Rotten DM
DDEX01-08 Session
Tales Trees Tell
Day 21 Morning to Day 26 Morning
PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 91 Villains Captured 25 Villains Escaped 11
Start Time 6:43 End Time 9:15
Take a level. 10 downtime days. 500 GP
Magic item Cloak of Elvenkind, Scroll of Chromatic Orb
Story Award You in the Army Galarock sign the contract to join Pipyap Army.
Story Award (ALL) Jeny is your ex. You broke up with Jeny Greenteeth, she will remember you.
I had a strong group of six. Chris Paladin Human 4. Thraz KrakenScale Warlock 4 Lizardfolk. Myrddin Artificer 1 Wizard 3 Custom Elf. Galarock Artificer 1 Kobold. Smack Human Fighter 4. Graara Death Cleric 4 with Devil sight.
Smack Great Weapon Master On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.
Reminder to Regulars YOU may have met an NPC but your PC has NOT. And NEW players have not encountered the NPC. So, NO Spoilers.
The Black Fist have sent the group to Kabel Hill for two reasons. See if one of the deserters from Sokol Keep is present and capture them alive. See if the residents have broken the treaty with fey by entering the Quivering Forest and repair the treaty. Recovering those citizens are optional. Myrddin does extra research before leaving town on the treaty and Quivering Forest.
Entering the town square and calling for the mayor they see Sgt Grim ducking out the Leak Bucket. A hold person, manacles, and TOO many mentions of torture, Grim becomes a happy prisoner. Talking with the mayor and other residents the group uncovers that Halvin was new comer who took over a farm six months ago and wasn’t doing all that well growing squash and pumpkins. He was seen a month ago entering the forest. A week ago, six of the farm boys with no lick of sense decided to go in after Halvin, or negotiate peace with the elves of Greenhall.
Rerk, Rave, Radish, Ray, Richard, and Rodrick did ask the local ranger to help them. Serlis blew them off. Four days ago, Hank found one his cow mutilated, and he been losing one a day. Three days ago, the storm clouds arrived. It has rained yet but if it does it could wash out the crops and village. Before the third round of drinks arrive. Little Timmy dashes through the door. He has messed up his pants, “You need to come down and see this!” He snags Smacks shot and downs it.
Nailed to the town well is Rerk. He is pinned to will a highly polish elk rib. His eyes have been replaced with river wash stones. Chris pulls him down and lay on hands. Graara calms emotions and the DM does get to scream (sad dm noises.) The note the good ole boys made to make peace with fey is still on the rib. Some of elves they boys met shot at him and made them run away into the hands of Jeny Greenteeth. It is the last they remember.
Myrddin takes the rib bone and notices is been finely decorated. They let the mayor return the boy home but Myrddin takes some artificer measurements. Arriving at Serlis Greentree house, he does admit he outfitted boys with swords and sleeping bags but he stays out the woods for two reasons. One is the Greenhall are cousins and he only allow to visit during the family reunions. The second is private. He goes to close the door.
Thraz slams the rib bone into his hand. “Son of a,” yells Serlis. “HELLO LOVER. MISS ME. REJECT ME. KISSED AND TOLD ON ME.”, screams a female voice from the scarecrow which hops off its perch. Three black berry bushes morph into monsters and attack the group. Serlis slams the door and provides cross bow cover from the window. The attack is over quickly. Serlis does admit he dated Jeny forty years ago and that is the other reason he stays out the woods.
After talking with the ranger for a bit, the group decides to get a long rest back in town. Before level Myrddin cast Animal Messenger and sends a report and peace offer to Greenhall. (DM needs to research if Animal Messenger is on artificer or wizard spell list. Also, caster has to visit the location.) Getting back to bar, they sleep on the floor. Just before dawn a white rabbit arrives.
Message, “Avoid Pixies. Get rid of Jeny. Do not count to three.”
After a good breakfast they enter the forest and follow the map. A brief encounter begins with Smack being turned into a horny toad and saddle for the toad round up. And ends with the Pixies getting drunk of the pcs booze. They do give better directions to Jeny’s house.
Jeny’s house has a sixty-foot clearing all around it. It is dusk in the clearing. It is not even noon in the forest. Camp stew is simmering in the yard. Richard and Rodrick are caged near the stew. Smack calls out and gets invite to stir the stew. Miss Greenteeth was not happy with Halvin and sent him on his way. The Richard and Rodrick are prisoners until the fey and Greenhall decide their fate.
Smack, “Ladle you some stew Miss Greenhall. It smells mighty nice.”
Greenteeth, “It is my own special recipe with 7 Herbs and spices. Sure, you don’t want any? Do want anything else? I have unsweeted tea in the cellar.”
Smack, “I WANT YOU TO DIE!” With that Jeny fights and loses.
The treaty is restored. On returning to Phlan, Myrddin sends artificer eyes back to Rerk.
Dm Notes
A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.
If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
End of Session 431.
Tales Trees Tell
Day 21 Morning to Day 26 Morning
PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 91 Villains Captured 25 Villains Escaped 11
Start Time 6:43 End Time 9:15
Take a level. 10 downtime days. 500 GP
Magic item Cloak of Elvenkind, Scroll of Chromatic Orb
Story Award You in the Army Galarock sign the contract to join Pipyap Army.
Story Award (ALL) Jeny is your ex. You broke up with Jeny Greenteeth, she will remember you.
I had a strong group of six. Chris Paladin Human 4. Thraz KrakenScale Warlock 4 Lizardfolk. Myrddin Artificer 1 Wizard 3 Custom Elf. Galarock Artificer 1 Kobold. Smack Human Fighter 4. Graara Death Cleric 4 with Devil sight.
Smack Great Weapon Master On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Before you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack's damage.
Reminder to Regulars YOU may have met an NPC but your PC has NOT. And NEW players have not encountered the NPC. So, NO Spoilers.
The Black Fist have sent the group to Kabel Hill for two reasons. See if one of the deserters from Sokol Keep is present and capture them alive. See if the residents have broken the treaty with fey by entering the Quivering Forest and repair the treaty. Recovering those citizens are optional. Myrddin does extra research before leaving town on the treaty and Quivering Forest.
Entering the town square and calling for the mayor they see Sgt Grim ducking out the Leak Bucket. A hold person, manacles, and TOO many mentions of torture, Grim becomes a happy prisoner. Talking with the mayor and other residents the group uncovers that Halvin was new comer who took over a farm six months ago and wasn’t doing all that well growing squash and pumpkins. He was seen a month ago entering the forest. A week ago, six of the farm boys with no lick of sense decided to go in after Halvin, or negotiate peace with the elves of Greenhall.
Rerk, Rave, Radish, Ray, Richard, and Rodrick did ask the local ranger to help them. Serlis blew them off. Four days ago, Hank found one his cow mutilated, and he been losing one a day. Three days ago, the storm clouds arrived. It has rained yet but if it does it could wash out the crops and village. Before the third round of drinks arrive. Little Timmy dashes through the door. He has messed up his pants, “You need to come down and see this!” He snags Smacks shot and downs it.
Nailed to the town well is Rerk. He is pinned to will a highly polish elk rib. His eyes have been replaced with river wash stones. Chris pulls him down and lay on hands. Graara calms emotions and the DM does get to scream (sad dm noises.) The note the good ole boys made to make peace with fey is still on the rib. Some of elves they boys met shot at him and made them run away into the hands of Jeny Greenteeth. It is the last they remember.
Myrddin takes the rib bone and notices is been finely decorated. They let the mayor return the boy home but Myrddin takes some artificer measurements. Arriving at Serlis Greentree house, he does admit he outfitted boys with swords and sleeping bags but he stays out the woods for two reasons. One is the Greenhall are cousins and he only allow to visit during the family reunions. The second is private. He goes to close the door.
Thraz slams the rib bone into his hand. “Son of a,” yells Serlis. “HELLO LOVER. MISS ME. REJECT ME. KISSED AND TOLD ON ME.”, screams a female voice from the scarecrow which hops off its perch. Three black berry bushes morph into monsters and attack the group. Serlis slams the door and provides cross bow cover from the window. The attack is over quickly. Serlis does admit he dated Jeny forty years ago and that is the other reason he stays out the woods.
After talking with the ranger for a bit, the group decides to get a long rest back in town. Before level Myrddin cast Animal Messenger and sends a report and peace offer to Greenhall. (DM needs to research if Animal Messenger is on artificer or wizard spell list. Also, caster has to visit the location.) Getting back to bar, they sleep on the floor. Just before dawn a white rabbit arrives.
Message, “Avoid Pixies. Get rid of Jeny. Do not count to three.”
After a good breakfast they enter the forest and follow the map. A brief encounter begins with Smack being turned into a horny toad and saddle for the toad round up. And ends with the Pixies getting drunk of the pcs booze. They do give better directions to Jeny’s house.
Jeny’s house has a sixty-foot clearing all around it. It is dusk in the clearing. It is not even noon in the forest. Camp stew is simmering in the yard. Richard and Rodrick are caged near the stew. Smack calls out and gets invite to stir the stew. Miss Greenteeth was not happy with Halvin and sent him on his way. The Richard and Rodrick are prisoners until the fey and Greenhall decide their fate.
Smack, “Ladle you some stew Miss Greenhall. It smells mighty nice.”
Greenteeth, “It is my own special recipe with 7 Herbs and spices. Sure, you don’t want any? Do want anything else? I have unsweeted tea in the cellar.”
Smack, “I WANT YOU TO DIE!” With that Jeny fights and loses.
The treaty is restored. On returning to Phlan, Myrddin sends artificer eyes back to Rerk.
Dm Notes
A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.
If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
End of Session 431.