D&D 5E Claim Your Pride Digital Dice on D&D Beyond for FREE


5e Freelancer
For Pride Month, D&D Beyond has released Pride Digital Dice that anyone with an account can claim for free. Here's the link:

I personally would never pay for digital dice, but I definitely appreciate that D&D Beyond is releasing these dice for free instead of doing what most other companies do (make one of their products rainbow-colored and then increase the price during Pride Month). And these dice are definitely some of the more visually interesting ones that D&D Beyond have created for their site.

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For Pride Month, D&D Beyond has released Pride Digital Dice that anyone with an account can claim for free. Here's the link:

I personally would never pay for digital dice, but I definitely appreciate that D&D Beyond is releasing these dice for free instead of doing what most other companies do (make one of their products rainbow-colored and then increase the price during Pride Month). And these dice are definitely some of the more visually interesting ones that D&D Beyond have created for their site.
I received an ugly surprise today by seeing that the page to claim these dice was blocked in my country. I do love it when companies tout progressivism, but only when it isn't too inconvenient to defend these values.

I received an ugly surprise today by seeing that the page to claim these dice was blocked in my country. I do love it when companies tout progressivism, but only when it isn't too inconvenient to defend these values.
It seems like you're blaming Hasbro? They're not the ones blocking your access nor do they have any control over that situation.


Still seems unlikely that Hasbro is doing this. Anything is possible of course but I wouldn't be so quick to rush to judgement without actual proof.
Dude, there's literally an announcement on D&D Beyond saying they themselves limit access to certain content in certain locations: Regionally Blocked Content on D&D Beyond

Somebody in Hasbro/WotC/D&D Beyond offices didn't bother checking Turkish legislation and just assumed LGBT content was banned here (it isn't, Netflix shows its full catalogue here without major issues). This kind of "progressivism for the Western countries and needlessly fervent compliance with what we deem to be backwards countries" is not helping anyone.

Still seems unlikely that Hasbro is doing this. Anything is possible of course but I wouldn't be so quick to rush to judgement without actual proof.
Who do you think are blocking it, then?

Because Ondath is correct that Turkey doesn't have any laws or requirements that block this kind of content, so it seems extremely unlikely that it is the Turkish state or his ISP that is blocking the content.

The most likely blocker in pretty much all cases outside of genuinely oppressive states is the content provider themselves. For example, British and EU people are blocked from a large number of US news sites. This is probably surprising if you are American, but it is the case. In no way are they blocked by the EU or Britain, or by anything automated. Instead a lot of US news sites decided it wasn't worth the hassle with mildly complying with the GDPR or the like, so just blocked the EU and Britain entirely, sometimes with the hilariously hypocritical/ironic "Error 451", apparently unaware they're the ones burning the books in this scenario (because they'd rather ban you from the library than be told they can't ask for your personal details to keep forever).

EDIT - Ondath just showed he's correct.

This kind of "progressivism for the Western countries and needlessly fervent compliance with what we deem to be backwards countries" is not helping anyone.
Exactly. It's just lazy and inaccurate corporate butt-covering that harms minorities the corporations in question are trying claim they support when it's actually mostly pinkwashing/rainbow-washing (which like, is better than nothing but is shown to a mere facade by careless stuff like this).

They're the ones blocking it, though. Turkey doesn't have any laws that would block this kind of content, they clearly covered their behinds pre-emptively.
Seems that Turkey doesn't exactly have a free and open internet: Turkey's New Internet Law and Its Effects on Freedom of Media. However, there's nothing in there that would force any restriction on LGBT content... so I don't know. Whatever the root cause, it's sad that someone somewhere is threatened enough by the very concept that they'd feel the need to block this content.


Who do you think are blocking it, then?

Because Ondath is correct that Turkey doesn't have any laws or requirements that block this kind of content, so it seems extremely unlikely that it is the Turkish state or his ISP that is blocking the content.

The most likely blocker in pretty much all cases outside of genuinely oppressive states is the content provider themselves. For example, British and EU people are blocked from a large number of US news sites. This is probably surprising if you are American, but it is the case. In no way are they blocked by the EU or Britain, or by anything automated. Instead a lot of US news sites decided it wasn't worth the hassle with mildly complying with the GDPR or the like, so just blocked the EU and Britain entirely, sometimes with the hilariously hypocritical/ironic "Error 451", apparently unaware they're the ones burning the books in this scenario (because they'd rather ban you from the library than be told they can't ask for your personal details to keep forever).

EDIT - Ondath just showed he's correct.
I started another thread where I explain the situation: D&D 5E - D&D Beyond Self-Censorship: Pride Month Digital Dice Blocked In Some Countries

Dude, there's literally an announcement on D&D Beyond saying they themselves limit access to certain content in certain locations: Regionally Blocked Content on D&D Beyond

Somebody in Hasbro/WotC/D&D Beyond offices didn't bother checking Turkish legislation and just assumed LGBT content was banned here (it isn't, Netflix shows its full catalogue here without major issues). This kind of "progressivism for the Western countries and needlessly fervent compliance with what we deem to be backwards countries" is not helping anyone.
Thanks for pointing out that link. No need to be hostile though... I wasn't with you.

"Certain regions prohibit specific subject matter, and in some cases, access to content that includes regionally prohibited subject matter can put members of our community at risk of harm. For that reason, we must at times make certain content unavailable in these impacted locations."

Yeah, it looks like it may have been a poorly considered/researched pre-emptive strike. Someone assumed.

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