• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CLOSED! Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA Game (ToEE)


"Stand firm!" Sir Merrick steps once more into the breach and brings the attack back to the armored ogre.

ooc MW Glaive +9 (1d10+6/x3)

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"Get back, keep them at range! We can rush them in a moment!"

Ciaran fires a sudden bolt of force at the first ogre, and takes the others' confusion as a good moment to head back north, up the passage.

[sblock=Spell List]
Level 0: Ray of Frost (Domain), Mage Hand, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Detect Magic
Level 1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Color Spray
Level 2: Gust of Wind (Domain), Glitterdust, Acid Arrow, Web

Dog Moon

"I feel like these things are too big compared to my little knives," Deren says as he grunts while throwing another dagger at the injured Ogre.


First Post

"I feel like these things are too big compared to my little knives," Deren says as he grunts while throwing another dagger at the injured Ogre. The dagger strikes the blinded ogre, sinking deep, but to little visible effect save a trickle of blood from the thing's thick hide.

Dichotomy said:
Seeing that the ogres near him are still blinded, Aeron ignores them and brings a measure of Pelor's blessings to Zirat. "Fight on for the light!"[/color
Shoon carefully moves up behind Sir Merrick, unsure what to do next.

This will be the only chance to bring down the ogres and I can sustain another blow. Zirat thinks to himself while swinging his chain in the air. He rushes forward toward the still standing ogres and slashes his weapon through the air. The chain strikes the ogre hard, opening a gash in the thing's upper arm.

"Press them now before they recover! Attack!" Sir Merrick turns from the downed leader and charges towards the door, his glaive gaining momentum as the lightly armored knight hurls himself at the two ogres. Although the knight's aim is on, he doesn't get nearly as much momentum in his attack as he had wanted, and the blade does relatively little damage as it slashes into the brute's side.

The brutes still struggle with the effects of Ciaran's spell.

Ciaran feels for his mica in his spell component pouch, but focuses on pulling out his crossbow and loading it. "Here's a good chance against the pair... take it!"


Initiative Count
19 - Deren: dagger vrs O2 1 23 (success), damage 5
17 - Aeron: drops obscuring mist for spontaneous cure light wounds on Zirat, healing 9 damage
15 - Shoon: moves
12 - Zirat: move, spiked chain vrs O2 28 (success), damage 8
10 - Merrick: charge, glaive vrs O2 26 (success), damage 10
08 - Ogre 2 [blind, stunned]: attack vrs Aeron 27 (success), miss chance 87% (success), damage 16
06 - Ogre 3 [stunned]:
05 - Ciaran: Draws and loads crossbow

PC Status
Zirat - HP: 31/40
Merrick - HP: 28/31
Aeron - HP: 15/31, bless round 3 of 40

[sblock=Opponent Status-Players No Look]
Ogre Leader -61 hit points :D
Ogre 2 blind 2 rounds, stunned 3 -23
Ogre 3 stunned 1

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Dire Lemming

First Post
Shoon Glances over his shoulder and is not particularly surprised to find that almost no one is following him. Just as he turns back he hears a deafening roar of pain and then a massive crashing sound that could only be the steel armored ogre crashing to the ground. Peeking back around the corner he sees it lying sprawled halfway through the doorway and looking like it's not going to get up again, Merrick and Zirat standing triumphantly on other side of it... all Shoon can do is sigh resignedly. (No matter what, the mindless brute force of those two always pulls them through. Any attempt on my part to use some form of tactics only weakens their strategy... What can I do? I am beginning to feel like a sixth wheel... that was a terrible metaphor.)

Shoon carefully moves up behind Sir Merrick, unsure what to do next.


Ciaran feels for his mica in his spell component pouch, but focuses on pulling out his crossbow and loading it. "Here's a good chance against the pair... take it!"


"Press them now before they recover! Attack!" Sir Merrick turns from the downed leader and charges towards the door, his glaive gaining momentum as the lightly armored knight hurls himself at the two ogres.

Charge MW Glaive +11 (1d10+6+1d8/x3).

Voidrunner's Codex

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