D&D 5E Claim Your Pride Digital Dice on D&D Beyond for FREE

Who do you think are blocking it, then?

Because Ondath is correct that Turkey doesn't have any laws or requirements that block this kind of content, so it seems extremely unlikely that it is the Turkish state or his ISP that is blocking the content.

The most likely blocker in pretty much all cases outside of genuinely oppressive states is the content provider themselves. For example, British and EU people are blocked from a large number of US news sites. This is probably surprising if you are American, but it is the case. In no way are they blocked by the EU or Britain, or by anything automated. Instead a lot of US news sites decided it wasn't worth the hassle with mildly complying with the GDPR or the like, so just blocked the EU and Britain entirely, sometimes with the hilariously hypocritical/ironic "Error 451", apparently unaware they're the ones burning the books in this scenario (because they'd rather ban you from the library than be told they can't ask for your personal details to keep forever).

EDIT - Ondath just showed he's correct.

Exactly. It's just lazy and inaccurate corporate butt-covering that harms minorities the corporations in question are trying claim they support when it's actually mostly pinkwashing/rainbow-washing (which like, is better than nothing but is shown to a mere facade by careless stuff like this).
It does seem like laziness is the cause here.

By the way, I'm not American!

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Thanks for pointing out that link. No need to be hostile though... I wasn't with you.

"Certain regions prohibit specific subject matter, and in some cases, access to content that includes regionally prohibited subject matter can put members of our community at risk of harm. For that reason, we must at times make certain content unavailable in these impacted locations."

Yeah, it looks like it may have been a poorly considered/researched pre-emptive strike. Someone assumed.
Sorry, I just felt slightly dismissed about the legal situation of my own country, and I am still a bit pissed about the situation. Thanks for keeping the civil conversation (even if I couldn't at some point).

No need to be hostile though... I wasn't with you.
I know you probably feel you were, but you started out by insisting he was wrong and jumping to conclusion, despite having done no research of your own, and clearly not being familiar with the situation. That's how a lot of abusive behaviour and gaslighting starts out, and is something a lot of minorities experience routinely - people who are not in those minorities, or are in a more entitled part of the minority dismissing stuff.

So I would say your post whilst not rude, was at least hostile-adjacent in the way it appeared. You might want to think twice about how you word things when you could be seen as dismissing concerns about this kind of thing. YMMV.

I know you probably feel you were, but you started out by insisting he was wrong and jumping to conclusion, despite having done no research of your own, and clearly not being familiar with the situation. That's how a lot of abusive behaviour and gaslighting starts out, and is something a lot of minorities experience routinely - people who are not in those minorities, or are in a more entitled part of the minority dismissing stuff.

So I would say your post whilst not rude, was at least hostile-adjacent in the way it appeared. You might want to think twice about how you word things when you could be seen as dismissing concerns about this kind of thing. YMMV.
To be fair, if you go back and reread the post, I wasn't saying @Ondath was wrong. I wasn't saying I was right either. I was asking that there not be a rush to judgement without verifying the facts. Do you think maybe you were actively looking for this gaslighting behaviour and jumped to a conclusion?

I understand the behaviour you're talking about, but it wasn't to be found here. Also, I'm pretty sure that a citizen of Turkey doesn't consider themselves a minority in their own country! :)

I understand the behaviour you're talking about, but it wasn't to be found here. Also, I'm pretty sure that a citizen of Turkey doesn't consider themselves a minority in their own country!
No, but I imagine Turkish people who want Pride flag dice might consider themselves somewhat of a minority.
Do you think maybe you were actively looking for this gaslighting behaviour and jumped to a conclusion?
LOL nope.

It's funny when people say stuff like this, because it imagines a mindset that basically doesn't exist.

It's like, you think I'm teacher looking through everyone's posts as if they were homework, and trying to police them, actively "on the look out" for stuff. Sorry but that's not how people work, outside of some weirdoes on Twitter anyway. But sometimes you recognise certain shapes of behaviour, and it sets off some warning flags. It's more like a warning light coming on rather than actively looking for something.


5e Freelancer
I don't want to derail the thread, but is this a thing? I honestly didn't know, having never used digital dice. I would think that if you pay for a site's usage that has digital dice rolling, different "skins" on how the dice look would just be part of the package. Man, always a way to make a buck, I guess.
Yep. It's been a thing on D&D Beyond for a while now. I think people that have a subscription get some for free, but I'm not sure as I've never had a D&D Beyond subscription.


Space Jam Confirmed
Yep. It's been a thing on D&D Beyond for a while now. I think people that have a subscription get some for free, but I'm not sure as I've never had a D&D Beyond subscription.
Can confirm you do get some digital dice like once a month or so as a subscription perk, and I believe in the past you were able to unlock some when pre-ordering various books. But you can also pay a la carte to unlock various skins (which, yes, I can’t imagine doing).

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