D&D General Classic Monsters - Retired Roll Call?


Is black pudding a thing in USA? I mean the food item, not the monster.
I’ve travelled a lot in USA and never seen it, but admittedly I haven’t really looked. It’s not exactly major-league popular in UK, but it does appear on most cafe breakfast menus, especially in the north.

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A suffusion of yellow
Is black pudding a thing in USA? I mean the food item, not the monster.
I’ve travelled a lot in USA and never seen it, but admittedly I haven’t really looked. It’s not exactly major-league popular in UK, but it does appear on most cafe breakfast menus, especially in the north.
Spanish and French style Blood sausage can be got but good British Black Pudding is banned (I believe there may be local Scots Black Puddings made in US)


Is black pudding a thing in USA? I mean the food item, not the monster.
I’ve travelled a lot in USA and never seen it, but admittedly I haven’t really looked. It’s not exactly major-league popular in UK, but it does appear on most cafe breakfast menus, especially in the north.
Like chocolate pudding? Yeah, we have that.


Am I the only one confused as to why 'not being in a dungeon' would prevent you from running into a beefcake bug or a spacefaring squid man?
Because they take you out of the logic of the adventure.
If you're not in a big cavernous area, throwing an Umber Hulk doesn't make sense. Spacefaring squid men likewise don't fit in an adventure like Curse of Strahd.
And perhaps that's part of the problem. If you're running a campaign adventure from levels 1-13, you're not going to have many opportunities to break from the theme. Most of my interactions in 5e have been in these narrowly defined (but lengthy) adventures.


I was thinking back to my most recent use of these monsters. A fun little exercise.

I have kept track of most monsters I remember using and encountering.

Black Pudding - Can't remember using or encountering outside of Dungeon of Dread, the first choose your own adventure.

Gelatinous Cube - Used as a DM in my current 5e campaign. A reskinning of a Pathfinder ooze in my 5e conversion Iron Gods adventure path.

Carrion Crawler - I gave my current 5e group a choice of a number of items when they were at a place to trade in a captured magical mace, the kobold bard went for the figurine of carrion crawling.

Mind Flayer - Most recent one I encountered was in a 5e game, it had eaten too many cannibalistic gnoll brains and got mad gnoll disease, which in 5e can be a regional effects issue for a telepath who psionically broadcasts stuff.

Intellect Devourer - Can't remember using or encountering.

Roper - 3.5 I used one with a dark creature and an elemental earth creature template, maybe advanced hit dice. Ambush round grappled and knocked out the paladin with strength damage tentacles. Round 1 died to assault from rest of high level party.

Umber Hulk - 4e faced one when dealing with some neogi.

Mimic - Last one I faced was in Pathfinder 1e doing the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path. I am pretty sure I fell for it. :)

Rust Monster - I used a bunch of them in my current 5e game as both an encounter (terrorizing the full plate life cleric) and an ongoing plot element as they rescued and allied with a rust monster wrangler ratfolk ranger and recovered and raised a clutch of eggs. I really like the 5e implementation. I am much more sanguine about using them in 5e than in a bunch of past incarnations.

Displacer Beast - I used one in my prior 5e Carrion Crown conversion campaign. The swamper locals called it a cattywumpus.

Beholder - Last one I faced was in 4e. Devolved into a two PC flanking grind slog for the second half of the fight.

Marilith - Last one I faced was in Pathfinder 1e. The most memorable was in 3.5 though, a waitress in a sigil bar. My brother got to use the custom marilith miniature he made with a hooters t-shirt and carrying a tray of wings in one of her hands.

Tarrasque - I have not used or encountered one directly.
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Mimic- Not just for chests!
Still, the possibility of mimic chests has tripped up a number of adventurers.


Voidrunner's Codex

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