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CLOSED! Rhun's Greyhawk ALPHA Game (ToEE)


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Gasping as the javelin rips through flesh, Coraine transfers his axe to his shield hand. Grabbing the javelin, he pulls it from his side, hefts it and launches it at the bugbear in the front rank. "You dropped this," he snarls. Then, as he takes up his ready stance again, he mutters, "Lucius, I wouldn't mind a touch of healing around about now."

[SBLOCK=OOC]AC 18. Currently 8/20 hp. Ranged attack +4 (javelin, 1d6+4, x2) against gnoll #1. Inspire courage bonus included.[/SBLOCK]

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Kine continues to sing, even as he readies himself for battle.

[ooc: If a bugbear is in melee range, Kine will attack +5, 1d10+4 dmg, 18-20 crit range. If they continue to hold back he will sheathe his blade and ready his sling.]


First Post
Gasping as the javelin rips through flesh, Coraine transfers his axe to his shield hand. Grabbing the javelin, he pulls it from his side, hefts it and launches it at the bugbear in the front rank. "You dropped this," he snarls. Then, as he takes up his ready stance again, he mutters his thanks to Lucius for the healing. Coraine’s aim is true, but the Bugbear manages to throw his shield up in time to block the weapon.

The bugbears hold their ground, as the second and third ranks continue their javelin barrage against you. Fortunately, not a single bugbear javelin finds flesh.

Muttering curses in ancient Suloise, Verdis lets his crossbow fall to hang by its straps. "A half a dozen foes lined up in neat rows and you hit the blasted wall..." Calling upon his arcane power Verdis uses his Eldritch Blast on first bugbear. The blast strikes true, staggering the bugbear a bit.

Lucius continues to stand ready, should his healing powers again be needed.

Kine continues to sing, even as he readies himself for battle.

Otto switches his rapier to his off hand, drawing a dagger and throwing it toward one of the frontline bugbears. The creature manages to deflect the dagger off of his shield, though, and gives Otto a hateful stare.

Dara remains in position, ready to attack any bugbear that comes within striking distance.

Jorb hurls another of his javelins down the hallway, but to no better effect than the last one. He curses loudly in orc as his javelin flies into the darkness beyond your opponets.

Ragnok smiles. "Ye won't move? Then be moved!" He hastily leaves his axe at his feet, and in a surprisingly fluid motion retrieves one of his throwing hammers launching it towards the bugbear right in front of him and retrieving the axe to his hand. The hammer strikes the goblinoid in the forehead with a loud crunch of bone, and drops the furry beast to the cold stone floor. "Kine, yer lucky not tae have met these oversized vermin alone"

Initiative Order:
Coraine 20, attack vrs. BB1 15 (failure)
BB5 19, attack vrs. Coraine 15 (failure)
BB2 18, continues to hold attack ready
BB6 16, attack vrs. Ragnok 7 (failure)
G 16, moves back down the corridor
Verdis 12, attack vrs. BB1 24 (success), damage 5
Lucius 11
BB4 11, attack vrs. Kine 6 (failure)
BB1 10, continues to hold attack ready
Kine 9
Otto 8, attack vrs. BB2 15 (failure)
Dara 7
Jorb 6, attack vrs. BB2 12 (failure)
BB3 3, attack vrs. Ragnok 11 (failure)
Ragnok 2, attack vrs. BB2 28 (threat), confirm crit 18 (success), damage 18

PC Status
Coraine 16/20

Opponent’s Status – Players don’t be looking in here!
BB1: 11/16
BB2: Dead



Land Outcast

[sblock=If bugbears come to melee]
"Finally! Norryjar was thirsty"

Ragnok makes an ascending arc with his axe, trying to catch the Bugbear's chin with the movement.

OOC: He strikes the Bugbear nearer from him, +9 melee Norryjar (1d10+6/x3) (Inspire Courage)

[sblock=If Bugbears haven't moved]Ragnok laughs hearthily

"Want more? Get more!" He repeats the exact same moves as last time. Again ready for the buggies to come on to him.

OOC: Loose Axe [free action], retrieve hammer [free action], attack [standard action], retrieve axe [move action] (+8 ranged (1d4+6) (Inspire Courage) [/sblock]
Last edited:


Otto draws another dagger and waits.

[OOC: Otto will continue the same tactic - throwing a dagger or engaging in melee if he can get a sneak attack.]


First Post
Taking a leaf from Ragnok's book, Coraine draws his dagger and hurls it at the bugbear he previously targeted with the javelin. He then resumes his battle-ready stance.

[SBLOCK=OOC]AC 18. Currently 16/20 hp. Ranged attack +4 (dagger, 1d4+4, 19-20/x2) against gnoll #1. Inspire courage bonus included.[/SBLOCK]


Without the ringing of the blade, the song has changed some, but Kine's voice still echoes in the hallways, inspiring greatness in you. Let the music take you to battle. An eerie whir joins the music as his sling spins around, but it too fits with the music.

[ooc: Sling the nearest Bugbear he can see.

+5 attack, 1d4+3 damage.

If there is one threatening him on his initiative he will take a 5ft step diagonally back before slinging. And then drop the sling at the end of his turn.

If they stay back he will hold his position and his sling.


First Post
Taking a leaf from Ragnok's book, Coraine draws his dagger and hurls it at the bugbear he previously targeted with the javelin. He then resumes his battle-ready stance. His thrown dagger flies wide of its intended target, and the Bugbear gives what sounds to Coraine to be a chuckle.

Drawing the last of their javelins, the four bugbears in the second and third ranks hurl the weapons toward you. Coraine barely sidesteps one of the javelins, one sails over Ragnok’s head, one flies wide of Ragnok, and one strikes Kine, nearly causing his song to falter.

Verdis unleashes another blast of arcane energy, striking the nearest bugbear, but failing to put him down.

Lucius still stands ready to attack, greatsword in hand.

Without the ringing of the blade, the song has changed some, but Kine's voice still echoes in the hallways, inspiring greatness in you. Let the music take you to battle. An eerie whir joins the music as his sling spins around, but it too fits with the music. The stone from his sling whizzes past the first bugbear’s head, causing him to duck slightly to avoid the attack.

Otto draws another dagger and throws it, and the blade sinks into the foremost creature’s leg. The bugbear is beginning to look wobbly on its feat, the continued beating beginning to takes its toll.

Dara remains in position, ready to attack any bugbear that comes within striking distance.

Jorb hurls another of his own javelins, but his aim is still off, and he fails to strike any of your opponents.

Ragnok laughs heartily. "Want more? Get more!" He repeats the exact same moves as last time, but this time his hammer narrowly misses his foe, instead of smashing his brains.

Initiative Order:
Coraine 20, attack vrs. BB1 8 (failure)
BB5 19, attack vrs. Coraine 17 (failure)
BB6 16, attack vrs. Ragnok 12 (failure)
Verdis 12, attack vrs. BB1 23 (success), damage 4
Lucius 11
BB4 11, attack vrs. Kine 18 (success), damage 4
BB1 10, continues to hold attack ready
Kine 9, attack vrs. BB1 15 (failure)
Otto 8, attack vrs. BB1 19 (success), damage 3
Dara 7
Jorb 6, attack vrs. BB2 11 (failure)
BB3 3, attack vrs. Ragnok 5 (failure)
Ragnok 2, attack vrs. BB1 15 (failure)

PC Status
Coraine 16/20
Kine 8/12

Opponent’s Status – Players don’t be looking in here!
BB1: 4/16
BB2: Dead



Land Outcast

"Tsk, cowards" musters Ragnok while he advances towards the nearest bugbear with a steady pace.

Trying to block the spiked head of the goblinoid's weapon with his shield, Ragnok hacks at his enemy, intent on cleaving its shoulder.

OOC: He strikes the Bugbear nearer to him, or closes to melee if necessary; +9 melee Norryjar (1d10+6/x3) (Inspire Courage)


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]I just wrote the following passage, then realized that Ragnok is at the bottom of the initiative order. That being the case, I've sblocked this to foreshadow my next move, and I'll wait to see what the buggies do this round. In the meantime, my move is given in open text.

"Oh, no!" Coraine groans as he sees the dwarf move forward to engage the enemy. "What the hell do you think we endured those javelins for, you stubborn git, if not to draw them towards our line? Blast!"

With that, the paladin moves forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with the dwarf. It denies the party their tactical advantage but he will not leave an ally - even one as foolish as Ragnok - to stand alone against the enemy.[/SBLOCK]
Coraine stands firm, ready to hew any bugbear which comes within reach. He taunts the hairy humanoids. "Is that the best you can do, you dog-faced dung? Go find a pile of your mother's droppings and roll in it! Then you might at least have the whiff of death about you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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