[Closed for now]Ata's 4e PPvPP Arena

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Seeing how well my wizard did last game maybe someone should try 2 wizards :)

Edit: I hope to have our decision worked out today and get the PC done in short order


First Post
2 wizards seem an interesting team. With different area of specialization and a bit of multiclassing it could be a fearsome team. I'd have an idea about how doing it but... lessee if someone dares to do that ;)
Also curious to see ho many of you will explore new classes from PHb2


First Post
I'm playing with a house rule idea to make paragon multiclassing more viable. If someone's interested I can think about it... faster.
Also, since we're talking about it on L4W, know that storm of blades power *will* be nerfed :heh:
Let's say... 1/2 Con mod +1 attacks. Seems more balanced.
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First Post
Yes. For example, the extra damage action of the Pit fighter. You can't use your action points to gain extra actions, but you can use them to deal half your level as extra damage on your standard action.


First Post
Yes. For example, the extra damage action of the Pit fighter. You can't use your action points to gain extra actions, but you can use them to deal half your level as extra damage on your standard action.

:devil:excellent, mwa ha hahe hehe mwa he HA hahaha HA HA HA MWHA HA HA HA HA *cough* *sputter* :blush:

This will be fun...:angel:


First Post
can we choose character backgrounds from the PHB2, FRPG, or Scales of War?

I know it's a small detail, but I'd rather have the OK before just tacking it on.

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