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Kurt the Purger

[sblock=For Legildur Only]

Kurt has ridden hard for many days, south from the Furyondian capital of Chendl toward the small thorp of known as the Village of Hommlet. With a writ from Patriarch Thanden of the Church of Heironeous on behalf of King Belvor IV, Kurt has been tasked with aiding a covert group that was sent south more than a week before him to investigate rumors of evil returning to the Hommlet area. Fears that the once-thought-destroyed Cult Of Elemental Evil may again be practicing their vile religion of chaos and evil in the region prompted the crown to ask the church for additional aid, and the church responded by assigning you to the task.

While the way south has been rough, ridden with rainy weather, muddy roads and even a run in with local bandits, Kurt has made good time and is relieved to see the brambles and shrubs give way to field and orchard. Soon after ,the cleric spots a small herd of kine grazing, and a distant hill spouts a few wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke drifting lazimly into the sky. Ahead, wood and stone buildings begin to dot the road to either side...the village of Hommlet at last.

Making his way to the center of the village, Kurt is pleased to see a large wood and stone building with a square wooden sign showing a buxom and smiling lass holding a flagon of beer. This must be the Inn of the Welcome Wench, which every merchant Kurt has questioned having made a point of mentioning for its excellent food and hearty drink. After paying the stableboy to look after his mount, Kurt retires to the taproom for the evening. A mug of cold ale and plate of stuffed trout is the first good meal the cleric has had in days.

After finishing his meal and leaning back in his chair, Kurt is surprised to see a group of what can only be seasoned adventurers enter the inn. They consist of a dwarven warrior, a pudgy halfling, a beautful female warrior, two human males in light armor, and a heavily armored human displaying the blazing lightning bolt of Heironeous about his neck. Could these perhaps be the heroes Kurt has been sent to assist? After a quick discussion with Ostler Gundigoot, the proprieter, they sit down to dinner at a nearby table.


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Dara sits down, letting her honey blonde hair fall over her chainmail-protected shoulders. The scabbard with her falchion is hung over the chair's back. When Ostler puts a mug of ale before her, she thanks him with a friendly smile and a nod before taking a draft.

“Looks like we have quite some task set before us... any idea how we should get about this? If the dwarf spoke the truth and there are really hundreds of them, we will have to find a way to get in and out, so we can either slowly reduce their numbers or strike at their leaders directly.”


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Kurt watches the newcomers for a bit as he drains his mug. Signalling Ostler for a refill, he waits patiently as the barmaid returns with a fresh mug of the surprisingly good brew.

With the fresh mug in hand, Kurt stands and makes his way across to the newcomers' table. Standing two fingers over six feet in height, and of solid build, the heavily armored man raises his mug to the other heavily armored man. "It be good to see a fellow devout follower," he says by way of introduction. A closer inspection reveals that this largish man with the shaved head and squarecut goattee also wears the same holy symbol.

The man waits patiently and takes a drink from his mug.
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Taking a sip of his drink, Verdis starts to reply to Dara, but pauses as the shadow of the large armored man settles over the table. Verdis looks up curiously, but appraises the man letting someone else speak for now.


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Coraine also looks up as the stranger approaches. As the man speaks, he rises to his feet and executes a short bow before stepping forward to clasp the newcomer's arm in the warrior's greeting.

"Welcome! I am Coraine Vagrius, paladin of the Invincible. It is indeed good to see a fellow worshipper of the great god. Come, join us if you will!"

Coraine offers his chair, snags another from nearby, and makes introductions to the party members as he and the stranger sit. Catching Dara's eye he shrugs and mouths, "Later," at her.


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"Kurt," he says by simple introduction to Coraine as he shakes his hand before taking the offered seat. "Cheers," he says, raising his mug in greeting to them all. "Interesting little place this Hommlet," he adds as he takes another drink.


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"I'm on a mission from God," he says cryptically with a slight smile before drinking once again from his ale. "Hommlet was where I was told to be."


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I'm going to let you guys roleplay out your meeting...when you are done, and ready to retire, just let me know, and I'll get the game back on track. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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