The original post strives to organize every spell in 5e into thematic spell lists.
Each school or subschool has its own list, with its own definition for which spells go into the list.
The theme for each list is nonoverlapping. As much as possible, a spell obviously belongs to one list and not any other list.
The purpose of these school lists is to make it easy to find and utilize salient themes and tropes. This thematic organization helps DMs build thematic settings and helps players build thematic characters.
Here is the definition for each school/subschool list.
Spacetime and planarity.
• Scry
Seeing across spacetime, fate, luck, foresight, detection, clairvoyance, outofbody projection.
• Teleportation
Traveling spacetime, time travel, teleportation, spacetime distortions, extradimensional space.
• Planarity
Shifting across planes of existence that are beyond matter. Contacting and summoning Ethereal-Fey forces and Astral-Celestial thoughts.
Force and magical energy. "Force" is physical but immaterial, such as gravity.
• Telekinetics
Motion, flight, or other propulsion by means of force.
• Conjury
An object or creature made out of magical energy, especially a force construct. The "force field" surface behaves as if solid but is immaterial. (Compare the Star Trek "holodeck" whose force constructs are simulations that form virtual realities.)
• Dweomer
Metamagic: detection of magical energy and alteration or negation of spellcasting. A "dweomer" is a technical term for an aura of magical energy.
The four elements of matter: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. (The fifth element is force. See Conjuration.) Elemental planes and states of matter.
• Earth
Damage types: weapon (bludgeon, pierce, slash). Earth, soil, rock, metal, crystal. Elemental plane of earth. State of matter: solid.
• Water
Damage type: cold. Water, condensation, waves, ice. Elemental plane of water. State of matter: liquid.
• Air
Damage types: lightning, thunder. Air, wind, atmosphere, fog, weather, detonation, sound, silence. Elemental plane of air. State of matter: gas.
• Fire
Damage types: fire, radiant. Fire, sun, stars, light, darkness. State of matter: plasma.
• Primordial
Damage types: acid, various. Unstable blendings of elemental substances and energies, such as prismatic sprays.
Life and lifeforms.
• Animal
Body and physical abilities, shapeshifting. Attuning Beast, skin, fur, horn, claws, and fangs. Animal products, such as leather, fur, and ivory.
• Plant
Vegetation, Plant extending to funguses, and Oozes. Plant products − wood, cotton, linen, resin, and food − and weaving and fabrication generally. (Whereas the Earth subschool can construct objects of earth only, such as stone or metal, and the Animal subschool can form objects of animal products only, such as leather and ivory, the Plant subschool can fabricate these and other materials generally, along with plant products.)
• Healing
Healing, regrowing wounds, shapeshifting into a whole and healthy lifeform, cloning, resurrection, vitality, vigor, rest, and restoration generally.
Damage type: psychic. Mind and mental abilities, telepathy, social skills, memory, playing with minds, charm, fear, domination, and morale.
Willing reality into existence. Blurring the boundary between subjective reality and objective reality. Altering reality. (Where Conjury forms force constructs to simulate reality virtually, Illusion actually is reality even if temporary or partial. Illusions derive from a mental aspect that is psychologically immediate and compelling. To "illude" literally means to "play at" ones reality.)
Damage type: necrotic. The darkside of magic, especially death and demonology. Contacting and summoning Shadow-Undead, Infernal-Fiend, and Farrealm-Aberration.