CMON Releases Details on Assassin's Creed TTRPG

Details on the story and game system emerge along with a quickstart and pre-order date.

Cool Mini or Not launched the official website for the licensed Assassin’s Creed RPG along with a tease for the new system.


Based on the long-running video game series from Ubisoft, the game places players in the center of the secret war between the Assassin Brotherhood and the Templar Order. Just like in the video game franchise, players take on the roles of characters from the modern day making use of the Animus technology to access memories of past lives encoded in their DNA to play multiple other characters in different points of history. They use the Animi Network to enter into Simulations of these past lives as the framing device for the historical settings of the games. As the different titles in the video game series follow a single modern-day protagonist through several past lives over the course of multiple games, players in the TTRPG will dive into the past lives in multiple historical eras over the course of a campaign.


The game will use a new custom system called the Match System using two sets of six custom dice, available with the set or through the use of the Assassin’s Creed RPG free dice roller app. Each die has a number of symbols matching one of four attributes - Action, Strength, Wits, and Social - with task resolution handled by rolling under their attribute score. Signature traits, equipment, and other abilities will also affect the results.

Character creation is handled through the use of the Animi Network Card Deck (or a virtual card deck on the app) during a Simulation (the video game’s term for accessing past memories). Not only will this give players access to abilities their character in the modern day doesn’t possess, but will give them the ability to learn those skills and bring them to the modern day to provide an edge in the ongoing war.

Quickstart rules are available now as well as access to the browser-based app, with pre-orders for the full game going live on September 5.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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Games launching crowd funding with really deep quickstarts is my favorite modern RPG trend.
I don't think this one is crowdfunding. The page indicates they're just doing standard pre-orders rather than Kickstarter or BackerKit. Normally, they'd link to a sign-up page for the pre-launch crowdfunding page rather than to a normal email newsletter list. Plus a lot of licensed games aren't allowed to run crowdfunding campaigns as terms of the license as some movie/TV/video game/etc. executives feel it devalues the brand by needing people to chip in to get it made rather than treating it as a pre-order page that comes with a whole bunch of built-in marketing.

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