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CN vs. N: Chaotic Neutral Victorious!


Even fighting defensively, AJ has no problem hitting twice (worst roll 9) for 14. One pile is down to 23 HP.

Round 494: Both piles miss, one because AJ is dodging.
AJ hits twice again for 19. The pile is down to 4.
Round 495: Both piles miss. AJ destroys one pile.
Round 496: The pile hits (rolled 21) for a total of 10. AJ at 35 HP.
AJ hits twice for 17. Pile down to 20 HP.
Round 497: Pile misses. AJ hits twice for 23. The second snow pile is destroyed. AJ has 35 HP, and is at 30N80E5Z.

Round 498: A spindly black spider the size of a human does a scuttle charge into the arena to 30N85E. It has two thin arms which each end in a small claw. The spider hits (rolled 22+2=24 for charge) with a claw for 7 points of damage. It tries to grab AJ, but AJ is too big. AJ has 28 HP remaining, and it is his move.

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AJ will take a 5ft-hover to 30N85E5Z (up to 10Z if possible/necessary -- I'm bad with creature heights) and full attack!

"You stupid spider. Don't you know you're messing with his Greatness, Air Jordan Hisself?!"


AJ bites and claws for 14 total. The spider has 52 HP remaining.

Round 499: The spider claws twice (but misses with bite) for 10. AJ at 18 HP.
AJ hits all four times from higher ground for 35. Spider has 17 HP remaining.
Round 500: Spider claws and bites for 18. AJ is at 0 HP and is disabled, so can only take one MEA per round without dying, or one standard action in a round, but then would be dying. What does AJ do?


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AJ swears vehemently and then takes a restricted withdraw action upwards and awaits the draw (if the withdraw causes 1hp of damage, I don't think it does, then he will take a 5ft-step upwards achieving the same thing). It's better to end in a draw than defeat.

"That's one tough spider."


A draw is declared in the middle of round 505.

Next in round 505 for Chaotic Neutral is a young chaos dragon. It has the feats Dodge, Hover, Improved Natural Armor, Weapon Focus (bite), and Wingover. It has the maxed out skills Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Nature), Listen, Search, and Spot.


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Kaos III flies ponderously into the arena to 30N80E20Z and casts protection from law.

"I shall redeem the prestige of all dragons in the Limbo arena." She motions with a claw towards the east. "Come, Neutrals. Come to your doom."

OOC: Can Kaos III (or any dragon) get Dodge?


OOC: Thank you for pointing that out. I have given other dragons the Dodge feat and no one pointed out the prerequisite. Kaos III has Combat Expertise instead.

Round 506: A large horse with intelligent eyes and a coat that constantly shifts color comes trotting into the arena. ROYGBIV Beauty not only trots into the arena, but she trots up as if walking on air to 30N90E30E. She strikes Kaos III with a hoof (rolled 26)for 7. Kaos III has 105 HP remaining.


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OOC: I'm hoping that there is a typo. K3 has 114-7=107hp. Anyway, without even checking I'm betting this is a CC monster. Nice pony? Puhlease. I think the horse should be ashamed to even enter the arena.

"Nincompoops! Sissies! Shtarker, zis is Kaos! Ve don't have nice ponies here!"

Kaos will breathe a random line of energy and then hover 5ft closer to 30N85E25Z. Kaos is not used to a horse having reach. Actually, she's not used to a horse flying and wearing a Warder's cloak.


OOC: The HP were a typo, as well as ROYGBIV Beauty's position (it should be 25Z). One more thing: Hooray for the CC!

Kaos breathes a line of acid at ROYGBIV, which, amazingly, affects her. She dodges (rolled 24 Ref save), but still takes 6. She has 46 HP remaining.

Round 507: RB tries stomping Kaos with a hoof, but misses (rolled 17). She trots over Kaos and down to the ground at 30N60E. As she trots by, Kaos bites with an AoO (rolled 27) for 10 points of damage. RB has 36 HP remaining.


First Post
Assuming no breathe recharge yet: Fly down to 30N60E15Z and hover (I remember you saying that hovering itself is a move action, so she can't attack without stalling). Subsequent rounds she will attack with a bite, putting 2 points into combat expertise (until she misses with two bites). Hopefully, this thing doesn't have blindsense or anything silly like that for a horse to have.

When her breath weapon recharges, she will use lines of energy hovering 5ft up first and then down again to bite, but not the pretty-much-useless-in-a-one-on-one-combat confusion gas.

Voidrunner's Codex

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