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City of the Spider Queen


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OOC: Is there any reason Talhia couldn't delay until she can actually see the threat? i.e. delay until Roper's initiative.

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[/Sblock]Morrolan sees the creature and tries to remember what he knows about ropers.

[sblock=Actions]Not taking my turn yet.
Free Action: CheckKnowledge Arcana (1d20+10=17) +2 Attack vs. Magical Beasts due to Knowledge Devotion
[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Morrolan AC: 23 (12 Touch; 21 Flatfooted)
HP: 120 (DR 2/-) Current: 112
Spells Available: 6 O-Level; 7 1st Level; 8 2nd Level

Fafnir AC: 25 (17 Touch; 20 Flatfooted)
HP: 65
Spell Resistance: 19[/sblock]_______________________________

Morrolan &


First Post
Aden takes the wall to his left as cover, and asks Dargun "Are you okay?" and then mutters strange words, invoking a cloud of darkness which quickly spreads to fill a part of the room. "You want dessert in light or in the dark?" he asks in the direction of Dargun.


(I guess others come before me, but this is my plan -- I might have to change this if other party members' actions make this action unfeasible. Those who come before have the opportunity to attack the roper before the darkness sets in, of course... @HM: can we attack the strand?)

  • 5 ft. step to F-18 (if I can stand there) or G-18 -- I guess cover from Dargun and the wall should be enough cover to protect me from AoO -- but in any case I'd cast on the defensive Concentration (1d20+12=22), enough to beat DC 18 (3rd level spell)
  • Cast Blacklight -- see SC, page 30, creates a 20 ft. radius emanation (centered on one of my pellets) of darkness in which I can see normally
  • This means both the roper and Dargun, as of now, will be within the radius -- sorry, but I did this to protect Dargun from any follow-up attacks, as the roper should now suffer 50% miss chance and not get AoOs versus Dargun's movement, who can now decide whether to retreat or engage.


[sblock=Combat Stats]

o HP = 62 (+20 temp. HP)
o AC: 23 = 10 + 7 [armor] + 0 [shield] + 6 [DEX]
o AC Touch: 16 = 10 + 6 [DEX]
o AC Flatfooted: 17 = 10 + 7 [armor] + 0 [shield]
o INIT: +6 = +6 [DEX]
o Listen +12, Spot +15, Search +18, Disable Device +22
o Fort: +4 = +2 [base] +2 [CON]
o Reflex: +8 = +4 [base] +4 [DEX]
o Will: +8 = +8 [base] +0 [WIS]
o Speed: 30 ft.
o Hand Crossbow (ranged): +14 = +5 [BAB] + 6 [DEX] + 1 [Hand Crossbow Focus] +2 [Crossbow]/ DMG = 1d4+5 (P) [Crossbow Sniper], CRIT 19-20x2
o Short Sword (melee): +4 = +5 [BAB] -1 [STR]/ DMG = 1d6-1(S), CRIT 19-20x2
o Caster Level: 10 (Divinations: 11)
o Active Spells: Heart of Air (+10 jump, +10 ft. to fly speed), Heart of Water (swim speed, breath water, +5 escape artist), Heart of Earth (2 times caster level temp HP, +8 versus bull rush, overrun, trip), Heart of Fire (+10 land speed, fire resistance 20) -- if two are active: gain light fortification; if all are active: immune to criticals and sneak attacks. All of these last for 10 hours.

[sblock=Spells Prepared]

(*) = Divination
(_) = Conjuration

- 0 – (4+1 – DC 16)

Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Silent Portal (SC)

- 1 – (4+1+2 – DC 17) +1 repeat (PoP)

Dawnburst (CM), Disguise Self, Grease, Guided Shot* (SC), Orb of Sound, lesser (SC), Prot. from Evil, Shield, Targeting Ray* (SC)

- 2 – (4+1+2 – DC 18)

Cloud of Knives (PHBII), Glitterdust, Heart of Air (CM), Hunter’s Eye* (PHBII) (2), Invisibility, Seeking Ray (PHBII)

- 3 – (3+1+1 – DC 19)

Blacklight (SC) (2), Blink, Heart of Water (CM), Icelance (SC)

- 4 – (2+1+1 – DC 20)

Black Tentacles, Orb of Force (SC), Heart of Earth (CM), Improved Invisibility

- 5 – (1+1+1 – DC 21)

Cloudkill, Dragonsight (SC), Heart of Fire (CM)


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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=jkason] Delay might not be possible but you could ready an action as it is a standard action to do so. Talhia hears the rocks and then prepares something. If an enemy comes around the corner I... or If combat starts I cast...

To delay would mean you wait for someone to do something and in this case you don't know there is something out there. The rocks could have just fallin from the wall naturally. [/sblock]


First Post
Talhia Shen, human beguiler

Talhia pulls a prism from her spell component bag as she hears the sound, calling a pattern to mind against need.

OOC: readied action: cast Blinding Color Surge against any creature that moves to attack.

DC 17 Will save or be blinded for one round, and even if it makes the save, Talhia gets the benefits of Invisibility against it for 10 rounds.

Edit: of course, all of that's irrelevant since she just blew the SR roll ugh.


First Post
Dargun realises that not only is he in a fix but he could easily die. Still not one to give in without a fight, he reviewed his options. The fact that he feels so weak means that his unarmed attack will be pretty much useless. Then he remembers the greatclub. He's not even sure why he bothers carrying it. He can't really use it properly and his unarmed attacks are far more effective. Now he knows. Held as he is, its a bit tricky but he manages to unship his greatclub and he prepares to sunder the strand that's holding him.
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First Post
Platinus: Celestial Fleshraker, Druid Warshaper

The deep voice of Platinus booms out from the dark in the thickly accented Draconic language. "Activate douta buala! Supper tairais!"

Slash lets out a shriek as she takes a few powerful steps, while touching the clasp of the cloak around her neck, before launching her from the ground landing next to the ropey beast. As she passes, the claws of both arms and one of her legs rip deeply from the back of the roper's face type area clear around the side of its body, leaving its fanged maw in tatters, ripping the creature off its base. Her barbed tail stabs forward, but it thrown off it aim by the creature hitting the ground. The clear fluid coating her claws seeps into the barrage of ragged striations.

Platinus comes barreling out of the darkness, and into reach of the prone creature. Slash seems reassured by her companion's presence, pressing down on the pinned roper with her stony weight.

[sblock=Combat Block]Free: Handle Animal (1d20+16=34)

Slash Activates Piercer Cloak (+2d6 dmg when attacking from 10ft above). 2/3 uses left for the day.

Move: P to (F,15/G,16), S Leaps to (D,14/E,15), Slash's Jump (1d20+35=54) DC 25 Jump for +4 dmg on charge attacks.

Slash uses Leaping Pounce (Claw=29, 1d8+2d6+1d4+15=26,Claw=25, 1d8+2d6+1d4+15=29, Rake=28, 1d8+2d6+1d4+15=29, Tail=19, 1d8+2d6+1d4+15=22), Trip Attacks (1d20+16=23, 1d20+16=28, 1d20+16=29), Strength Checks (1d20+14=17, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+14=32), Grapple Checks (1d20+20=37, 1d20+20=26)[sblock=Slash]Slash
Earthbound Fleshraker Warbeast
Large Animal, Earth Subtype
Hit Dice: 11d8+54 (142 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares), Burrow 10ft. (2 squares)
Armor Class: 31 (+3 Dex, +15 natural, +3 armor, -1 size), touch 13, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+20
Attack: Claw +15 melee (1d8+10+poison+1d4 force)
Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (1d8+10+poison+1d4 force) and bite
+15 melee (1d8+5+1d4 force) and tail +15 melee (1d8+5+poison+1d4 force)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, Poison 1d6Dex/1d6Dex DC 21, rake 1d8+10+1d4 force
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Extraordinary Abilities: DR 5/magic (Natural Attacks considered magic), Earth Mastery
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +6(+10)
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills: Hide +8*, Jump +35, Tumble +11, Survival +5
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (claw), Track, Raptor School, Multi-Attack, Improved Multi-Attack
Gear: Piercer Cloak, Pearl of Speech, Psychokintetic Belt of Mighty Fists, Studded Leather Barding
[sblock=Description]Slash is all claws and spines dripping poison. Much of her mottled gray and black hide is covered by her simple black studded leather barding. She always moves right next to Platinus unless he tells her otherwise. The fact that she can now speak in her native elemental tongue gives her no end of joy.[/sblock]
[sblock=Features]Earthbound Companion: She gains +2Str, -2Dex, +3NA, 10ft burrow
Earth Mastery(Ex), DR 5/magic (Ex)
- Earth Mastery: +1/+1 hit/dmg when both she and enemy touch ground.
-4/-4 hit/dmg vs air or waterborn enemies.
Warbeast Training: +1HD, +3Str, +3Con, +2Wis, +10ft speed, Proficiency with L/M/H armor,
Can be ridin as mount with +2Ride, +1Spot, +1Listen
Natural Bond: Gains bonuses as 9th lvl druid companion.
+6 HD, +6 NA, +3str, +3Dex, +4 Tricks, Link, Shared Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multi-Attack[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Platinus]Platinus
Celestial Fleshraker
Large Magical Beast, Extraplanar Subtype
HP: 109/110 = [10d8 + 30]
Initiative: +2
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 30 (+2 Dex, +8 natural, +8 armor, +3 shield, -1 size), touch 19, flat-footed 28
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d8+7+poison*)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+7+poison*) and bite
+12 melee (2d6+3*) and tail +12 melee (2d6+5+poison*)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, rake 1d8+5*,Poison 1d6Dex/1d6Dex DC19, Smite Evil 1/day
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, * Vampiric: +1d6 dmg vs living enemies, I heal same amount
Resistances: Acid 10, Cold 10, Lightning 10
Immunities: Stunning, Critical Hits, Poison
Extraordinary Abilities: DR 5/magic (Natural Attacks considered magic), SR 15
Supernatural Abilities: Morphic Weapons
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +10, Will +10
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 8
Skills: Concentration +16, Spot +18, Jump +21, Survival +18
Feats: Natural Spell, Exalted Wild Shape, Improved Multi-Attack, Multi-Attack
Gear: See Equipment
[sblock=Features]Celestial Template added
Morphic Weapons - All Natural Weapons are +1 size category[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=prepared Spells]
0: Create Water X3, Cure Minor Wounds X3
1: Claws of the Bear X2, Beast Claws, Lesser Vigor X2
2: Mass Snake Strike X2, Nature's Favor, Lesser Resoration X2
3: Girallon's Blessing X2, Junglerazor, Mass Lesser Vigor
4: Bite of the Wereboar, Moonbolt, Jaws of The wolf
5: Bite of the Weretiger[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]FYI, A grappling creature can't make AoO (as the roper is grappling Dargun), Ranged attacks (except crossbows) are not allowed while prone.

Does Platinus issuing an order mean Slash goes on her master's initiative count? Because a 50% miss chance is really going to mess with my tactics.

Can a creature charge during the surprise round? It would seem really stupid if they couldn't. Leaping pounce is through the air and therefore bends the standard charge rules in a couple of ways.

Leaping Pounce says if pinned the creature hit falls prone in my space, so I'm reading that as at least partially in my space and therefore my charge can be partially into its space?

Roper needs to make 3 DC 21 Fort saves. Each Failed means it takes 1d6 Dex dmg (you can roll those).[/sblock]
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OOC: I recommend Aden attack the strand while we focus on killing the thing quickly. The magical darkness will not help as it already grabbed Dargun and can stuff him into the maw without worrying about the concealment. The darkness will mean we have 50% chance to miss trying to sever the strand.

Morrolan fires an arrow into the magical beast and steps forward with Fafnir leaving the statue to rest on his shoulder.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Ranged Attack at roper Longbow (1d20+13=32, 1d8+3=10)
Free Action: 5ft step to K16
+2 Attack vs. Magical Beasts due to Knowledge Devotion

Fafnir does nothing but moves to his shoulder, he can do nothing to help in this situation.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Morrolan AC: 23 (12 Touch; 21 Flatfooted)
HP: 120 (DR 2/-) Current: 112
Spells Available: 6 O-Level; 7 1st Level; 8 2nd Level

Fafnir AC: 25 (17 Touch; 20 Flatfooted)
HP: 65
Spell Resistance: 19[/sblock]_______________________________

Morrolan &


First Post
City of the spider queen is an adventure module for the forgotten Realms campaign. now waiting for the third addition on dangouse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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