Congratulations to the 2020 ENnies Nominees

The ENnies announced their slate of nominees for 2020 today! Here's the full list! Judges’ Spotlight Winners Benjamin Adelman – Sleepaway, Author: Jay Dragon Rachel Campbell – Glitter Hearts, Leatherman Games, Author: Greg Leatherman Christopher Gath – Refractions in Glasston, Chaosium Inc., Authors: Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah...

The ENnies announced their slate of nominees for 2020 today! Here's the full list!


Judges’ Spotlight Winners
  • Benjamin AdelmanSleepaway, Author: Jay Dragon
  • Rachel CampbellGlitter Hearts, Leatherman Games, Author: Greg Leatherman
  • Christopher Gath Refractions in Glasston, Chaosium Inc., Authors: Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah Oates, Rayce Patterson, Emily Pawlowski, J. Tucker White
  • Shauna RatliffKnarls Candy Compendium, Authors: Makenzie De Armas, Levi Phipps
  • James Surano Hit the Streets, Defend the Block, Lost Highway Games, Author: Rich Rogers
Best Adventure
  • A Pound of Flesh, Tuesday Knight Games, Authors: Donn Stroud, Sean McCoy, Luke Gearing
  • Book of Seasons: Solstices, Jessica Marcrum Writes, Authors: A. Kelly Lane, Alicia Furness, Alison Huang, Ally Sulentic, Annamyriah de Jong, Cat Evans, Collette Quach, Jacky Leung, Jamie O’Duibhir, Jessica Marcrum, Jessica Ross, Jessica Washburn, Kristina Sisto Kindel, Lynne M. Meyer, Ma’At Crook, Miranda Mels, Nemo Bueno, Oliver Clegg, Samantha Lavender, TK Johnson
  • Killer Kobolds from Outer Space, Oliver Clegg, Author: Oliver Clegg
  • The Halls of Arden Vul Complete, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author: Richard Barton
  • Trilemma Adventures Compendium Vol 1, Trilemma Adventures, Authors: Michael Prescott, Evey Lockhart, Kira Magrann, Michael Atlin, Sean Winslow, Skerples, Stephanie Bryant, Tim Groth
Best Aid/Accessory
Best Art, Cover
Best Art, Interior
Best Cartography
Best Electronic Book
Best Family Game / Product
Best Free Game / Product
Best Game
Best Layout and Design
Best Monster/Adversary
Best Online Content
Best Organized Play
Best Podcast
Best Production Values
Best RPG Related Product
Best Rules
Best Setting
Best Supplement
Best Writing
Product of the Year

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Snotling Herder
Had to research this one. That game system has some very disturbing adventures. I've played only one (not the one mentioned above), and it was one of the worst times I've had in an RPG. They've long been on my ignore list, but this just moves them more into the despicable weirdos category.

I've not been able to find anything around this, could you point me in the right direction?

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I mean, it does been the question of how an adventure featuring sexual assault managed to win an award here. 2017 is not that long ago. I mean, I know there was a time when the OSR crowd dominated the Ennies for like a minute, but even this seems a little beyond the pale.

"Fun" Fact: This adventure also features as its main antagonists a parody of the Oompa Loompas, only somehow more racist.

It's kind of sad because I've followed the author relatively recently and it's hard to reconcile that he's the same person who wrote... This. He's talked about making mistakes in the past, and I, uh, guess this was certainly one of them.

It is apparently still available on DriveThruRPG, for some reason, for those curious.


Small God of the Dozens
Content aside for a moment, the adventure in question is apparently really well put together, which would, I assume, be why it won an award. Also, it's advertised as a psycho-sexual romp, and the game is generally acknowledged as 18+, so some of the content shouldn't surprise people, even it might dismay them.

As far as Massif Press goes, I'm not impressed with their stance here. They might have issues with the content, fine, but demanding answers and not accepting awards? Um, ok. I guess that's their prerogative. I read the reviews on DTRPG, and a bunch of independent reviews at the time and while there are some issues with the 'pygmies', I didn't read a single reference to the berry orgy. That's really neither here nor there, but I thought it was interesting. Also, the reviews tend to be pretty positive too, which I also found interesting given what was said here before I went to read them.


Was surprised about no WOTC in a few categories- Best Art Interior - Descent into Avernus had some pretty eye popping art (Zariel stained glass windows comes to mind)!
They'd have to submit their products for nomination, and WotC hasn't done so for the main official books for a while now.


On a more serious note, Massif Press says "until further clarity around why they gave a top award in 2017 to an rpg product that features a 'berry orgy' scene with violent sexual assault that is referred to on dtrpg by the publisher as 'simply ridiculous' we will not be accepting any ENnies"
But they submittted their game to the awards? Why?

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