Victoria Rules
Were it me they'd meet in the middle, or close, unless one had a dramatically higher move speed than the other; and there'd be a d6 roll to see who struck first; if the rolls tied then they struck simultaneously.1. How do you resolve things like, "I run in to attack enemy" and enemy, likewise says, "I run in to attack PC"
On a tabletop, do they just meet halfway? Do they attack at the same time and both take damage? Is there no way to finish off your foe before they get a strike in?
Again, were this me, it'd come down to a die roll as to who's faster (if either): if the shooter's faster she gets her shot away without provoking an AoO because the attacker's not there yet, but then gets attacked with only a bow for defense; if the enemy's faster he gets his swing in (and the shooter can choose between foregoing all attacks that round in order to switch to weapon and shield) then if the shooter still tries to shoot the attacker would get a free swing at her as well.2. How do you resolve attacks of Opportunity that might pop up.
PC: "I back up and shoot"
ENemy: "I close and attack"
Does the enemy close and get his attack and then get an AoO as the PC withdraws to shoot? Or does the PC move away out of reach of the enemy as the enemy closes? Is this an instance where initiative should be rolled? Can the shooting PC decide to not withdraw and just drop his bow and attack with a sword?
Trying to make everything simultaneous is perhaps a path to madness. The trick, IMO, is to instead use a much smaller and unmodified initiative die (we use d6) re-rolled each round, with tied rolls resolving simultaneously. (so, if there's a whole bunch of participants in a battle all the 6's get resolved; then all the 5's, etc.)