As long as they were possible to get is doing a lot of lifting there though. That leaves the DM room to say “no, in this circumstance there is not enough fresh water and small game available for you to find.” This feat doesn’t leave the DM that room.
But even if you assume there’s an unstated attempt to haggle being made, the feature just grants automatic success on that attempt in literally all circumstances. There’s no room for a struggling vendor who just can’t afford to lower his prices any further, or a merchant who thinks the party are a bunch of jerks and isn’t interested in giving them a deal. You can always ask for a discount and you always get it.
Yes, and the ability to cast firebolt doesn't include any wording that indicates anti-magic exists.
I'm not saying your concerns are unwarranted, but at this point you either are hoping the phrasing on the actual text is more lenient (which I know you acknowledged earlier) or you need to talk to your player. Which is no different than a bunch of other things in the game that have the exact same situation, where they are phrased to give no wiggle room or to account for strange scenarios.
Again, according to the feat as written in the article, the Musician's music is ALWAYS inspiring, even to a deaf character who hates music. So this isn't a unique situation for this feat.