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CODENAME: MORNINGSTAR - Is This The End, Or Is There More To Come?

With just two days to go, the controversial Kickstarter for Codename: Morningstar is closing in on its end, and with only 16% of its funding goal achieved at the time of writing, it doesn't seem likely to succeed unless something changes over the weekend. The last full update from the developers on the Kickstarter page was on December 23rd, nearly two weeks ago. However, they have been making comments recently which contain some hints at future plans.

With just two days to go, the controversial Kickstarter for Codename: Morningstar is closing in on its end, and with only 16% of its funding goal achieved at the time of writing, it doesn't seem likely to succeed unless something changes over the weekend. The last full update from the developers on the Kickstarter page was on December 23rd, nearly two weeks ago. However, they have been making comments recently which contain some hints at future plans.

They say "The end of the Kickstarter doesn't necessarily signify the end for us. We'll see what the new year brings!" which hints that they won't be giving up completely, as their recent statement that "...if there does not appear to be a sufficient market interest our continued investment in the gaming industry is not assured" implied. So, even if the Kickstarter fails, it sounds like there are other plans in motion.

[lq]The end of the Kickstarter doesn't necessarily signify the end for us. We'll see what the new year brings![/lq]

The Kickstarter has actually raised $70,000 so far which, if not compared to the high initial goal of $425,000, is actually a really good showing. Nearly 1,200 people have shown positive interest and support by pledging money, so there is a support base there. With a bit of regrouping, Codename: Morningstar could still come to fruition. As they themselves say, "...one thing we've found is there are a large number of people who won't be convinced that we're doing something special until they actually see it. We're working on how to make that happen." In other words, any future approach will likely involve potential customers actually being able to see the product firsthand. Additionally, they mention that have "been working on a radical plan behind the scenes on how to price the Forge [component of C:M]", so there may be some new information on that soon.

With all that in mind, and with the end of the Kickstarter closing in, Trapdoor has posted a new "story update", which is their metaphorical way of talking about their progress:

"Newtonian smiles as he brushes the snow from his cloak. The heat from the pub's old stone hearth is pleasing, but the sheer number of friends and supporters tucked into every chair in the room warms his heart. He had been nervous when the decision was made to use Nowell's magic to return home for help. With only three days left in their quest, it seems that the Trickster's riddle will go unsolved. The rogue had feared they would not be welcomed home having failed to retrieve their magical tools before the holidays. He worried that the dream of the Crystal Tome of Storytelling would be lost. Now, as he looks over the room - the community pouring over possible solutions to the puzzle, discussing alternate routes over the mountains - Newtonian realizes this is just the first step of the journey. Determination and belief can be seen on each face. There are some tears, that's for sure, but there are no signs of surrender. Hobo, carrying a tray stacked impossibly high with beer tankards, weaves her way through the crowds - handing out frothing mugs of cheer and goodwill. Newtonian shakes his head, marveling at her resilience. A quick glance out the window shows the stars dimming as the sun begins to rise. Nowell's magic will end soon, and the adventurers of the Trapdoor Forge and Magicworks will face the final decision for solving the Trickster's puzzle. "Hurry, friends," he shouts. "Time is drawing near. The odds are impossible, but put everything you can into this final push. The story must be told!" Cinereus summons a quick volley of fireworks which fill the room with light and sound. Cups raised, a cheer goes up - one last toast to the effort, "To Morningstar!"


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First Post

Official and legal copies? Nope.

Scanned copies whose legal state is dubious and dependant on your nationality? Yup, mostly released before the dead tree versions hit the big box stores.

Yeah, I don't do illegal files, and frankly I'm unwilling to rip apart a book and do the work of scanning it...only to end up with an inferior product.

I still hope that WotC will wise up and sell 5E in a modern format, but I suspect their window of opportunity is closing.
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Yeah, I don't do illegal files, and frankly I'm unwilling to rip apart a book and do the work of scanning it...only to end up with an inferior product.

I still hope that wotc will wise up and sell 5E in a modern format, but I suspect that window is closing.
I'm Canadian so my moral dilemma is less.
The Canadian Copyright Act has a provision on "format shifting" where you're allowed to make a digital copy of something you own. It was designed for MP3 players, but the principal works. It becomes piracy if you don't own or are getting a copy of a sold digital file. So no official PDFs works in my favour for the time being.

But, I'll likely buy (reasonably priced) official digital content, if only to support the game and decision to release PDFs. I've paid twice for most of my Pathfinder books (3x if you count HeroLabs).


First Post
I'm Canadian so my moral dilemma is less.
The Canadian Copyright Act has a provision on "format shifting" where you're allowed to make a digital copy of something you own. It was designed for MP3 players, but the principal works. It becomes piracy if you don't own or are getting a copy of a sold digital file. So no official PDFs works in my favour for the time being.

But, I'll likely buy (reasonably priced) official digital content, if only to support the game and decision to release PDFs. I've paid twice for most of my Pathfinder books (3x if you count HeroLabs).

I wish U.S. laws were clearer on the matter. I own the 5E PHB and MM in hardback, but sadly legal PDFs aren't available, and so my purchases stopped there.

I also own Pathfinder in hardback, PDF, and as a Hero Lab data set. Choice is a wonderful thing. :)
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God, this company annoys me.

Amen to that!

I was involved in the beta for this project and it just annoyed the heck out of me. I understand it was a beta and thinks were broken, but for some reason I just didn't like the product they were creating. It was lacking a bit of expertise in web development and creativity, in my opinion. I felt like this online tool should have taken the creation of a character in a completely revolutionary direction. What would that be? I dunno for sure, but definitely something we haven't seen before yet still extremely intuitive. I didn't get the warm fuzzy feeling I was expecting and certainly wasn't going to be getting from anything else they were going to create.

Just my 2 cp.



First Post
Thier funding goal is way to high for something that is supposedly almost finished. Plus there is already so many tools out there for pathfinder that there really isn't that much demand for another one. The reason this thing had so much hype initially was because it was attached to D&D, and it was the only way to get D&D content digitally. Pathfinder digital content is already available in several different forms, and most people that play pathfinder already have it and have little desire to buy it again.

Then there was their abysmal beta that didn't exactly inspire confidence that they could make a quality product.

And yeah, the company annoyed the hell out of me. They spam their twitter feed like mad with all kinds of nonsense, retweeting every single thing that vaguely references to them. Making it difficult to get any kind of useful info from their feed. And then they post blog posts that don't really tell you anything, and spam twitter again leading up to and after each blog post like it was some major event.
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Watching that Youtube preview bothers the crap out of me. It's the same thing as sitting around with the physical books, sheets, real dice and pencils, except it's DARK. I just fail to see the point.


First Post
Just dump and can it - not worth our trouble or time over it. Sooner or later, once WoTC releases the OGL, the market will be flooded with such E-tools from very basic macro-based excel files to sophisticated applications. What Trapdoor is doing now with PF doesn't give us much in return and once they embark on the D&D 5e, what's stopping them from asking for another "upgrade" fees?

Sorry - not worth my bother.


In all my years of gaming I found only one application that I couldn't do without. Masterplan (for 4e). Could create an encounter or even an entire dungeon in a few clicks. You could connect your pc to a monitor and play with your friends if you like that kind of stuff. During the battle you choose the monster power and then the target and the program was able to roll the dice, see if the attack was successful, roll for damage and then subtract from the pc's hit points. You could create an entire encyclopedia for your campaign and organize every single detail, add images etc. And if you had internet connection and an account at wizards, you could even use the compendium from inside the app.
And it was free.
How Morningstar is better than that?
(Masterplan couldn't create a character however...)

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