Complete Divine Feats


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I want to play cleric, however, I am having trouble finding suitable feats. So, I propose

Spontaneous healer
Spontaneous Wounder
Augment Healing
Empower Turning

any of these ok

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Rystil Arden

First Post
We should be very careful with Spontaneous Healer with Druids, and I say that as the player of a Druid too ;)

Augment Healing is also a big change to the healing spells if it is selected, particularly Mass Cure Light Wounds, which almost doubles its healing from the feat. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but it needs to be considered strongly first. Of note, if we do let in those awful Vigour spells, munchkins need look otherwise for an Augment Healing + Vigour combo--we should make it clear that we are using the standard ruling that Augment Healing does not affect Vigour because Vigour does not directly heal hit point damage, it just gives Fast Healing.

Empower Turning is completely fine. It just lets you turn more things. I'll vote YES for Empower Turning right now.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Moggthegob said:
no opinion on spontaneous wounder?
Oh right, I forgot--it's symmetrical to Spontaneous Healer, but the Inflict Wounds spells are pretty much the worst attack spells in existence, so it's definitely not a problem and probably would never be used except to act as Spontaneous Healer for undead, which is usually GM territory anyway, and GMs don't need to worry about approval. Then again, since only Clerics have Inflict, to want this feat, you'd sort of have to be a Good-aligned Cleric who wanted to heal undead (Evil clerics don't need it because they already have Spontaneous Inflict).

Rystil Arden

First Post
Moggthegob said:
I was considering taking it as an attack spell......
Well, I see no reason to disallow it except maybe out of elegance and symmetry if we disallow Spontaneous Healer. The feat itself is no danger because the spells are a bit icky--compare Inflict Minor Wounds (the best one of them for its level) to Shocking Grasp, for instance (both are touch attacks, but SG has no save and does more damage even if they fail the save on IMW at every level except level 1 and much more damage at 3 and up). In fact, if they make the save, Shocking Grasp is better than the 4th-level spell Inflict Critical Wounds at level 7 (and if you expect them to fail the Will save, might as well Hold Person and just take them out completely).

So I guess I'm saving I'll definitely vote YES on Spontaneous Wounder. It would fit pretty well with a good-aligned Destruction Cleric, I guess.


The man with the probe
Rystil Arden said:
Oh right, I forgot--it's symmetrical to Spontaneous Healer, but the Inflict Wounds spells are pretty much the worst attack spells in existence, so it's definitely not a problem and probably would never be used except to act as Spontaneous Healer for undead, which is usually GM territory anyway, and GMs don't need to worry about approval. Then again, since only Clerics have Inflict, to want this feat, you'd sort of have to be a Good-aligned Cleric who wanted to heal undead (Evil clerics don't need it because they already have Spontaneous Inflict).
I thought you had to be non-good to take the feat too?

I personaly like all the feats, and think that while it can make a powerful healing combo, healing is one of those things where a character sacrifices some personal power for the good of the group, and I'm all for things like that.

YES to all of them

Rystil Arden

First Post
Then it would be for Neutral Clerics who chose healing as their spontaneous access and then really really wanted Inflict too. A very small fringe group to be sure!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Moggthegob said:
Spontaneous healer
Spontaneous Wounder
Augment Healing
Empower Turning
YES on Empower.

Spont Healing is a good one for Archivists. Wisdom per day use is not overbearing, though it will be if folks follow the 1 encounter per day rest mantra (which should be a no-no anyway). Does prevent druids from having to memorize cures. Good for druids if no cleric is in the party. Overbearing? I do not think so. YES

Augment is essentially a free Empowerment for cure-like spells only (heal is specifically included). This allows the cleric to use less healing, and gives druids an extra boost since cure spells are higher level for them. I also agree on the vigor kibosh. A good shot to the 'I don't want to be a band-aid' crowd. Anything that puts off the 'now we have to rest' is good to be. YES

Spont. Wound is so little use to most PCs that is would be hard to break the game w/. YES

Rystil Arden

First Post
I forgot about Archivists. Spont Healing is even more powerful for them because they get it sooner and they have the spells at a better level.

Voidrunner's Codex

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