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City of Heroes/City of Villains - Who's still playing?

Just reactivated my cancelled account a few days ago for no particularly good reason. I blew out most of the old characters I had and rebuilt my first favorite, Mr. Notorion, as an energy/energy blaster instead of Radiaton/radiation defender for better soloing. The other three that I kept from the auld days I haven't yet done anything but log them on again to make sure their names were still available. I'll likely play Notorion over anything else for some time.

Mr. Notorion energy/energy blaster 16
Fight Knight dark melee/regen scrapper 21
Chief Inspector katana/dark armor scrapper 15
Screaming Flea martial arts/regen scrapper 8

All on Infinity server.
[updated - Mr. Notorion is now flying again and working toward his cape.]
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I'm definitely curious about this game, although I found the website rather lacking in info about the game itself. Can someone give me a quick breakdown on the basic gameplay?

Do I need both CoH and CoV to get started? How do they interact with each other in-game?

Also, is there a trial? Again, I have trouble finding info on their site, although that could have been due to me just not looking enough.


First Post
There is a trial, though at the moment you need to know someone who owns it get get a trial code, i believe. The two games work independantly of each other, but you can not access all new content in COH without COV (like the bases for your super groups).
The gameplay is similar to DDO, since I know you've played that. You key your super powers to game keys, kind of like spell casting in DDO. Some are constant effects, some you toggle, and most you just use once and they recharge. You have an endurance meter, and each power you use takes up endurance.
I was skepitcal at first, but i am so hooked by the trial i am buying both coh and cov this weekend.

Marius Delphus

Mechanically, basic COH/COV gameplay is third person follow camera or first person camera (user's choice), using mouse and/or keyboard to target, keyboard and/or mouse to move, and mouse and/or keyboard to activate superpowers (spells, whatever). There's a chat box for finding teams, communicating, etc., and you also use the chat box to enter certain game commands as well as "emotes" (making your character do something on screen like make a "thumbs up" gesture, hold up a lit torch, sit on the ground, or dance the funky chicken).

Procedurally, characters generally visit contacts (mission brokers, whatever), accept missions from those contacts, travel across the city, and enter instanced maps to accomplish their missions. (There are some missions that are not accomplished on instanced maps, but rather by "counting defeats" on the streets or the dreaded "visiting another contact just to be told to go somewhere else.") "New" contacts (those for whom you have accomplished zero up to a couple missions; it varies) need to be visited in person; "older" contacts (those for whom you have accomplished more than a couple missions; again, it varies) give you their "cell phone" number so you don't have to travel back to them.

Defeating enemies is also how you reap the game's currency -- Influence (COH) or Infamy (COV) -- to spend on enhancing your powers or inspiring yourself to temporary greatness (with the game's only "loot"*) or on making costume alterations (as you reach higher character levels, you get the opportunity to unlock up to 4 costumes, as well as capes and emanating auras).

* Enhancements look like little "medallions" that you slot into your power menu, and as you level you not only get new powers but new slots into which to put enhancements (you choose which powers get additional slots). You can buy Enhancements from in-game "stores," and they also drop as loot from defeated enemies. Inspirations are temporary improvements to some aspect of your character's performance that you activate when you need them. You can buy these from contacts, but they also drop as loot.​
Teaming is optional though definitely recommended to get the most out of your game. Teams can range in size from two to eight, and be made up of any combination of the different character archetypes... though a lot of players have favorite teammate types. Teams vary in quality, of course, but that's the chance you take. I tend to get pretty lucky finding good teams, though of the bad ones I have found, some approach legendarily bad. But you can always quit a team that you don't like and you can always ignore players that are being rude. A good team can get you through a rough patch (and there are a few), and at high levels a team is very helpful in defeating certain very powerful enemies.

Both the COH milieu (Paragon City) and the COV milieu (the Rogue Isles) are divvied up into "zones" that are generally demarcated by enemy level. For example, Paragon City has two "starting character" zones, where the enemies range from levels 1-6, and one "populated by giant monsters" zone, where every single enemy is capable of taking on an 8-man team of the highest level characters in the game with a fairly good chance of defeating at least one or two of them.

You don't need both Heroes and Villains to get started; one or the other is definitely sufficient.

COH has much more of the "bright, shining hero" feel (citizens on the street will almost always try to find you and thank you for saving them from a mugging, for instance), but the missions and contacts are typically spread widely apart, as Paragon City is a large sprawling metropolis. There are plusses and minuses to this: on the one hand, it can take a while to get places, but on the other hand you frequently have the option of "street hunting" along the way. (If you're not feeling "super" lately, go to a lower level zone and bust some bad guys that you've long out-leveled; laughing at bad guys you once feared goes a long way to impressing your progress upon you.)

COV has much more of the "grim, gritty" feel, although I view the characters as meant more to be sneeringly nasty than out-and-out evil (must maintain our Teen rating, after all). The Rogue Isles don't feel nearly as large as Paragon City, and it certainly feels to me like there's a lot less travel time, for better or worse ("street hunting" is still an option, of course). In every zone after the "starting character" zone (there is only one in COV), you are introduced to a "newspaper broker" who, once visited, gives you the power to accept "randomized" missions from the Rogue Isles newspaper, so as long as your level is "correct" for the zone you're in, you'll never lack for an instanced mission to run. (This feature has been promised for COH, but is probably not coming for a while.)

There are zones where both heroes and villains can meet each other; one is neutral territory (sort of a dance club), but the others are player-versus-player (PVP). PVP is ONLY possible in the three (soon to be four) designated PVP zones. (One of the zones is actually free-for-all.) The nigh-invisible "stalker" villain archetype is currently the undisputed king of PVP. Apart from the PVP zones and the dance club, heroes and villains don't interact; they can't even trade with each other in the dance club (though the dance club is the only place they can form a team; the developers showcased some hero+villain cooperative missions back in February and promise more opportunities like that are forthcoming).

Does that answer your questions?
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Marius Delphus

GlassJaw said:
Uhh, yeah, that's a pretty awesome overview. :D
Thanks... if it's not already painfully obvious, I'm dangerously close to being addicted to the darn thing at the moment. :heh:

So there's no actual "currency" in the game? Are there items? What is the economy based on?
There is no currency other than Influence or Infamy. Which is okay because there are essentially* no items other than Enhancements (which if you scrupulously update by buying can cost a bundle, mind you, because they are "rated" as it were and do "expire" if you gain too many levels) and Inspirations (but those are cheap because they last only 30 or 60 seconds). The only other thing you can do with Inf. is alter your costume at the tailor's. This almost** complete lack of an economy leaves plenty of time for knock-down, drag-out, superhero comic book action.

* Essentially. I'm not counting the "souvenirs" you get for completing certain story arcs because you can't see them, can't "equip" them (there's no equipment of any kind anyway), and they don't make one bit of difference to your character. They're tucked away in a list somewhere in the UI.

** Almost. I'm not going to go in to Prestige, which supergroup members earn while in "supergroup mode." That's for supergroup bases (as things stand now you must, as already noted, have COV to get into or make a supergroup base) and makes little difference to your character, unless you happen to be the one building the base... in which case it still makes little difference to your character. Influence and Infamy are frankly fairly easy to get... if you find yourself strapped, you can always try exemplaring to a lower-level hero (that is, artificially lower your combat level temporarily, forsaking some of your higher-level powers for the duration) so that instead of xp, you gain double "cash."​
Which happens to be to my taste, quite frankly: camping elite spawns, or what have you, bores the dickens out of me. There's a reason I have all those characters I still don't plan on listing (as there are 40 of them). :heh:

Oh, and an addendum to the PVP thing: every character in the zone, hero and villain, is "normalized" to the same experience level. It helps... but also keep in mind that PVP is completely, utterly, and in all ways optional... you don't have to so much as darken the door of a PVP zone if you don't want to (I personally avoid it because the concept doesn't appeal to me). Defeating another player's character doesn't get you any xp (but the zones are in fact populated with AI/NPC enemies as well), and being defeated by another player doesn't penalize your character in any way (but watch out if your fight starts to drift close to NPC enemies). However, if you're in the correct level range for the zone you can undertake PVE instanced missions that just happen to be in the PVP zone; these missions are worth slightly more xp than in the non-PVP zones (risk versus reward, after all).

And not that you asked, but because I want to express how much fun this game is for me, my top 3 great game moments (I hope others can experience these or similar like I did): (1) Hitting 14th level on my very first character, a "blaster," choosing Fly as my "travel" power for the very first time, and simply lifting off the ground and shooting through the air. Bliss. (2) Standing amid a horde of enemies on another early character, a "tanker," and watching the rest of the team retreat and regroup while I held firm and kept the horde from following my depleted teammates (though I had healing help, I still felt awfully super). (3) Dashing around and depending on the "knockback" component of my blast powers to blow retreating bad guys back into the "kill zone" the rest of the team had set up... and getting congratulated for it by players that had way more experience than I did at the time.

[EDIT] Oh, okay, fine: I *am* addicted. But so what. :)
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First Post
BrooklynKnight said:
Well I'd SK you.

Is that SG you're in Villian or Hero? My SVG would love to have ya.

Global Chat Handle is @Shi'Kahr Darkstarr

My CoV character Theira Sehlan belongs to The Empire of Evil SG (I think they just cracked the Top 100 list). My primary CoH character, Shi'Kahr Darkstarr is part of Genesis' Warriors. My other CoH character, Keldorn is currently sans group.

I'm not especially tied to the Genesis group, so switching might be a possibility. I usually play in the mornings from about 9am to 11:30am but sometimes get on for an hour or so in the afternoons and the very rare evening.


First Post
Ghostwind said:
Global Chat Handle is @Shi'Kahr Darkstarr

My CoV character Theira Sehlan belongs to The Empire of Evil SG (I think they just cracked the Top 100 list). My primary CoH character, Shi'Kahr Darkstarr is part of Genesis' Warriors. My other CoH character, Keldorn is currently sans group.

I'm not especially tied to the Genesis group, so switching might be a possibility. I usually play in the mornings from about 9am to 11:30am but sometimes get on for an hour or so in the afternoons and the very rare evening.

Right now, I've been logging in for about 30min mon-fri and playing sundays. I've been working really hard hours so I cant play for 14 hour swaths like I used too (God damned Quaterfield TF).

just global friend @BrooklynKnight and toss me a tell next time you see me on.


First Post

There are "3" types of "loot" in the game.




Infamy/Influence is basically your "reputation" among the citizens of the city. You use Inf to buy Enhancements and Inspirations from various contacts and stores. Its the base "money" of the game.

Prestige is a similar concept except its your Super Groups reputation. Prestige is earned by fighting and completing missions in XP Mode. At 24th level you start earning less infamy for the prestige you learn, and after a certain level (34th i think) you earn one or the other, not both. Prestige is used to upgrade the supergroup base and unless your run your supergroup you almost never have control over how its spent. Its also used to rank the "largest" SG's because the more your SG earns, the "bigger" it is.

Salvage is also used by the super group. Using Workshops you combine salvage into a variety of devices like transporters and power turbines. In Issue 7 Salvage will also be used to create temporary powers and buffs so you can use salvage individually.

There is one final "lootish" thing thats currently only in the hero high level game. Hamidon Enhancments are these Uber Enhancments that can only be attained by defeating the Hamidon, a super mega creature. It takes anywhere from 20-100 heroes to fight him at the same time to have any chance of defeating him (dont worry everyone gets a hami). These Enhancements are uber because they enhance more then one thing (allowing you to buff your character using less slots).

Hope that answers it all.

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