed magic items that are hopely both funny and ridiculous.

Globe of Snowing -- This orb magical implement adds a +1 to spell DC and caster level of any cold, snow, or frost related spell cast with it. When shaken gently, it produces a local weather effect of snow. When hurled at the ground and smashed, it produces a burst of frost, inflicting 3d10 cold damage on everyone within 30 feet.

Gingerbread Men -- These five aromatic cookies are wielding candy implements of war. When thrown at an enemy, they animate and attack, using the stats and abilities of a goblin. If eaten instead, they restore 4d8 hit-points and give you a toothache.

Chestnuts of Roasting -- These three chestnuts, when thrown, detonate as per the fireball spell.

+3 A Child Licked This Candy Cane Into a Shiv -- Same stats as a dagger, but this one has the magic and wonder of the innocence of childhood, and is effectively a +3 dagger. It also has just the right amount of peppermint flavor. On a critical hit, the candy cane snaps in half (after inflicting damage).

Really Strong Eggnog
-- This flask is filled with the real stuff, not the for-kids version. Fully replenish all your hit-points as the creamy, buttery, nutmeg flavor revitalizes you. Suffer disadvantage on all checks for the next hour as the liquor goes straight to your head.

Do you guys have any Christmas themed magic items?

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Do you guys have any Christmas themed magic items?

Sadly, no, I don't. At least not this year. However, in the past I've done some holiday reflavoring of magic items, including Santa's Bag (of Holding). I've also created and used Frosty's Hat (of snow golem creation), and mistletoe that blesses people who kiss under it, but I didn't get around to incorporating them this year (my last game before Christmas was on the 21st, and our next session is on the 28th).


First Post
My D&D group tonight will be fighting the Krampus, so I made holiday themed magic items that are hopely both funny and ridiculous.

Globe of Snowing -- This orb magical implement adds a +1 to spell DC and caster level of any cold, snow, or frost related spell cast with it. When shaken gently, it produces a local weather effect of snow. When hurled at the ground and smashed, it produces a burst of frost, inflicting 3d10 cold damage on everyone within 30 feet.

Gingerbread Men -- These five aromatic cookies are wielding candy implements of war. When thrown at an enemy, they animate and attack, using the stats and abilities of a goblin. If eaten instead, they restore 4d8 hit-points and give you a toothache.

Chestnuts of Roasting -- These three chestnuts, when thrown, detonate as per the fireball spell.

+3 A Child Licked This Candy Cane Into a Shiv -- Same stats as a dagger, but this one has the magic and wonder of the innocence of childhood, and is effectively a +3 dagger. It also has just the right amount of peppermint flavor. On a critical hit, the candy cane snaps in half (after inflicting damage).

Really Strong Eggnog -- This flask is filled with the real stuff, not the for-kids version. Fully replenish all your hit-points as the creamy, buttery, nutmeg flavor revitalizes you. Suffer disadvantage on all checks for the next hour as the liquor goes straight to your head.

Do you guys have any Christmas themed magic items?
You should post your ideas to D&D Beyond. They have a section where you can add some spells or items to their home brew section. I like your idea for the Xmas theme treasures. But I revised and added some ideas to your Gingerbread Men idea . Such as I took the weapon ideas of the Goblin as you suggested but changed the weapons to Christmas theme weapons like "
PeanutBrittle Sword: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 4 ft., on target Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage. On a critical hit, the peanut brittle shatters into pieces.
Ribbon Candy Whip: Range Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 5ft, on target Hit: 5 (1d4 +2) slashing damage."

I also came up with the "Scroll of Writhing Mistletoe, Fruitcake of Revitalization, Icicle Snowflakes, and Tree Ornament of Sleep , The Dreaded Lump of Coal."
Im considering of posting some of the ones that I created to D&D Beyond for others to use for their holiday theme quests. For after I come up with a few more ideas Ill be adding those to D&D as well

Just as MechaPilot mentioned, "Frosty's Hat (of snow golem creation)." I changed it so its Frosty’s Magical Hat of Creation – Creates a snow golem creation from snow to aid the one who casted it. And I used the stats from the clay golem for the snow golem instead.

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