Rotten DM
Storm King’s Thunder Session 15
Chapter 5 Rock, Water, Sword
Day 55 to Day 69
Kythron 25 Breakfast (May) To Flamerule 9
PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 137 Villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 74
Start Time 6:18 PM End Time 8:16 PM
Take 10 downtime days. 32 GP Each.
Magic Item. Giant Slayer sword.
Story Award. Friend of Elk Tribe. You help the Elk Tribe move their sacred relic so the evil dragon Great Klauth can’t get it. The tribe will start out friendly toward you.
I had a weak group of five. Haru Hunter Ranger 8 Wood Elf. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Silk Arcane Trickster 5 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 5 Scourge Aasimar.
Welcome back Marketh. We checked his logs and the pc was last played in 2019. Salute. Oh, he also found out I can only have 12 people in one campaign. If anyone is having trouble creating new pcs. Let me know. And I will print you out some new log sheets.
Thanks Christine for the wandering Weevil encounter.
The group arrives in Yartar with no encounters. Silk at the Wink and Kiss makes contact with the local thieves’ guild. Yartar is a river city so lots of traffic flows through the city and the tavern is always busy. It takes most of the day for his contacts to pan out. Around eight pm, a Hand of Yartar arrives. Information can be bought.
Zar, “Me buy information now. And give little wimpy man kissy kiss as tip.” She freaks out the contact but the information has been paid for. Harthal has been jailed for murdering a shop keeper. The Hand of Yartar does let Silk know, it was an assassination which Harthal botched. One watch Captain Brenner has claimed the sword as his own. But Brenner is also pass due his fees. Grabbing a paper Haru notices the date of the trial. The group thinks on the possibilities for a day while Silk joins the Harper’s. They have the following options. Pay the Hand. Murder Brenner. Haru turns states evidence. Or call in a Harper favor.
Silk does not want to muck out the local Harper’s stable to pay for the favor. So the group decides to buy the sword from the Hand of Yartar. But Silk does give evidence in favor of Harthal. Not great evidence. In fact, the jury laughs at his story. Harthal is executed by beheading for the murder. His widow does not pick up the body.
Zar looks at a map, “Flintstones nearby. We check it out tomorrow. Also don’t let Haru give me reference.” The next day they head out to Flint Rock. Along the way the mean part of Weevil’s gang. Using decanter of endless water, they hose the group down and take them out.
Note. It is an action to open the bottle and activate it. A bonus action to aim then thing.
Arriving at Flint Rock, they make friends with the Elk Tribe. Mentioning the chaotic evil Great Klauth is hunting for relics, they help the shaman remove the seventy-five-pound spear point from the altar. The tribe will move to a safe location.
The group returns to Yartar and hop on the Harper circle of life. They arrive at Nightstone a few days later.
DM Notes.
Next week The Adventurers of the Great Pumpkin. We will pick it up at Nightstone. Yes, the pumpkin is going to be stolen. It will take the Hill Giants five days to take to their queen.
You will be able to do side quests after Chapter 5 Den of the Hill Giants. But once your trigger a magic item, it appears no side quests will happen. Unless it is a day trip.
Three or four more chapters to go depending on your decisions.
Additional Quests.
Relic hunts are now optional due to the Great Pumpkin.
Relic Hunt Beorunna’s Well. (page 76).
Relic Hunt Grandfather Tree. (page 86).
Relic Hunt Great Worm Cavern. (Page 88).
Relic Hunt Morgur’s Mound. (page 99).
Relic Hunt One Stone. (page 102).
Relic Hunt Raven Rock. (Page 105).
Relic Hunt Shining White. (Page 107).
Relic Hunt Stone Stand. (Page 109).
Slaying Blagothkus Chapter 8 in Tyranny of the Dragons.
Darz Helgar Capture the Weevil alive for 500 GP. (Page 61 and 114). You will have visit this place to turn in paperwork for the reward.
Darathra Shendrel. Harper Mission. Visit Danivarr House in Everlund and the Moongleam Tower with their report. (Page 60 and 81).
Narth Tezrin Delivery to Noagnar Hold. Some horse harness and comes with free draft horse and cart. Takes place in the High Forest (Page 61 and 101)
Ghelryn Foehammer Marks of Prestige. Present to King Morrinn at Citadel Felbarr (Page 62 and 79).
You still have Zi Lang Quest (Page 52 and 112) You need to deliver a black pearl to Caulder Marskyl who is the head butler of House Thann. The house is known for its wines.
You have the Silk and Haru story to run. Why is Silk’s sister sickly?
Circle of Life. The Harper Teleportation Circle Network is open to you. You don’t all the passwords but posters of you have been circulated so they will pass you on. Locations are the following: Everlund in Moongleam Tower, Loudwater in Smiling Satyr tavern, Mirabar in Steve’s Stable, Neverwinter in Roddy’s Rowhouse, Waterdeep in Myrna Crypt, and Yartar in Volo’s vacant villa. (Page 117)
Relic Hunt Flint Rock. (page 84). DONE.
Urgala Meltimer Free Giant slayer weapon. Travel to Zymorven Hall north west of Silverymoon. (page 61 and 108). Done
End of Session 457
Chapter 5 Rock, Water, Sword
Day 55 to Day 69
Kythron 25 Breakfast (May) To Flamerule 9
PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 137 Villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 74
Start Time 6:18 PM End Time 8:16 PM
Take 10 downtime days. 32 GP Each.
Magic Item. Giant Slayer sword.
Story Award. Friend of Elk Tribe. You help the Elk Tribe move their sacred relic so the evil dragon Great Klauth can’t get it. The tribe will start out friendly toward you.
I had a weak group of five. Haru Hunter Ranger 8 Wood Elf. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Silk Arcane Trickster 5 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 5 Scourge Aasimar.
Welcome back Marketh. We checked his logs and the pc was last played in 2019. Salute. Oh, he also found out I can only have 12 people in one campaign. If anyone is having trouble creating new pcs. Let me know. And I will print you out some new log sheets.
Thanks Christine for the wandering Weevil encounter.
The group arrives in Yartar with no encounters. Silk at the Wink and Kiss makes contact with the local thieves’ guild. Yartar is a river city so lots of traffic flows through the city and the tavern is always busy. It takes most of the day for his contacts to pan out. Around eight pm, a Hand of Yartar arrives. Information can be bought.
Zar, “Me buy information now. And give little wimpy man kissy kiss as tip.” She freaks out the contact but the information has been paid for. Harthal has been jailed for murdering a shop keeper. The Hand of Yartar does let Silk know, it was an assassination which Harthal botched. One watch Captain Brenner has claimed the sword as his own. But Brenner is also pass due his fees. Grabbing a paper Haru notices the date of the trial. The group thinks on the possibilities for a day while Silk joins the Harper’s. They have the following options. Pay the Hand. Murder Brenner. Haru turns states evidence. Or call in a Harper favor.
Silk does not want to muck out the local Harper’s stable to pay for the favor. So the group decides to buy the sword from the Hand of Yartar. But Silk does give evidence in favor of Harthal. Not great evidence. In fact, the jury laughs at his story. Harthal is executed by beheading for the murder. His widow does not pick up the body.
Zar looks at a map, “Flintstones nearby. We check it out tomorrow. Also don’t let Haru give me reference.” The next day they head out to Flint Rock. Along the way the mean part of Weevil’s gang. Using decanter of endless water, they hose the group down and take them out.
Note. It is an action to open the bottle and activate it. A bonus action to aim then thing.
Arriving at Flint Rock, they make friends with the Elk Tribe. Mentioning the chaotic evil Great Klauth is hunting for relics, they help the shaman remove the seventy-five-pound spear point from the altar. The tribe will move to a safe location.
The group returns to Yartar and hop on the Harper circle of life. They arrive at Nightstone a few days later.
DM Notes.
Next week The Adventurers of the Great Pumpkin. We will pick it up at Nightstone. Yes, the pumpkin is going to be stolen. It will take the Hill Giants five days to take to their queen.
You will be able to do side quests after Chapter 5 Den of the Hill Giants. But once your trigger a magic item, it appears no side quests will happen. Unless it is a day trip.
Three or four more chapters to go depending on your decisions.
Additional Quests.
Relic hunts are now optional due to the Great Pumpkin.
Relic Hunt Beorunna’s Well. (page 76).
Relic Hunt Grandfather Tree. (page 86).
Relic Hunt Great Worm Cavern. (Page 88).
Relic Hunt Morgur’s Mound. (page 99).
Relic Hunt One Stone. (page 102).
Relic Hunt Raven Rock. (Page 105).
Relic Hunt Shining White. (Page 107).
Relic Hunt Stone Stand. (Page 109).
Slaying Blagothkus Chapter 8 in Tyranny of the Dragons.
Darz Helgar Capture the Weevil alive for 500 GP. (Page 61 and 114). You will have visit this place to turn in paperwork for the reward.
Darathra Shendrel. Harper Mission. Visit Danivarr House in Everlund and the Moongleam Tower with their report. (Page 60 and 81).
Narth Tezrin Delivery to Noagnar Hold. Some horse harness and comes with free draft horse and cart. Takes place in the High Forest (Page 61 and 101)
Ghelryn Foehammer Marks of Prestige. Present to King Morrinn at Citadel Felbarr (Page 62 and 79).
You still have Zi Lang Quest (Page 52 and 112) You need to deliver a black pearl to Caulder Marskyl who is the head butler of House Thann. The house is known for its wines.
You have the Silk and Haru story to run. Why is Silk’s sister sickly?
Circle of Life. The Harper Teleportation Circle Network is open to you. You don’t all the passwords but posters of you have been circulated so they will pass you on. Locations are the following: Everlund in Moongleam Tower, Loudwater in Smiling Satyr tavern, Mirabar in Steve’s Stable, Neverwinter in Roddy’s Rowhouse, Waterdeep in Myrna Crypt, and Yartar in Volo’s vacant villa. (Page 117)
Relic Hunt Flint Rock. (page 84). DONE.
Urgala Meltimer Free Giant slayer weapon. Travel to Zymorven Hall north west of Silverymoon. (page 61 and 108). Done
End of Session 457