Completed Creatures Index & Current Conversions


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, and I'm also thinking it might be a good idea to split the more complicated multi-creatures into separate creatures.

The Infernites and Pasari-Niml may have three different "types", but they mostly share the same special abilities and stats so at a stretch we could just mention them in the CC name. The three different types of Weresloth are quite different in size and abilities, so we should probably just have them be separate entries.


Infernite (includes Magician and Leader)
Pasari-Niml (Warrior, Noble and Calipha)
Lycanthrope, Weresloth, Giant
Lycanthrope, Weresloth, Ground
Lycanthrope, Weresloth, Tree

I'd agree with this philosophy, just base it on how different they are. The infernites and pasari-niml are sort of like formians, which have just a single main entry in the SRD. It would be reasonable to use potential anchor links for the formian-like subentries.

There is one argument for having separate page with a "sub-monster" which links to a multi-monster page with the actual monster stats - multiple accreditations.

For example, the Gargantua "template" originally appeared in the D&D Companion Rules (1984), with Carrion Crawler, Gargoyle and Troll "sample creatures". However, the AC9 Creature Catalogue has a Gargantua entry which "is a gigantic fish of the carp family".

That's originally a different monster to the Companion Set "template" Gargantua, but we modified it to become a Gargantua Carp, Giant. However, it ought to have separate accreditation.

It'd be as easy or easier to add a note to the Gargantua Template about the Gargantua Carp being a renamed version of the AC9 Gargantua, though.

If darjr gets the anchor links going, I'd support going with the extra credit note and the anchor link.

I've asked Darjr about the "Anchor Link" idea and he said he'll look into it.

He also asked who did the original coding for the CC database. Does anyone here know? I suggested he ask Morrus.

Thanks for asking.

Well, there's a note from someone named Sam about doing something with the database software. Morrus may know who that is, but I'd think Scott Greene (Grazzt with no apostrophe) would know for sure.

I'm not sure I want to ask this much from darjr just right now, but the CC database almost seems like it would be easier to use if it just had fields for name, edition, type, and CR and then just a big field for plain html. That way, we could just copy in the whole statblock at once instead of one field at a time. I guess we'll see how user-friendly the database ends up in practice.

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I'd agree with this philosophy, just base it on how different they are. The infernites and pasari-niml are sort of like formians, which have just a single main entry in the SRD. It would be reasonable to use potential anchor links for the formian-like subentries.

If darjr gets the anchor links going, I'd support going with the extra credit note and the anchor link.

Thanks for asking.

Well, there's a note from someone named Sam about doing something with the database software. Morrus may know who that is, but I'd think Scott Greene (Grazzt with no apostrophe) would know for sure.

I'm not sure I want to ask this much from darjr just right now, but the CC database almost seems like it would be easier to use if it just had fields for name, edition, type, and CR and then just a big field for plain html. That way, we could just copy in the whole statblock at once instead of one field at a time. I guess we'll see how user-friendly the database ends up in practice.

Yes, I was thinking that was all it needs, but you'd have to recompile all the fields into a new database to make that change, which seems a lot more trouble than it's worth.

The current format has the advantage that, theoretically at least, we can do all manner of field-comparisons if we wanted to (and had the coding skills to do so!.

Anyhow, with the templates I added I didn't bother with the fields, I just put text in the CR, description, creation, sample creature and credit fields.

That's what the Mystaran Gargantua and Weremouse templates have in them.

I might try doing it with the "proper" fields the next time I do a template, just to see what it looks like.

Incidentally, when you do the Jagwere, remember to add a line that its been renamed. Something like:

Note: The jagwere originally appeared as "Lycanthrope, Werejaguar" in Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix III: Creatures of Darkness (1994), but has been renamed to distinguish it from a standard Werejaguar (see here).

Which reminds me, once we finish the Great Cats conversion I intend to add a link to the Jaguar to the Werejaguar entry.


We've also started an Albino Wyrm and Loup du Noir conversion, although I don't have working drafts for them yet.

I'd better add those to the Current Conversions list.


Some Fine Furry Friends!

Another batch of 10 has been added to the CC and removed from this list, namely:

Some Fine Furry Friends!
Racing into the creature catalog comes a batch of wild animals and magical beasts native to the Prime Material Plane.

Stalking in the lead come four felines: the prehistoric spotted lion, the jungle-haunting jaguar, the cunning giant lynx of the taiga forests, and the small but ferocious wild cat. Swimming behind them is the lissom "water beast" potamotherium and its giant cousin the dire otter. Crashing through the jungle thickets comes the elephantine onco, watched from the branches by the dawdling tree sloth. Scurrying at the tail-end are two supernatural rodents: the desert's water-dowsing jarbo and the illusion-weaving spectramouse.

Original Drafts in the General Monster Talk forum
Dire Otter (Giant Potamotherium)
Giant Lynx
Lion, Spotted
Tree Sloth
Wild Cat
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Beware The Were!

Another batch of 10 has been added to the CC and removed from this list, namely:

Beware The Were!
This week we unleash a pack of lycanthropes. The first of these terrible beasts lurks within the dire lycanthrope template, the dire werewolf. The rest are the earthy werebadger (including the dire werebadger); the thick-skulled werebison; the stoic werecamel; the noble werelion and the malevolent dire werelion; the ox-sized weresheep; the deadly sabre-toothed weresmilodon (with the mighty sabrelord); the shaggy-coated ground weresloth (including the giant weresloth) and its arboreal cousin the tree weresloth; and finally, the lissome wereweasel and the bloodthirsty dire wereweasel. Original Drafts in the General Monster Talk forum
Dire Lycanthrope (includes Dire Werewolf and Weresmilodon)
Werebadger (Standard & Dire)
Werelion (Standard & Dire)
Weresloth (Tree, Ground & Giant)
Wereweasel (Standard & Dire)
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Extradimensional Explorer
You can remove the blazozoid, fire phantom, firethorn, flame roper, flame swallow, gaund, living ash, and the fire phantoms. The fire phantoms became 3 critters. They were easy enough to separate on the fly, but we may want to revisit other creatures that need splitting (like possibly the infernites).


You can remove the blazozoid, fire phantom, firethorn, flame roper, flame swallow, gaund, living ash, and the fire phantoms. The fire phantoms became 3 critters. They were easy enough to separate on the fly, but we may want to revisit other creatures that need splitting (like possibly the infernites).

Will do.


Updating Creatures Awaiting Upload & Current Conversions List:

Don't yell it in a crowded theater, but that's what these critters are about. Blazozoids roam space, living ash blend fire and negative energy, and flame ropers guard the palaces of efreeti. This batch also includes magical beasts (flame swallows and gaunds), a plant (the firethorn), and elementals for summoning (the fire phantom and the least, lesser, and greater flame spirits).

Original Drafts in the General Monster Talk forum
Fire Phantom
Flame Roper
Flame Spirit (Least, Lesser & Greater)
Flame Swallow
Living Ash
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