Rotten DM
Storm King’s Thunder Session 22
Chapter 11 Tickling Tentacles
Day 123 to Day 137
Eleint 5 to Eleint 19
PC Killed 3 Monsters Killed 185 Villains Captured 7 Villains Escaped 139
Take 10 Downtime days plus what you won wagering. GP 500 for your cut of the rapier.
I had an average group of five. Zar Wild Magic Barbarian 9 Brass Dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 7 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Beowulf Paladin 9 Fighter 1. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Fighter 2 Scourge Aasimar. Silk Arcane Trickster 7 Warlock 3 Half-elf.
The group toots their own horns and are teleported to Yartar (page 115). Yartar is located about one day from Triboar in the middle of Dessaridn Valley. Well most of the group arrives. Silk show up seven days later. Zar and Fat Fingers try to find out who or what does the casino token belong too. But due to their great personalities no one is talking. Finally, Silk arrives and does not mention what happen during the missing seven days. He finds out Lord Drylund owns and operates the Golden Goose. A river boat casino which is a trireme. The lower deck is for rowers, mid deck is the casino, and upper deck is crew and bridge.
The Paladin Pals come up with a cunning plan. Zar will get hired as a rower. Silk as a dealer. And the paladin posh pals as patrons. Silk does some prep work and smuggles their giant slayer weapons on board as a mostly empty keg of wine with a rejected sign on it. He places this at the bow of the gaming deck.
Zar pushes a bully into the rower position three port side. Silk gets hired as dealer of table four. The Posh Patron Paladin Pals buy in at 100 GP and nibble on munchies as the boat undocks. As the gambling gets under way a problem arises for the Posh Patron Paladin Pals. Beowulf is distracted by elf escort and is seated at table one. Not table four.
Silk panics. He starts to cheat. For the house. Pow Ming interrupts the game and calls for a new dealer. She escorts Silk up to the bridge to meet with Captain Storn. Pow and Storn talk with him for a few minutes. Silk discovers Pow Ming has been using detect thoughts on him. He decides to go feet first and jumps off the port side and swims toward shore.
Beowulf panics and starts a fight. Bets are laid on if he is going feet or head first and how many rounds. Fat Fingers wins his bet of head first and three rounds.
With two of the crew out of action, Zar keeps rowing. Fat Fingers and Marketh are invited into Lord Drylund’s cabin. Think Austin Powers tacky. Lord Drylund, “Let me put Tickles in his aquarium. And we discuss what happen since you two are the only first time visitors.”
The discussion goes on for a few minutes until Lord Drylund recognizes Fat Fingers from dealing with Hands of Yartar (Session 15). Since he is alone, he starts confessing.
Lord Drylund, “The Kraken Society had me hauling King Hekaton downriver the same week you guys show up. He is being held on the ship Morkoth. The ship can…” Suddenly Tickles jets out the aquarium and snaps the lord’s neck. Tickles grabs the rapier and shoots ink into Fat Fingers’ eyes. Marketh smashes the aquarium over the octopus. With their cover blown, the couple jump of the port side with the rapier and octopus. An hour later they meet up with the rest of the shore party.
The Post Patron Paladin Pals Plus One question the octopus. The Morkoth is sailing the trackless sea. Slarkrethel has cast an anti-divination spell on the crew and ship. Captain Tholtz Daggerdark is an archmage. The First Mate is Rool a Half-orc. All Hail the Great Kraken Slarkrethel. Tired of the uppity octopus, they kill and eat him.
The next morning a hot and sweaty Zar picks up the wine barrel and his five gold pieces and wonders why did he have to get dress up in his best loin cloth.
DM Note. The Adult Silver Dragon Clarion will be your pilot next sessions. Please put your trays in the upright position.
I don’t do true names. What is on the sign in sheet is your name or part of your name.
Someone may have to play Clarion so have the stats ready.
End of Session 472
Chapter 11 Tickling Tentacles
Day 123 to Day 137
Eleint 5 to Eleint 19
PC Killed 3 Monsters Killed 185 Villains Captured 7 Villains Escaped 139
Take 10 Downtime days plus what you won wagering. GP 500 for your cut of the rapier.
I had an average group of five. Zar Wild Magic Barbarian 9 Brass Dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 7 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Beowulf Paladin 9 Fighter 1. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Fighter 2 Scourge Aasimar. Silk Arcane Trickster 7 Warlock 3 Half-elf.
The group toots their own horns and are teleported to Yartar (page 115). Yartar is located about one day from Triboar in the middle of Dessaridn Valley. Well most of the group arrives. Silk show up seven days later. Zar and Fat Fingers try to find out who or what does the casino token belong too. But due to their great personalities no one is talking. Finally, Silk arrives and does not mention what happen during the missing seven days. He finds out Lord Drylund owns and operates the Golden Goose. A river boat casino which is a trireme. The lower deck is for rowers, mid deck is the casino, and upper deck is crew and bridge.
The Paladin Pals come up with a cunning plan. Zar will get hired as a rower. Silk as a dealer. And the paladin posh pals as patrons. Silk does some prep work and smuggles their giant slayer weapons on board as a mostly empty keg of wine with a rejected sign on it. He places this at the bow of the gaming deck.
Zar pushes a bully into the rower position three port side. Silk gets hired as dealer of table four. The Posh Patron Paladin Pals buy in at 100 GP and nibble on munchies as the boat undocks. As the gambling gets under way a problem arises for the Posh Patron Paladin Pals. Beowulf is distracted by elf escort and is seated at table one. Not table four.
Silk panics. He starts to cheat. For the house. Pow Ming interrupts the game and calls for a new dealer. She escorts Silk up to the bridge to meet with Captain Storn. Pow and Storn talk with him for a few minutes. Silk discovers Pow Ming has been using detect thoughts on him. He decides to go feet first and jumps off the port side and swims toward shore.
Beowulf panics and starts a fight. Bets are laid on if he is going feet or head first and how many rounds. Fat Fingers wins his bet of head first and three rounds.
With two of the crew out of action, Zar keeps rowing. Fat Fingers and Marketh are invited into Lord Drylund’s cabin. Think Austin Powers tacky. Lord Drylund, “Let me put Tickles in his aquarium. And we discuss what happen since you two are the only first time visitors.”
The discussion goes on for a few minutes until Lord Drylund recognizes Fat Fingers from dealing with Hands of Yartar (Session 15). Since he is alone, he starts confessing.
Lord Drylund, “The Kraken Society had me hauling King Hekaton downriver the same week you guys show up. He is being held on the ship Morkoth. The ship can…” Suddenly Tickles jets out the aquarium and snaps the lord’s neck. Tickles grabs the rapier and shoots ink into Fat Fingers’ eyes. Marketh smashes the aquarium over the octopus. With their cover blown, the couple jump of the port side with the rapier and octopus. An hour later they meet up with the rest of the shore party.
The Post Patron Paladin Pals Plus One question the octopus. The Morkoth is sailing the trackless sea. Slarkrethel has cast an anti-divination spell on the crew and ship. Captain Tholtz Daggerdark is an archmage. The First Mate is Rool a Half-orc. All Hail the Great Kraken Slarkrethel. Tired of the uppity octopus, they kill and eat him.
The next morning a hot and sweaty Zar picks up the wine barrel and his five gold pieces and wonders why did he have to get dress up in his best loin cloth.
DM Note. The Adult Silver Dragon Clarion will be your pilot next sessions. Please put your trays in the upright position.
I don’t do true names. What is on the sign in sheet is your name or part of your name.
Someone may have to play Clarion so have the stats ready.
End of Session 472