A suffusion of yellow
I love what you’ve done with Boxley as an apprentice alchemist, my favourite character Orbril the Gnome started as an apprentice alchemist who was kicked out because he kept blowing things up.So I did it.
As promised, I took the Top Five "surviving" options and made a playable character out of them. I didn't do the full character sheet, but there's enough bits and pieces here to work with if someone decided to stat it up.
D&D 5E - 5E Survivor - Proficiencies
Alchemist's Supplies 9 Cartographer's Tools 7 Cook’s Utensils 8 - 2 = 6 Disguise Kit 9 Herbalism Kit 11 Survival
Note that I didn't say "winning" options, because it's pretty clear that y'all are the reason I can't have nice things.
I also had a friend who created a character who was a cook in the castle kitchens who would collect wild herbs for her recipes and thus learnt their medicinal and poison qualities via herbalism.
they were fun characters even if they werent combat optimised, and well Boxlet being a Star Druid gives some nice options for his future