the Jester
I don't see any reason that you would have to pay for a stronghold all at once. You could break it down to individual laborers' wages and fees for supplies if you really wanted to, but I'd just handwave it and have the player track their investment over time until they payed it off, at which point it would be done once sufficient time and labor had been invested.I get the sentiment, but my issue with it is that it really hurts the PC who doesn't spend now because she's saving up for something big later e.g. a stronghold.
I love xp variants. I'm running a game tonight where you only get xp for basically throwing your money away- "ale and whores", we call it. You can burn it on intoxicants, lose it in the wilderness, bury it with the understanding that you will never find it again, etc., so long as you gain no benefit from it.I've never used xp-for-treasure anyway, but this variant doesn't exactly encourage me to want to start.