
the Jester

Since it's Thanksgiving in the U.S., a day for eating and drinking, I feel like it's a good time to start a thread on cocktails. What is a cocktail that you have created or enjoyed? I'll start with one I haven't yet named, but really enjoy. I created it a month or so ago at a friend's birthday party.

1 part Skrewball peanut butter whiskey
EDIT: 1/2 part Campari- I originally wrote 1, but I am pretty sure I misremembered.
1 part lime juice (always fresh squeeze your citrus whenever possible!)

Shake well with ice.

It is very well balanced, with the Skrewball providing sweetness, the lime sourness, and the Campari just enough bitterness. So far everyone I have had try it has really enjoyed it. It's also very pretty, being a very red cocktail. I'll try to post a picture of it later, as I plan to mix a few up later today.
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I was serving this to guests today. I think its called a "Southern Frost" and I probably got it off the SoCo website at one point in time.
  • 1.5 oz Southern Comfort
  • 2 oz cranberry juice
  • 2 oz ginger ale.
Stir the SoCo and cranberry juice together in a tin and strain. Pour into a class with ice. Top with ginger ale.


I like me a Moscow Mule, a Pina Colada, a Mojito, a Long Island Ice Tea... Actually, I like me lots of cocktails. One I liked in particular was Norwegian Cruise Line's signature cocktail, the Rebellious Fish. Vodka, Passoa, triple sec, prosecco, a splash of orange juice and fresh berries. Served in a bowl-shaped glass.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I made some vanilla bourbon at home, and it goes really well with tropical fruit juices and coconut, in various combinations.

Also great with black tea, citrus, and a little honey, for a hot drink.

The best thing I’ve tried with it was a fizz using the vanilla bourbon, citrus sparkling water, coconut rum, coconut milk, and an egg white.


I am the mysterious professor.
I just read about a cocktail that glows green under a UV light. It's called A Green Lantern.

I can't do alchohol, but I'm curious to try this. I may try a mocktail with Red Bull and see if I can feel The Green Lantern's might.

Brandy Tonic with lime and a touch of pumpkin pie spice was my invented signature drink in college, and seasonally appropriate (admittedly I consider it seasonally appropriate for all seasons, but this is the season when people other than me are likely to have the pumpkin pie spice handy).

Basically you make it like you would a Gin and Tonic, except you replace the Gin with Brandy and stir a pinch of spice into it before adding the tonic or lime. Similar spice blends also produce enjoyable results; I think cinnamon and ginger are the elements of pumpkin pie spice that I actually like in the cocktail. Brandy Tonics are also good without the spices, but I can lay no personal claim to that discovery.


Brandy Tonic with lime and a touch of pumpkin pie spice was my invented signature drink in college, and seasonally appropriate (admittedly I consider it seasonally appropriate for all seasons, but this is the season when people other than me are likely to have the pumpkin pie spice handy).

Basically you make it like you would a Gin and Tonic, except you replace the Gin with Brandy and stir a pinch of spice into it before adding the tonic or lime. Similar spice blends also produce enjoyable results; I think cinnamon and ginger are the elements of pumpkin pie spice that I actually like in the cocktail. Brandy Tonics are also good without the spices, but I can lay no personal claim to that discovery.
I don't work a lot with brandy, but keep a bottle around in case someone asks for a drink that includes it. This one intrigued me though so I went and made it.

Color me impressed!


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
A nice desert shot.
Cuerenta four and some heavy cream. Call them tiny beers.

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