Player: "Can you offer an additional class based on the 4e warlord? Here are my ideas..."
DM: "Sure"
None of which means the 2024 PHB supports a warlord class.
The fact that we need the DMG to even know how the designers intended custom backgrounds work in the revised rules is one of my problems with the 2024 PHB. Custom backgrounds were an option in the 2014 PHB. Unless we import them from the 2014 PHB, custom backgrounds are no longer an option in the 2024 PHB.
That's neither meaningless nor premature. As soon as I purchased the 2014 PHB, my players could customize their backgrounds without requiring my input as the DM. They had all the rules they needed to customize their backgrounds. If we use the 2024 PHB, that's no longer true. The 2024 PHB is making it harder for me as the DM to offer the options I want to make available at my table.
I don't agree with the way they did backgrounds, but it's not hard to tell people "You get a +2/+1 or +1/+1/+1 to ability scores, an origin feat, proficiency in two skills and a tool. You also get an additional 50 GP starting gold."