D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

No, not you. There was another person, that I quoted as I had no idea how to respond to the "horrors" partt, as it seemed like therapy, and I am not a qualified as a therapist.

Everything isnt about you, though they did comment while we, me and you, were talking about teifling persecution.

Edit, found it by signing out.
D&D (2024) - Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art
You couldn’t find the post without logging out because she blocked you. But regardless, nowhere in that post does she say she finds Tieflings not being persecuted offensive, nor does she even suggest it. She was just explaining why in-game persecution appeals to her and some of her friends; because it allows them to play out the fantasy of overcoming that persecution and defeating its perpetrators. That is, again, a world away from being offended at not being persecuted in game.

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out of here GIF

Good she blocked me then, saved me the trouble of blocking her...

We were discussing "being offended by sanitizing settings" to paraphrase at the time. How was being offended/upset/mad* NOT a part?

Damn people change topics so fast of forums these days and expect everyone to be mind readers!

*pick a term, its all relative to what was being discussed. Since I could not READ the post, I could NOT give the exact wording used, and you blame ME for that? Get over yourself.

Forums exist so people CAN read them. When I quote someone and the quoted portion is rem9ved from MY post so I cant even read it what was quoted, you cant expect me to memorize a whole dame website!

Good she blocked me then, saved me the trouble of blocking her...
So maybe take the hint and disengage from your argument with her.
We were discussing "being offended by sanitizing settings" to paraphrase at the time. How was being offended/upset/mad* NOT a part?
No, you were talking about escapism. You said people were blurring fantasy and reality too much in their escapism, and she responded that a lot of young people these days are nor playing for the purpose of escaping the difficulties of reality, but rather to experiencing the fantasy of defeating them. Where you could have possibly gotten the idea that she found Tieflings not being persecuted in-game offensive is a complete mystery to me. Wanting to play a game a certain way yourself does not in any way equate to being offended that other people play it a different way.
Damn people change topics so fast of forums these days and expect everyone to be mind readers!
No expectation of being a mind reader. Just reading and comprehending the words they actually wrote will suffice.
*pick a term, its all relative to what was being discussed. Since I could not READ the post, I could NOT give the exact wording used, and you blame ME for that? Get over yourself.
Pick whatever wording you want, she was explaining her preference and the preferences of some other players, not expressing anger, frustration, offense, or anything else of the sort. I am also not mad at you, I’m just clarifying what was said, because you either misunderstood or were mischaracterizing others’ positions.

So maybe take the hint and disengage from your argument with her.

No, you were talking about escapism. You said people were blurring fantasy and reality too much in their escapism, and she responded that a lot of young people these days are playing for the purpose of escaping the difficulties of reality, but rather to experiencing the fantasy of defeating them. Where you could have possibly gotten the idea that she found Tieflings not being persecuted in-game offensive is a complete mystery to me. Wanting to play a game a certain way yourself does not in any way equate to being offended that other people play it a different way.

No expectation of being a mind reader. Just reading and comprehending the words they actually wrote will suffice.

Pick whatever wording you want, she was explaining her preference and the preferences of some other players, not expressing anger, frustration, offense, or anything else of the sort. I am also not mad at you, I’m just clarifying what was said, because you either misunderstood or were mischaracterizing others’ positions.
I want to thank you for actually taking the time to understand what it is I was actually saying and trying to get that message through to them, but I'd ask for you (and any others) to also drop this line of conversation with them; I blocked them because they were clearly not operating in good faith and I was done engaging with them in any meaningful way. I am learning that this wish includes engagement-by-proxy, which has had the effect of having someone I have blocked specifically logout to read my posts, which is something I am deeply uncomfortable with.

I want to thank you for actually taking the time to understand what it is I was actually saying and trying to get that message through to them, but I'd ask for you (and any others) to also drop this line of conversation with them; I blocked them because they were clearly not operating in good faith and I was done engaging with them in any meaningful way. I am learning that this wish includes engagement-by-proxy, which has had the effect of having someone I have blocked specifically logout to read my posts, which is something I am deeply uncomfortable with.
Understood 👍

Mod Note: So, here's a note for you - if you can't see a post, that means the author didn't want to interact with you. In the future, we expect you to honor that, and not look for ways around their decision.

From top to bottom they dismiss as a group/label.
fantasy games
a race

So, the basic difference is that fantasy games are an entertainment choice, and the rest are not choices at all.

You just had a week-long break from the site, and we immediately get reports on a series of posts by you.

I'll have to remove you from further discussion in this thread. You are rapidly burning through the goodwill we typically extend to newcomers. The next moderator action you see is apt to be a permanent site ban.

No, I am not wrong. Baker changed his mind in 2019. 15 years AFTER writing Races of Eberron (2004), which stated the GM should decide, and 2 factions freed the warforged NOT because they have souls, but because they could think.

Baker changed his mind, fair. Now we know what he thinks, but to those who only buy the books, a blog from Gygax, Baker, Arneson, Tweet, Mearls, etc is useless because it should have been in the books to begin with. Making excuses for a poorly written book, just means a bad designer.

That's a bit harsh. "If shoulds were shoulders, we'd all be singing 'Lean On Me.'"

No, I am not wrong. Baker changed his mind in 2019. 15 years AFTER writing Races of Eberron (2004), which stated the GM should decide, and 2 factions freed the warforged NOT because they have souls, but because they could think.

Got a lot of people staying at Holiday Inn that like to call people wrong…

lol, what does ‘staying at Holiday Inn’ mean?
Let’s take a second to look at what you originally said:
Warforged have no gender, but unless memory fails me, they have no souls also.

You didn’t say it was ambiguous or that the GM decides. You said they have no souls. That’s not the case outside your home game. In 2019 Baker clarified that Warforged do, in fact, have souls. And according to you, in the same post you said:
Authorial intent matters.

IIRC from when he was posting on the WotC message boards, Keith Baker did not "change his mind" about Warforged souls. There was the assumption by the people in Eberron that Warforged did not have souls, even though they did by the by the rules that he wrote for them.
It was simply the case that it likely hadn't ever come up in Eberron yet since resurrection is still rare and expensive and warforged weren't generally important enough to bother trying to resurrect.

With the caveats that he generally stated (the DM is free to rule how they wish, and he could only talk about how he would rule, since Eberron was owned by WotC, not him), Warforged at the PC stage of development did have souls.

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