Congratulations to the 2020 ENnies Nominees

The ENnies announced their slate of nominees for 2020 today! Here's the full list! Judges’ Spotlight Winners Benjamin Adelman – Sleepaway, Author: Jay Dragon Rachel Campbell – Glitter Hearts, Leatherman Games, Author: Greg Leatherman Christopher Gath – Refractions in Glasston, Chaosium Inc., Authors: Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah...

The ENnies announced their slate of nominees for 2020 today! Here's the full list!


Judges’ Spotlight Winners
  • Benjamin AdelmanSleepaway, Author: Jay Dragon
  • Rachel CampbellGlitter Hearts, Leatherman Games, Author: Greg Leatherman
  • Christopher Gath Refractions in Glasston, Chaosium Inc., Authors: Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah Oates, Rayce Patterson, Emily Pawlowski, J. Tucker White
  • Shauna RatliffKnarls Candy Compendium, Authors: Makenzie De Armas, Levi Phipps
  • James Surano Hit the Streets, Defend the Block, Lost Highway Games, Author: Rich Rogers
Best Adventure
  • A Pound of Flesh, Tuesday Knight Games, Authors: Donn Stroud, Sean McCoy, Luke Gearing
  • Book of Seasons: Solstices, Jessica Marcrum Writes, Authors: A. Kelly Lane, Alicia Furness, Alison Huang, Ally Sulentic, Annamyriah de Jong, Cat Evans, Collette Quach, Jacky Leung, Jamie O’Duibhir, Jessica Marcrum, Jessica Ross, Jessica Washburn, Kristina Sisto Kindel, Lynne M. Meyer, Ma’At Crook, Miranda Mels, Nemo Bueno, Oliver Clegg, Samantha Lavender, TK Johnson
  • Killer Kobolds from Outer Space, Oliver Clegg, Author: Oliver Clegg
  • The Halls of Arden Vul Complete, Expeditious Retreat Press, Author: Richard Barton
  • Trilemma Adventures Compendium Vol 1, Trilemma Adventures, Authors: Michael Prescott, Evey Lockhart, Kira Magrann, Michael Atlin, Sean Winslow, Skerples, Stephanie Bryant, Tim Groth
Best Aid/Accessory
Best Art, Cover
Best Art, Interior
Best Cartography
Best Electronic Book
Best Family Game / Product
Best Free Game / Product
Best Game
Best Layout and Design
Best Monster/Adversary
Best Online Content
Best Organized Play
Best Podcast
Best Production Values
Best RPG Related Product
Best Rules
Best Setting
Best Supplement
Best Writing
Product of the Year

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I feel like either I'm seriously out of touch here as I haven't heard of the majority of the games/products nominated. It reminds me of the Oscars, all these movies nominated but I haven't seen any of them.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I feel like either I'm seriously out of touch here as I haven't heard of the majority of the games/products nominated. It reminds me of the Oscars, all these movies nominated but I haven't seen any of them.
This is a good opportunity to put the ones that look good to you on your long term shopping list. I'm probably going to pick up Thousand Year Old Vampire at some point, for instance, based on this post.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I saw the EnWorld threads for Dragons Conquer America and was intrigued. I'm glad to see it was nominated, albeit for a field I did not expect.
Congrats and good luck !

If you haven't checked out Thousand Year Old Vampire, I'd strongly suggest considering it. It's a solo (journaling) RPG that I found works mechanically well, produces a compelling narrative and is strongly atmospheric. It's been a ton of fun for me during lockdown as a solo activity and it has great production values.

Here's a review from a mostly board-game review company I like and trust: Shut Up & Sit Down - Thousand Year Old Vampire

And here's my completed journal for my first vampire, Bryn: - Thosand Year Old Vampire.pdf

Spoiler: he doesn't quite make it to 1000.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Honestly, Thousand Year Old Vampire sounds like it tackles the stuff I had hoped Vampire: The Masquerade would, but which was never quite interested in. (Although the Thin-Blooded sourcebook, released shortly before they attempted to end the original VtM line, came close in the horror aspects. But that relies on fin de siècle vibes that are hard to conjure up nowadays. Our rolling apocalypse has a very different flavor.)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
As you might guess from my handle here, I’m Alex of Plane Sailing Games, and I’m delighted to be one of the nominees for “Best Game”.

If you’d like to find out a little more about the game, the subject matter and the incredibly brave women who inspired it, I’ve got a whole bunch of resources on my website here: A Cool and Lonely Courage

Simple rules that allow us to tell emotionally complex stories about some largely unsung heroes of WW2. The only sphere on the western front where women were trained for combat operations. The average operational expectancy for the radio operators of the SOE was six weeks.

The game allows you to tell stories of heartbreak and courage in awful circumstances. I’d love it if the ENnies nomination encouraged more people to check it out!


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