DDAL jasper dms Season 5

Storm King’s Thunder Session 15

Chapter 5 Rock, Water, Sword

Day 55 to Day 69

Kythron 25 Breakfast (May) To Flamerule 9

PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 137 Villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 74

Start Time 6:18 PM End Time 8:16 PM

Take 10 downtime days. 32 GP Each.

Magic Item. Giant Slayer sword.

Story Award. Friend of Elk Tribe. You help the Elk Tribe move their sacred relic so the evil dragon Great Klauth can’t get it. The tribe will start out friendly toward you.

I had a weak group of five. Haru Hunter Ranger 8 Wood Elf. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Silk Arcane Trickster 5 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 5 Scourge Aasimar.

Welcome back Marketh. We checked his logs and the pc was last played in 2019. Salute. Oh, he also found out I can only have 12 people in one campaign. If anyone is having trouble creating new pcs. Let me know. And I will print you out some new log sheets.

Thanks Christine for the wandering Weevil encounter.

The group arrives in Yartar with no encounters. Silk at the Wink and Kiss makes contact with the local thieves’ guild. Yartar is a river city so lots of traffic flows through the city and the tavern is always busy. It takes most of the day for his contacts to pan out. Around eight pm, a Hand of Yartar arrives. Information can be bought.

Zar, “Me buy information now. And give little wimpy man kissy kiss as tip.” She freaks out the contact but the information has been paid for. Harthal has been jailed for murdering a shop keeper. The Hand of Yartar does let Silk know, it was an assassination which Harthal botched. One watch Captain Brenner has claimed the sword as his own. But Brenner is also pass due his fees. Grabbing a paper Haru notices the date of the trial. The group thinks on the possibilities for a day while Silk joins the Harper’s. They have the following options. Pay the Hand. Murder Brenner. Haru turns states evidence. Or call in a Harper favor.

Silk does not want to muck out the local Harper’s stable to pay for the favor. So the group decides to buy the sword from the Hand of Yartar. But Silk does give evidence in favor of Harthal. Not great evidence. In fact, the jury laughs at his story. Harthal is executed by beheading for the murder. His widow does not pick up the body.

Zar looks at a map, “Flintstones nearby. We check it out tomorrow. Also don’t let Haru give me reference.” The next day they head out to Flint Rock. Along the way the mean part of Weevil’s gang. Using decanter of endless water, they hose the group down and take them out.

Note. It is an action to open the bottle and activate it. A bonus action to aim then thing.

Arriving at Flint Rock, they make friends with the Elk Tribe. Mentioning the chaotic evil Great Klauth is hunting for relics, they help the shaman remove the seventy-five-pound spear point from the altar. The tribe will move to a safe location.

The group returns to Yartar and hop on the Harper circle of life. They arrive at Nightstone a few days later.

DM Notes.

Next week The Adventurers of the Great Pumpkin. We will pick it up at Nightstone. Yes, the pumpkin is going to be stolen. It will take the Hill Giants five days to take to their queen.

You will be able to do side quests after Chapter 5 Den of the Hill Giants. But once your trigger a magic item, it appears no side quests will happen. Unless it is a day trip.

Three or four more chapters to go depending on your decisions.

Additional Quests.

Relic hunts are now optional due to the Great Pumpkin.

Relic Hunt Beorunna’s Well. (page 76).

Relic Hunt Grandfather Tree. (page 86).

Relic Hunt Great Worm Cavern. (Page 88).

Relic Hunt Morgur’s Mound. (page 99).

Relic Hunt One Stone. (page 102).

Relic Hunt Raven Rock. (Page 105).

Relic Hunt Shining White. (Page 107).

Relic Hunt Stone Stand. (Page 109).

Slaying Blagothkus Chapter 8 in Tyranny of the Dragons.

Darz Helgar Capture the Weevil alive for 500 GP. (Page 61 and 114). You will have visit this place to turn in paperwork for the reward.

Darathra Shendrel. Harper Mission. Visit Danivarr House in Everlund and the Moongleam Tower with their report. (Page 60 and 81).

Narth Tezrin Delivery to Noagnar Hold. Some horse harness and comes with free draft horse and cart. Takes place in the High Forest (Page 61 and 101)

Ghelryn Foehammer Marks of Prestige. Present to King Morrinn at Citadel Felbarr (Page 62 and 79).

You still have Zi Lang Quest (Page 52 and 112) You need to deliver a black pearl to Caulder Marskyl who is the head butler of House Thann. The house is known for its wines.

You have the Silk and Haru story to run. Why is Silk’s sister sickly?

Circle of Life. The Harper Teleportation Circle Network is open to you. You don’t all the passwords but posters of you have been circulated so they will pass you on. Locations are the following: Everlund in Moongleam Tower, Loudwater in Smiling Satyr tavern, Mirabar in Steve’s Stable, Neverwinter in Roddy’s Rowhouse, Waterdeep in Myrna Crypt, and Yartar in Volo’s vacant villa. (Page 117)

Relic Hunt Flint Rock. (page 84). DONE.

Urgala Meltimer Free Giant slayer weapon. Travel to Zymorven Hall north west of Silverymoon. (page 61 and 108). Done

End of Session 457

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DDAL05-15 Session


Day 290 To Day 293

Eleint 22 To Eleint 23

PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 126 villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 12

Begin Time 6:31 End Time 9:47

Take a level. 10 downtime days. 30,000 GP.

Magic Items Scroll of Stoneskin. Potion of Superior Healing. Orb of Vind Rune.

I had a very weak group of three. Malroth Berserker 21 Tiefling. Thraz warlock 12 Lizardfolk. Galarock Battlesmith artificer 12. Wyvern Oath of Redemption Paladin Human 11.

Hsin is throwing raisins at SEER when the group comes down for breakfast. Seer, “One left-handed motorcycle glove. ONE GLOVE. You keep it up. Don’t turn you butt to me and raise your tail. I know what you mean. Gentle people. Thanks for attending.”

A young man in mismatch clothing summersaults down the stairs. “Hey friends. Hi friends. I LOVE FREAKY POTIONS OF LONGITY ON THE YOUTH SETTING. Do you. Do you. Do you know that Espresso has been invented since I went into the jar. Three shots. Three shots more. Rode the brave six hundred. Oh rest. Yes. Not Rest. Had enough rest. Rest. Bless. Bird Nest. You like the new me. I am Ulcaster the Unresting. Pirates of Penzance um baron not appear in this module has send his minions to raid my private pirate library. Um Theos will help you. He is my new apprentice.” The wizard dashes off.

Am even younger man walks up and shakes their hand, “Hi. Ulcaster has implanted in me two rituals. You did see a library while you were in the crypt last week. It is access through a command word which speedy over there thought lost to time. But he left notes in his over due library books of Candlekeep. We have to go into crypt and cast the ritual to move the portal to a safe location. Since am the only one who is not dancing on the ceiling, you need to escort me back to crypt and protect me while doing the ritual.”

A day later they arrive at the crypt huge bare giant feet are noted entering the crypt. As they enter the burial chamber, they are stopped by a Master Thief, Swashbuckler and Hill Giant Avalancher.

Module, “That was the monsters. I said.”

DM, “Shut it. New mini. And your first fight is still deadly. Look at you making the group take a short rest right after the first fight.”

Module, “My fight would have been better.”

The portal drops them into the entrance hall of library disturbing the sleep of master thief, some swashbucklers and a mage. The group plows on and take a short rest after killing some bone nagas. The party did survive four lightning bolts. (Grumble Grumble low rolls.) with the help a summoned demon from the warlock.

Entering the mediation chamber Malroth solves the puzzle while everyone else screams when he pounds pieces into place with the flat of his battle axe. The library door finally opens.

The group does not get surprise on the abjurer and his party. A fireball and two swashbucklers take out Malroth. “Should I rage, he asks?” As Mr. Happy shows up on his surfboard. Wyvern dashes closes to abjurer and counterspells the wall of force. The rest of party charges and kills of the bad people.

Mr. Happy, “One hit point. One freaking hit point. And no nat 20s at all in combat. I wanted to make a father daughter trip. But no the DM had to choke.”

Theros casted the ritual and brought the party home.

End of Session 458

Storm King’s Thunder Session 16

Chapter 5 It is the Great Pumpkin Guh!

Day 69 to Day 75

Flamerule 9 to Flamerule 15

PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 140 Villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 131

Start Time 6:14 PM End Time 8:50 PM

Take 10 downtime days. 700 GP. Take a Level.

Magic Items Slippers of Spider Climbing, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, Circlet of Blasting, Six vials of Holy Water,

Story Items. Sea Shell of Teleportation.

DM Note. Nightstone is full. Haru will have to start building on the outside of the wall in the farm land if he going to send any more people there.

I had a strong group of six. Haru Hunter Ranger 8 Wood Elf. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Silk Arcane Trickster 5 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Scourge Aasimar. Thea Circle of Moon Druid 8 Wood Elf.

Thanks Patrick and Alex for the wandering monster encounters.

The group arrives at Nightstone but no Great Pumpkin. The dwarf foreman presents an itemize bill and work sheet to Haru. Haru decides the new inn will be a three story stone inn. All left over rocks will be made into catapult ammo. And George the Foreman has a cousin in Waterdeep who will sell him a Sears and Roebuck catapult kit for 400 GP. Zar buys outright.

As dawn breaks the Great Druid Getafix announces himself. “It is I Getafix with Asterix and Obelix my handy men. I am here with your item.”

Silk, “Just bring inside.” Asterix and Obelix point their fingers at their foreheads.

Getafix, “Do you want us to break down your walls. Thirty-foot pumpkin is not going to fit in twenty-foot gate. And Obelix wants to know if you have any boars?”

DM, “Google Them. OH MY GAWD A LIVE ACTION MOVIE! Carrying on.”

The Great Pumpkin is revealed. It has a thick four-inch rind. A working toilet. A periscope. And the stalk rotates so they can aim their decanter of endless waters through to hose the enemy. The next morning Gob, Log, Hob, and Job all husbands of the Chief Guh steal it. Their cunning plan is working.

Until Rust the Great Young Copper dragon flies down to investigate on their second day. Rust wants to know what they doing. And treasure. Rust decides he does not want to use a lance as a toothpick but a Tickle Me Elmo doll with a hand in it will do. The Trojan Crew breathes a sigh of relief and Zar speaks, “Close Call.”

Gob, “The Great Pumpkin talks. Did anyone think to cut it open to see if anyone is using this as a.”

Fat Fingers, “It is I the Great Pumpkin. You will take me to your wife. NOW!” The hill giants are fooled by Fingers deception and move on. One day before their keep, the hill giants meet Felicia the Frost Giant who leaves the Hill Giants alone and is still very confused by encounter.

DM NOTE. One player asked that we still roll random encounters on the way to Grudd Haug. I had Fat Fingers play the copper dragon. And the group played the Hill Giants while I played Felicia.

On noon of the fifth day the Great Pumpkin Trojan Gourd enters the hall of Grudd Haug. Well it does take an hour as four hill giants try to wrestle a Great Pumpkin and themselves through a forty-foot entrance way. Moving the rock of protection, Hob sets the Great Pumpkin down in the feast hall blocking the entrance. The group see Chief Guh for the first time. She is twenty thousand pounds. Her throne is a Conestoga wagon which is barely holding her weight. She has a stack of throwing clubs near each hand. And see.

DM NOTE. And the rest of her description will not be put down in words as I grossed out half the group. Even Yabba the Hutt would say that is too much.

Chief Guh, “Bring me a slice of that pumpkin.”

Group, “Wait a minute that was not part of our plan.” Haru screams as a great sword carves a slice out his back side and pumpkin. Luckily, no giant hears his scream and a new spy hole is carved for the group.

Chief Guh, “Delicious. COOK. Cook. Should we just toss this pumpkin into the Ninja food processor and make a smoothie. Should we make into a pie? Should we just bake it? Should I share it with my husbands?”

Hob, “That would be great my beauty.”

Fat Fingers, “It is I the Great Pumpkin. The Gawds of the Ordning will make your huge if you only consume me yourself.”

Chief Guh, “What?”

Fat Fingers, “EAT ME.” Chief Guh makes some of her husbands bring the pumpkin closer. Her extend fondue fork made out a pitchfork pulls another plug out the pumpkin. And a small plug out of Zar. Guh, “Hob wake me at midnight so I can start eating this.” The members of the hall slowly depart.

The group whispers various plans. They are going to use the decanters of endless water, and Thea’s control water to murder Guh by hosing her down. They can’t find a soapy water setting.

Midnight. Thea cast control water and hoses down Guh. The rest drop the doors on the Great Pumpkin. Marketh dashes for Hob. Silk and Haru provide missile cover while Zar and Fat Fingers close for melee combat.

Fat Fingers attacks the wagon dropping Guh prone. He hears a slight crack which he thinks it the wagon. Thea summons blink dogs which move to attack the chief. Zar attacks the Hill Giant’s kneecap.

As Chief Guh tries to stand up the floor breaks, down falls Zar, Fingers, and Guh. By luck, the hill giant falls on top of the adventurers. The blink dog change target to Hob and the ogre. As Zar and Fingers are trying to swim their way from under the giant, Silk grabs his rapier and dives on Guh. Poking her in the belly button he kills her! He looks around seven bugbears and one Ettin are closing on the group in the basement.

Climbing out the folds of flesh the goblin Snert yells, “THE CHIEF IS DEAD. RUN AWAY. Guh is dead we are all free folk. Run Away.” This call starts to be taken up by the basement foes. And as Hob and the ogre fall on the ground floor the call is heard throughout the keep. The group hid and let various monsters pass them by. They then loot the hill giant steading.

They find various commoners which they send to Nightstone. One member of the Elk tribe. And a member of the Emerald Enclave.

DM NOTES. Okay we can pick it up here next week. Or in Waterdeep or Nightstone with me just marking off the travel days. You will need to journey back to temple up north (Chapter 4). Once the sea shell is charged you will start chapter 10. Once you start Chapter 10 all other quests are closed unless they are in your direct path. You have two or three more chapters to go. This depends on your decisions in Chapter 10.

Additional Quests.

Relic hunts are now optional due to the Great Pumpkin.

Relic Hunt Beorunna’s Well. (page 76).

Relic Hunt Grandfather Tree. (page 86).

Relic Hunt Great Worm Cavern. (Page 88).

Relic Hunt Morgur’s Mound. (page 99).

Relic Hunt One Stone. (page 102).

Relic Hunt Raven Rock. (Page 105).

Relic Hunt Shining White. (Page 107).

Relic Hunt Stone Stand. (Page 109).

Slaying Blagothkus Chapter 8 in Tyranny of the Dragons.

Darz Helgar Capture the Weevil alive for 500 GP. (Page 61 and 114). You will have visit this place to turn in paperwork for the reward.

Darathra Shendrel. Harper Mission. Visit Danivarr House in Everlund and the Moongleam Tower with their report. (Page 60 and 81).

Narth Tezrin Delivery to Noagnar Hold. Some horse harness and comes with free draft horse and cart. Takes place in the High Forest (Page 61 and 101)

Ghelryn Foehammer Marks of Prestige. Present to King Morrinn at Citadel Felbarr (Page 62 and 79).

You still have Zi Lang Quest (Page 52 and 112) You need to deliver a black pearl to Caulder Marskyl who is the head butler of House Thann. The house is known for its wines.

You have the Silk and Haru story to run. Why is Silk’s sister sickly?

Circle of Life. The Harper Teleportation Circle Network is open to you. You don’t all the passwords but posters of you have been circulated so they will pass you on. Locations are the following: Everlund in Moongleam Tower, Loudwater in Smiling Satyr tavern, Mirabar in Steve’s Stable, Neverwinter in Roddy’s Rowhouse, Waterdeep in Myrna Crypt, and Yartar in Volo’s vacant villa. (Page 117)

Relic Hunt Flint Rock. (page 84). DONE.

Urgala Meltimer Free Giant slayer weapon. Travel to Zymorven Hall north west of Silverymoon. (page 61 and 108). Done

End of Session 459

DDAL05-18 Session

The Mysterious Isle

Day 294 To Day 295

Eleint 24 To Eleint 25

PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 166 villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 12

Begin Time 6:30 End Time 10:19

Take a level. 10 downtime days. 50,000 GP.

Story Award Purple Crystals if you took one.

Magic Item. You choose that at the beginning of the module.

I had a very strong group of seven. Thraz Arcane Trickster 17 Lizardfolk. Malroth Berserker Barbarian 17 Tiefling. Ront Barbarian 19 Half Orc. Fisatria Hunithardrenn Evocation Wizard 18 Insane Half Elf. Spark Twilight Cleric 17 Kobold. Shimmer Moon Druid 17 Kobold. RoadFlur Light Cleric 17 Hill Dwarf.

Most of the group went to bed early at ten PM. Around 2 PM Hsing awakes each of them. He holds up a sign. Get up Now. Dress Quietly. Go to the Blue Tower. Choose one. Then go to the garden and stand on the X. Keep your napkin on you.

The group staggers out of inn in odd lots. Moving to the Blue tower they enter a cone of silence about three stories up the window opens. Out pours wands, armour, shields, weapons, harps, robes. In groups of two they make their way to the garden where they are given a dragon ride. To where is unknown. RoadFlur was the last one out and he got saddled with bronze dragon who had taken too many axes to the head.

About an hour into the flight SEER makes contact. “I am going to make a glove out HSING. You raided my stash. You were not supposed to leave to morning. Xxiphu was a great city of the Abolethic Sovereignty, known as the floating city. Xxiphu was capable of planar travel, and could connect the Far Realm to Faerûn, although not without great sacrifice. Xxiphu was destroyed several years ago. At least one part of Xxiphu survived; it fell into the hands of a secretive (and powerful) sea-dweller, who used its power to hide his isle from discovery. The isle recently reappeared, and it was immediately apparent that the fragment of Xxiphu was active. The Emerald Enclave and Lords’ Alliance have allies in the area, aquatic elves and merfolk, who have sent back reports of the isle’s reappearance.

They have also reported that various factions have sent expeditions to the area; in particular, a great cloud castle owing fealty to Baron Rajiram, the cloud giant ruler, is on its way to the isle. It’s ruler, known as Dworkin, is a powerful wizard. The characters need to reach the artifact before the Baron or any other faction can claim it and recover it first. It is possible that the original owner of the isle has lost control of it. You are to rendezvous with Princess Iridansa of the sea elves; she should be able to give more information as to current state of affairs, as well as provide the characters with magic to travel beneath the water, if such becomes necessary.”

Most of the group is able to get in a long rest before dawn breaks. As dawn breaks a raft is seen below on the sea. A fog cover island is within a mile. The first group is dropped off at the raft. However, Flying Sharks are seen rising from the island. The other groups are ejected into the air as the dragons roll over. The feather fall napkins activate. All except RoadFlur who hits the water and starts to sink. Lt. H’ruliel saves him and starts to give a briefing when giant flying sharks attack. After they are killed the H’ruliel finishes the briefing.

The giants arrived about six hours ago in their castle, and sent a group of ogres and trolls down to the surface. The giants also set up some magical attack on the island, which has been ongoing for the past three hours. It is being resisted by something within the island, causing a great deal of destabilization of the Weave. H’ruliel does not know what its effects on magic are.

Sips the elves identified as belonging to the Kraken Society arrived two hours ago. The elves have also spotted an aboleth and several sahuagin in the area. Merfolk loyal to the Lords’ Alliance have been fighting alongside the aquatic elves to prevent one side gaining supremacy.

Princess Iridansa is the commander of the aquatic elves in the area. H’ruliel is her trusted lieutenant. There are two entrances to the isle, on opposite sides. One is underwater, the other is on the surface. The giants are gathered around the surface entrance, where they are being opposed by the Kraken Society and agents of the Aboleth. The second entrance has not been approached directly. Princess Iridansa went on a scouting mission towards it, and she and her scouts did not return. Various underwater scouts of the various factions are in the area, making patrols and warily circling around each other. At present, no-one seems willing to make a move.

The adventurers are given two doses of water breathing which last 24 hours each. Fisatria casts water walking. And other spells are cast. The group decides to take the land option and on their way are attack by regular giant sharks and Sahuagin. They defeat them easily but as they get within a thousand feet of the beach the weave wobbles and some magic becomes difficult.

They make up to beach and the isle blinks. And sinks twenty feet. This causes the cave to the inner part of island to sink. They will have to swim all the way. Enter the main passage way they are stopped by a six-foot rabbit demanding tickets to the carnival. RoadFlur figures it out to be an programmed illusion. They push on.

Suddenly Malroth screams as rocks fall. Everyone else laughs at him, as they see through the illusion. While they are distracted another giant shark attacks, during it death throes it uncovers some purple spines which focus psychic energy.

Pushing on they surprise a sahuagin war band and even more giant sharks. Insect Plague, Banishment, and Madding Darkness make short work of the encounter. So they take a nap.

They enter a star chamber to see the princess and her body guard being eaten alive by coral. Sahuagin, Sahuagin Barons, Sahuagin Priests, and one Sahuagin Warlock take offense at the interruption. A summon demon, a summon plantar, and lots of upcasting of spells, make short work of the enemy.

Suddenly the isle blinks again with a bright flash. And the when the group can see again, SEER is in front of them. They are back at the inn.

SEER, “Why are not in position? Why do you have stuff from my treasure vault. BEEP. I hate time travel portals!”

End of session 460.

Storm King’s Thunder Session 17

Chapter 5 Dam it Water is Wet

Day 75 to Day 85

Flamerule 15 to Flamerule 25

PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 176 Villains Captured 6 Villains Escaped 132

Start Time 6:14 PM End Time 9:03 PM

Take 10 downtime days. 10 GP.

Story Item. Cloud Castle. Zephyros castle is operational. He does want to talk to you.

Story Award Hard on the Beaver Thea. Thea brought down the Hill Giant Dam by herself in beaver form. Beavers start at friendly toward her.

Story Award. Tree Hugger. Thea. The barbarian Tree Ghost Tribe Great Chief Boorvald Orcbane wants you to marry one of his six sons. Meet at the Grandfather Tree in the High Forest in a year.

Story Award Hill Giant Savior. Your murdered Grub. By day 95 all the Hill Giants will know of this due to the Harper Network. Hill Giants start off friendly to you.

Story Award Pipyap Privates. You kill his company. He will remember you.

I had a weak group of four. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Scourge Aasimar. Thea Circle of Moon Druid 8 Wood Elf.

Thanks Allison and Marc for the Wandering Monster Encounters.

After looting and finishing off the roasted boar, the group is rudely awaken by a loud noise. “Hey you up there. Are you taking over?”

Fat Fingers, “Who are you? And are we want?”

Needafix, “I am the Great Druid Needafix.”

Fat Fingers, “Oh the Great Pumpkin dude. Excellence pumpkin dude.”

Needafix, “That was my brother Getafix. If you not moving in and establishing a lordship. You need to tear down this dam.”

Zar, “We can do this in 5E?”

DM, “Yes but not in AL.”

The group attempts to pull down the Hill Giant Dam. Thea turns into a giant beaver and knocks part of it down. Zar and Marketh randomly pull out logs. Fat Fingers decide to strip mine the under structure.

Fat Fingers, “Hey Cool. OOPS!”

Needafix, “What do you mean OOPS! I Know what I mean when I say oops.” A huge crack is heard. A mile down river the village folk see Marketh surfing the waves on a huge beaver. Zar and Fat Fingers wash up in Granny’s vegetable patch. The group wanders or was that hopes they have destroyed Nightstone, which is down river from the location.

On the journey back to Nightstone, they mean a Hill Giant food crew. Fruul is happy he is free of his new wife. Fat Fingers is not happy with the hill giant hug and kisses. The next day they meet with the Ghost Tree Tribe. Since Thea is of marriable age, the chief starts talk wedding plans with her. She puts him off to next year.

Arriving at Nightstone, Silk has Harper stuff to do. Haru has Lord’s Alliance stuff to do. So the group decides to clear out monsters in the local area. The bugbears and a Hill Giant had moved into the Dripping Caves but the Odor of the Nightstone wiped them out.

The next day, they find Pipyap an Imp who is trying to take over hell. He is drilling a company of Hell Goblins. As they charge Marketh, “I am going to send you back to hell in pieces. I will smite you so hard your grandkids will feel it. I am going to.”

Pipyap, “Dude you just met me. I haven’t ticked you off yet. Well how rude. My Bless Sainted Mother Zariel told me to always shake hands when present with one. Granted those hands were not attached but still it is the thought that counts. So you want to smite me?

Marketh, “Yes.”

Pipyap, “Would you smite me in the morning?”

Marketh, “Yes.”

Pipyap, “Would you smite me in the afternoon?”

Marketh, “Yes.”

Pipyap, “Would you smite me in the evening?”

Marketh, “Yes.”

Pipyap, “Would you smite me in hell?”

Marketh, “Yes.”

Pipyap, “See you there.” He banished himself back to his home plane. The group has some difficulty with the thirty hell goblins but they do finish the job.

DM NOTES. Okay we can pick it up Nightstone. You will need to journey back to temple up north (Chapter 4). Once the sea shell is charged you will start chapter 10. Once you start Chapter 10 all other quests are closed unless they are in your direct path. You have two or three more chapters to go. This depends on your decisions in Chapter 10.

Additional Quests.

Relic Hunt Beorunna’s Well. (page 76).

Relic Hunt Grandfather Tree. (page 86).

Relic Hunt Great Worm Cavern. (Page 88).

Relic Hunt Morgur’s Mound. (page 99).

Relic Hunt One Stone. (page 102).

Relic Hunt Raven Rock. (Page 105).

Relic Hunt Shining White. (Page 107).

Relic Hunt Stone Stand. (Page 109).

Slaying Blagothkus Chapter 8 in Tyranny of the Dragons.

Darz Helgar Capture the Weevil alive for 500 GP. (Page 61 and 114). You will have visit this place to turn in paperwork for the reward.

Darathra Shendrel. Harper Mission. Visit Danivarr House in Everlund and the Moongleam Tower with their report. (Page 60 and 81).

Narth Tezrin Delivery to Noagnar Hold. Some horse harness and comes with free draft horse and cart. Takes place in the High Forest (Page 61 and 101)

Ghelryn Foehammer Marks of Prestige. Present to King Morrinn at Citadel Felbarr (Page 62 and 79).

You still have Zi Lang Quest (Page 52 and 112) You need to deliver a black pearl to Caulder Marskyl who is the head butler of House Thann. The house is known for its wines.

You have the Silk and Haru story to run. Why is Silk’s sister sickly?

Circle of Life. The Harper Teleportation Circle Network is open to you. You don’t all the passwords but posters of you have been circulated so they will pass you on. Locations are the following: Everlund in Moongleam Tower, Loudwater in Smiling Satyr tavern, Mirabar in Steve’s Stable, Neverwinter in Roddy’s Rowhouse, Waterdeep in Myrna Crypt, and Yartar in Volo’s vacant villa. (Page 117)

End of Session 461

DDAL05-19 Session

Eye of Xxiphu

Day 295

Eleint 25

PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 179 Villains Captured 5 Villains Escaped 20+

Begin Time 6:30 End Time 10:05

Take a level. 10 downtime days. 100,000 GP.

Magic Items Staff of Power, Tome of Understanding

I had an average group of four but I treated them as weak because four pcs. Malroth Berserker Barbaria 18 Tiefling. Thraz Arcana Trickster 18 Lizardfolk. Shimmer Moon Druid 18 Kobold. Nathan Darkblood Evocation Wizard 18.

SEER is not happy with the group stealing um borrowing her old adventuring gear. But the group quickly explains and she mumbles. The Eye of X is a huge pearl which looks like an eye. The evil Morkoth is in control of it but Baron Rajjin wants it. Stop him. And steal the Eye for safe keeping. Also, if Thraz could the purple pearl the Heart of Island that would be great. Nathan is given a potion of water breathing and they back into the dungeon and forward to the present.

DM Note. I like Wilson’s Hand.

Thraz takes charge of the mapping. They turn left and find people who were frozen in time at the moment in time. Removing the dagger brings them to the present and they are dust. They zag and zig but are too smart to try to take the dwarven thrower from the wall of fire behind a wall of force.

DM Note. Yes, it through dwarves. Oh, you thought was Whelm.

Thraz zig zags some more and then steals from two hill giants who died from something. He takes their huge d6s, all ten of them. He mumbles something about large numbers. Entering the next chamber, Nathan does not let anyone eat the death apple. Back tracking and hitting the top of the dungeon they find a soul gem with the adventurer Black Dougal trapped inside. Moving on they do the disco and steal the TOGA OF ZAGYG.

As they enter the next corridor, the coral attacks. Trying to remove the coral causes damage to both parties. But people in the coral see double. They merge with the coral and are downloaded into Crystal Golems. The Golems and Morkoth guard the Eye of Xxiphu. Nathan has a contingency spell up which casts Forcecage and Dawn. As he and Morkoth exchange sea food recipes, he uses Dawn to hurt Baron Rajjin forces. Oh, the other pcs do help. As the golems are destroyed, the pc is return to their body with some damage. Baron Rajjin enters the fray and both Shimmer and Nathan are auto returned to their real bodies. They can not reload to the golem bodies. They have a chug fest of healing potions and move on.

Finding and entering Morkoth’s cavern for real, there are some changes. No Eye. A no happy Morkoth. He lightning bolts the barbarian and wizard. The wizard polymorphs Malroth into an adult blue dragon. They beat down the bad guy and dragon up.

Hsing is surprise when a blue dragon explodes out the escape tunnel. He looks at his stable of young bronze dragon and asks. “We are riding a blue dragon to the sky. Get out of our way. Fly Blue Malroth.

And extra-large airship which is 320 feet above them is trying to escape to the huge flying castle 1,200 feet above them. They start a spiral combat of some spells exchanging. And some rocks. Thraz summons a demon. Baron Rajjin casts Time Stop. Teleports up to the castle. And goes hide in his bedroom under the bed. (Note the players made to type that.) The demon wails on a storm giant. Two storm giants throw rocks down.

The rocks miss the dragon. The rocks miss Thraz. The rocks miss Shimmer. The rocks hit Nathan making him negative ten. The dragon disappears. They look down. Gravity takes over. Hsing bounces off Malroth. He belly flops on Thraz. He pounces on and off the head of Shimmer. He forces feeds Nathan a potion of supreme healing. Nathan wakes up and casts feather fall. Eighteen feet above the ground.

Hsing, “Dudes that was epic. You know I still have the young bronze dragons. And why is the dm putting up a countdown clock?”

Thraz, “Fathomless Plunge! Is enough water in the cloud? DM.”

The group arrive at the air dock for the airship below them, the storm giants yeet his demon off the ship. They are only facing two storm giants, six ogres, six trolls, six wyverns, four ballista, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a lock door. They look at each other. Turn and moon the enemy and jump of the dock.

Group, “He can have the McGuffin.”

DM Notes. Markoth and giant attack had a special effect on the isle. Teleport magic limited to 50 feet. Concentration magic has disadvantage on saves. Invisibility lasted 1d6 minutes. No scrying. Talking with the other dm at the table, and talking with the group. I ruled the effect went away with the death of Morkoth.

End of Session 462

Question for Eye of XXiphu dms.
1. Markoth and giant attack had a special effect on the isle. Teleport magic limited to 50 feet. Concentration magic has disadvantage on saves. Invisibility lasted 1d6 minutes. No scrying. Talking with the other dm at the table, and talking with the group. I ruled the effect went away with the death of Morkoth.
2. Lord Dworkin (I called him Baron Rajjin since the baron never makes a real appearance) has an INT 20. The module on page 13 has the ship 60 feet up per round they pcs deal with Morkoth. I had the airship double move per round.
3. I dropped the encounters numbers and HP on the monsters for a weak group. I did not drop the spells.
Feedback is wanted.

Storm King’s Thunder Session 18

Chapter 5 Home Coming

Day 85 to Day 90

Flamerule 25 to Flamerule 30

PC Killed 2 Monsters Killed 176 Villains Captured 6 Villains Escaped 132

Start Time 6:10 PM End Time 8:20 PM

Take 10 downtime days.

I had an average group of five. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 8 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 5 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Scourge Aasimar. Thea Circle of Moon Druid 8 Wood Elf. Silk Arcane Trickster 5 Warlock 3 Half Elf.

With Zephyros castle having a working engine the group takes to the sky. They are stopped one mile outside of Waterdeep by the Gryphon Patrol and have to part the castle outside the city walls. Fat Fingers, “Hey Boss look what the dwarf dragged in.!”

Gardina, “Okay workers. On the bounce and flounce. Mother is declaring a paid holiday. Finish off your current customers and close the door for a special party.” For about four hours the staff and friends of the Happy Happenings rejoice that Silk has return home. They regale the party with stories of Silk past growing up in a high end companion house. After supper, Silk visits his younger sister.

Silk, “Little Dove if brought you something. A dwarf craftsman made this brass armlet of love doves dancing to the music. See the cross eye one I call brother bother.”

Sorina, “You know he hates that nick name. He been working hard as patrol leader keep us safe. You been on the quest for the cure. I have been told I have sunlight sensitivity which is strange as our father was not drow according to mom. I started liking pink and purple and big sister allowed me to take over the tickle pink room and redesign it. We did have to change the door to occupied always. And they did install sound proofing.” After a quick burst of energy, she fades and needs to sleep. She huddles the armlet and decanter of endless water in her sleep. The decanter was a gift from Fat Fingers.

Around one in the morning Silk’s brother arrives with more information and the family has a quiet argument. Gardina giggles about introducing the new paladin to sin. But Fat Fingers does point out he is Paladin too but is shut down when the house mates mention he was a bouncer first. Brother Bother has found out before their mom died, she ticked off one of the masked lords. Which one he does not know but clues and rumors lead to Trollskull Manor.

Arriving at Trollskull Manor during a light breakfast crowd, Silk notices two strange things. The artwork on the ceiling and at the bar conceals a mouse hole. In fact, a mouse is currently scoping out the party. Thea shifts to rat mode and wanders to bar. The patrons use to druids and wild shape just ignore her. She introduces herself to Templeton. A very clean sewer rat. In fact, no rat nest is under the bar. The hidey hole does not smell of rat pee. It is too clean. Templeton mentions a master but does not give a name. But his and his family job is to keep an eye out for new strangers. The group is new strangers.

Silk buys a round for Imp Beer for the table. Marketh sniffs and points out it contains dead and pickled Imp. Fat Fingers drinks up. A quick meeting of minds, and Fat Fingers buys out the last of Imp Beer for the tavern. This is cover for the group to sneak out and around to bedroom side of Trollskull Manor, which for some reason has the customers going outside and upstairs to rented rooms.

On the second floor, Silk notices one door has been too reinforced. Popping the lock the group shuffles in. Searching the room they find a velvet bag of dirt between the purple and pink sheets. In fact the room is nearly an exact match of his sisters. Examining various drawers they disturb three very clean sewer rats which either disappear through mouse holes or just disappear. They know who owns the room.

They have discovered the Baron Blood’s LAIR.

DM Notes. All side quests are inactive unless you wander across them naturally.

I need to know which method of travel you are going to do. Zephyros Castle which may have two wandering monster encounters. Horse which encounters will be rolled daily. Harper Circle. Depends on how close you can get to the temple before walking.

The Owners of Trollskull Manor are Milo, Rick, Joseph, Aukan, and Drew. Their rap sheet includes 14 counts of murder. Arson. Attempted Bribery. Keeping an unlicensed Alley Cat which is a danger to the Watch. They have all served their sentences.

End of Session 463

Storm King’s Thunder Session 20

Chapter 10 Deep Water Meeting

Day 120 to Day 123

Eleasis 29 (July) to Eleint 2 (August)

PC Killed 3 Monsters Killed 184 Villains Captured 6 Villains Escaped 139

Start Time 6:29 PM End Time 8:55 PM

Everyone but Beewolf Take 20 downtime days. Beowulf take 10 downtime days

No Magic or Gold

I had a weak group of five. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 9 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 6 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Fighter 1 Scourge Aasimar. Silk Arcane Trickster 6 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Behmen Oath Devotion Paladin 6 Human.

DM Note Beowulf replaced Behmen half way through. Read on.

Zephyros Castle circles the temple of the All Father and places the magical escalator in the center of the valley. Zephyros is cold so he does not follow his small friends. Entering the temple, they notice it has been spruced up by the barbarian tribes and Harshnag. Harshnag performs the ceremony which opens the way to the pocket dimension of the oracle. The Oracle answers six questions. The most important is Zar is now the cat’s new owner. Fat Fingers does feel a faint mining cave in during the six questions.

As they are leaving, they met the ancient blue dragon called Iymrith. She is not amused that Harshnag is helping the humanoids. The group has to decide to fight or flee. Harshnag, “Flee friends this is a mighty foe!”

DM, “Ok the map is too small. The size of room is the three feet by four-foot battle map. I taking a break. You decide and it is an individual’s choice to flee or fire. If flee place your mini on the x.”

Iymrith, “I am Iymrith. You should introduce yourselves. This fight is between me and Harshnag. I.”

Zar, “I am Zar. Dwarf is Fat Fingers. Behmen is Human. Silk is half elf. Marketh is Scourge Aasimar. We fight.”

DM takes off his glasses. Give out hit points, AC, of the npcs. The first lightning bolt catches Harshnag, Fat Fingers, and Behmen. The frightful presence effects everyone except Behmen. Which does not matter as only Fat Fingers saves. Harshnag loses a third of his hit points. Behmen is on death saves.

Harshnag triggers the destruct button and the ceiling starts to collapse. Some of the pcs run away.

Zar, “I spoke in error kind woman. We are fleeing. Run stumpy feet dwarf. Run Maketh.”

Marketh, “No I must cure wounds on the other paladin. Be HEALED MY FRIEND. Um why is the dm smiling. What does that 6 on an a d6 mean.”

Behmen sits up, “Um why do I see a Heroclix death mini. I swear it was talking to me. I have 12 hit points.!”

Iymrith breaths lightning again.

FLAG ON the Play. Players Handbook page 196 is read aloud. Behmen is dead due to Instant Death rule. (Note his brother pointed out the rule.)

Fat Fingers boots are captured by the falling rocks. Iymrith teleported away but Harshnag is gone. He uses his hammer to break out his boots.

DM calls for end of session and discussion of Adventure League rules.

As the group comes out the temple entrance the sky castle has fallen into the valley. Just Zephyros’ bloody shirt is found. The rest of him is paste. As the group mourn a new paladin wearing summer clothing arrives looking for his brother. Beowulf is not happy. They spend three days trying to see if any body survived.

Silk toots the Couch Shell of Teleportation. Arriving at the bottom of Maelstrom they are three thousand feet below sea level. Taking some damage, they fall through an exit. The sea is kept back by an air bubble. Hearing floor organ music they move upstairs into the Great Hall. Mirran is singing while Nym is playing a living pipe organ. It is a crab as big as the store. A half hour pass. The group breaks up into small business meetings talks. While everyone keeps an eye on the humanoids.

Engaging Duchess Tartha an Fire giant in small talk, the group learns Tartha supports Nym taking the throne. She has never heard of Frederick but will make a note of him.

The Cloud Giant Vaal approaches the smalls. He hits the kids up for a bribe. Fat Fingers gives him a pair of Slippers of Spider Climbing. They are left with the impression the bride was not enough to sway Vaal from supporting Mirran.

See the group up to mischief Mirran and Nym order them to be escorted to the Small Guest quarters. A Strom Giant is posted at the entrance of hallway to 3.

DM Notes we will take this up again in Room 3. Please post the notes you took. I will flesh out the giants later this week.

Cloud Giant Vaal Bribable supports Mirran.

Fire Giant Duchess Tartha supports Nym.

Frost Giant Jarl Hellenhild she has not said who she supports.

Stone Giant thane Braxow. He has not said who he supports.

You have said you want to go for diplomatic option. I will work on this.

End of Session 467

Storm King’s Thunder Session 21

Chapter 10 Court Cut Ups

Day 123 to Day 126

Eleint 2 to Eleint 5

PC Killed 3 Monsters Killed 184 Villains Captured 6 Villains Escaped 139

Start Time 6:13 PM End Time 8:08 PM

Take a level. Ten downtime Days. 100 GP

Story Award Mirran Mad You ticked off Mirran. All social encounters are disadvantage.

Story Award Nym Nuts. Fat Fingers ticked off Nym. All social encounters are disadvantage if he is present.

I had a strong group of seven. Zar Wild Magic barbarian 9 dragonborn. Fat Fingers Paladin 6 Barbarian 3 Mountain Dwarf. Marketh Oath of Vengeance Paladin 8 Fighter 1 Scourge Aasimar. Silk Arcane Trickster 6 Warlock 3 Half Elf. Behmen Oath Devotion Paladin 8 Human. Haru Hunter Ranger 9 Wod Elf.

Sleet and West Wind are the guards on duty. Sleet asks the group if is having visitors. They accept the first visitor.

Jarl Hellenhild, “I love the comment Fat Fingers. You have such a mouth on you. I support my Jarl Storvald and hope you can be move to support him too.” This discussion lasts an hour with the group dropping speaking with the oracle. And being told not to mention this the stone giant Braxow.

Sleet fills them in on the court gossip. Auntie Ocean Breeze has been a mother to the trio of daughters since their mother was murdered by smalls. The exact relationship is unknown but she was only an occasional visitor during the king’s rule. Each sister is different. And he has no chance of marrying Serissa.

Uncle Uthor drops by and is amused by the group. After exchanging some stories, he promises to move the court visiting log around so they meet Serissa in the morning. He is especially amused how they killed Chief Guh. And warns they should not carry any giant slaying swords on them. (Note yes you can reskin your +1 Giant slayer sword for +1 x weapon Giant Slayer. Officially you are hitting the AL trading post. Get with on how to do this.)

In the morning after breakfast of fresh tuna, short stack of pancakes, strawberry short cake, a short of hashbrowns they meet Serissa.

Serissa, “My guards are Tug and Cog. Loyal guards who are married to Chief Guh. You met Uncle Uthor. Auntie Ocean Breeze was called away by personal business and can not be here today. But she will receive a report how can you be a service to the kingdom.”

Beowulf, “I will challenge the fire giant king and take his conch. As your champion.”

Zar, “Me Champion. You. On Stone head king.”

Silk, “Is there anything we can do for you personally?” Serissa flips him a wooden coin.

Serissa, “Find the owner of this token. Find the kraken society. Find my father. If you find him, he can decide to have their heads stay attach. Find a resurrection scroll for my mother. You can have a visitation to my mother’s corpse.” The coin turns out to be a 20 GP Casino Coin from Yartar. The group only remembers Haru was offered one while he was doing taxes while the group was planning a heist.

Serissa takes them to the burial chamber and it is decked out in over 12K worth of jewelry. She escorts them to mediation chamber. She sets the conch shell for the chamber and Yartar and gets upset when they don’t leave immediately. She will allow a meeting with each sister.

The paladins tick off Mirran in the first three minutes. If the guards were not under orders to keep the peace, they would have lost their heads first. Mirran is a spoil brat.

Nym’s meeting goes better. Nym is a traditionists and wants her sister Mirran in charge. Between Nym and uncle they will keep Mirran from being stupid. Silk understands Nym is a cold and calculating person. Fat Fingers tick off Nym by talking down to her. He is banished from her Prescence.

DM Note we will pick this up in Chapter 11 and at Yartar. Also, I didn’t do justice to all the conversions. I think I hit the high points. I think a told of 6 dice rolls were called for.

End of Session 469

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