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Conversions of old spells and magic items?


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I am at work now but whenever I get home I will mail it to you, if my memory doesn't fail me they are one from the necromancers and another from the wizards... but I may be worng...

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Creature Cataloguer
Nifelhein said:
The mail was sent to you, make sure you receive, sometimes my mail server just "eats" some mails...

thanks. i've actually seen those before, and i think they were on the old enworld conversions page. but now i've got the PDFs on my harddrive. :D

posted a thread at dragonsfoot, we'll see what i get...

found the Greyhawk Adventures spells too. :)


First Post
stopped, refreshed the page and noticed no post, posted again and guess what? double post.

Ignore this.
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Creature Cataloguer
I’ll be working with magic items soon enough, but for now I’ll get to spells…

OK, I came up with a list of spells that I don’t see in the 3.5 PHB. I left out those spells with the same name and basic function, as well as those spells that were obviously just renamed or combined with other spells. Please let me know if these spells appear in another 3.x book (I’m pretty sure some are in Tome and Blood for example), or if they were renamed, or if they were combined into some other spell, or if the way the rules work now if the spell is now useless. Don’t just pick out something that sounds similar to something else – I’d expect you to be familiar with the old version of the spell if you want to comment on its 3e status. Yeah sure, there might be a 7th level spell on this list that sounds like it might do the same thing as an existing 2nd level 3e spell, but that doesn’t help me too much.

Of the remaining spells, I doubt I’m going to actually convert all of them (though eventually, you never know), but it’s good to know what’s missing and what’s not.

I started with the source:

First Edition Player’s Handbook :
Cleric Spells:
1st level – Combine, Create Water (and its reverse, Destroy Water), reverse of Purify Food & Drink (aka Putrefy Food & Drink)
2nd level – Chant, Detect Charm (and its reverse, Undetectable Charm), Know Alignment (and its reverse, Undetectable Alignment)
3rd level – Feign Death
4th level – Exorcise, Lower Water (and its reverse, Raise Water), Sticks to Snakes (and its reverse Snakes to Sticks), reverse of Tongues (aka Babble or Tangletongue)
5th level – reverse of True Seeing (aka False Seeing)
6th level – Aerial Servant, Conjure Animals, reverse of Find the Path (aka Lose the Path), Speak With Monsters
7th level – reverse of Regenerate (aka Wither)

Druid Spells:
1st level – Animal Friendship, Invisibility to Animals, Predict Weather, Purify Water
2nd level – Create Water, Feign Death, Trip, reverse of Warp Wood (aka Straighten Wood)
3rd level – Summon Insects, reverse of Water Breathing (aka Air Breathing)
4th level – Call Woodland Beings (in Summon Nature’s Ally?), Control Temperature, Hallucinatory Forest, Hold Plant, Plant Door, Produce Fire
5th level – Pass Plant, Sticks to Snakes
6th level – Weather Summoning
7th level – Animate Rock, Chariot of Sustarre, reverse of Fire Storm (aka Fire Quench)

Magic-User Spells:
1st level – Affect Normal Fires, reverse of Comprehend Languages (aka Confuse Languages), Friends, Push, Write
2nd level – Fool’s Gold, Forget, reverse of Knock (aka Lock), Know Alignment (and its reverse, Undetectable Alignment)
3rd level – Feign Death, Infravision, reverse of Tongues (aka Babble or Tangletongue), reverse of Water Breathing (aka Air Breathing)
4th level – Dig, Fire Charm, Fumble, Massmorph
5th level – Airy Water, Distance Distortion
6th level – Death Spell, Glassee, Lower Water (and its reverse, Raise Water), Reincarnation, Spiritwrack, Transmute Water to Dust (and its reverse, Transmute Dust to Water)
7th level – Cacodemon, Charm Plants, Drawmij’s Instant Summons, Duo-Dimension, Vanish
8th level – Glassteel, Mass Charm
9th level – reverse of Temporal Stasis (aka Temporal Reinstatement)

Illusionist Spells:
1st level – Change Self, Detect Illusion, Gaze Reflection, Wall of Fog
2nd level – none
3rd level – Dispel Illusion, Paralyzation
4th level – Dispel Exhaustion, Emotion, Massmorph
5th level – Chaos, Shadow Door, Summon Shadow
6th level – Conjure Animals, reverse of True Seeing (aka False Seeing)
7th level – Alter Reality

First Edition Unearthed Arcana :
Cleric Spells:
1st level – Ceremony, Invisibility to Undead, Penetrate Disguise, Portent, Precipitation
2nd level – Detect Life, Dust Devil, Holy Symbol, Withdraw, Wyvern Watch
3rd level – Cloudburst, Death’s Door, Flame Walk, Negative Plane Protection
4th level – Abjure, Cloak of Fear (and its reverse, Cloak of Bravery), reverse of Giant Insect (aka Shrink Insect)
5th level – Animate Dead Monsters, Golem, Magic Font, Rainbow
6th level – none
7th level – Exaction

Druid Spells:
1st level – Ceremony, Detect Balance, Precipitation
2nd level – reverse of Goodberry (aka Badberry), Reflecting Pool
3rd level – Cloudburst, Know Alignment, Starshine
4th level – none
5th level – Moonbeam
6th level – Transmute Water to Dust (and its reverse, Transmute Dust to Water)
7th level – none

Magic-User Spells:
Cantrips – All
1st level – Firewater, Melt, Precipitation, Run, Taunt
2nd level – Deeppockets, Irritation, Preserve, Protection From Cantrips, Vocalize, Whip, Zephyr
3rd level – Cloudburst, Detect Illusion, Material, Melf’s Minute Meteors
4th level – Dispel Illusion, Magic Mirror, Ultravision
5th level – Avoidance, Dolor, Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment
6th level – none
7th level – Torment, Truename, Volley
8th level – Sink
9th level – Crystalbrittle

Illusionist Spells:
Cantrips – All
1st level – Chromatic Orb, Phant om Armor, Spook
2nd level – Fascinate, Ultravision
3rd level – Delude, Phantom Wind
4th level – Vacancy
5th level – Advanced Illusion, Magic Mirror, Tempus Fugit
6th level – Phantasmagorie
7th level – Shadow Walk

These two books also apparently account for all of the missing spells from the Second Edition Player’s Handbook, except for the wizard spells Airboat (8th level) and Vacancy (4th level).

Probably the second most important book of spells for Second Edition (besides the Wizards’ Spell Compendium that is – oy!) was the Tome of Magic. Here are all the missing spells from that book, minus Wild Magic spells and all of the various spells that became Metamagic feats.

Following the spell’s name is the spell’s level and whether or not it is arcane (“W”) or divine (“P”), and what level the spell is, and after that is what page it can be found on in the ToM.

Abundance (P Q) 112
Accelerate Healing (P 3rd) 63
Acid Storm (W 7th) 40
Adaptation (P 3rd) 63
Addition (P 4th) 74
Age Creature (P 6th) 98
Age Dragon (P 7th) 105
Age Object (P 5th) 87
Age Plant (P 4th) 74
Alacrity (W 3rd) 24
Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown (W 3rd) 25
Analyze Balance (P 1st) 51
Animal Horde (P Q) 112
Anti-Vermin Barrier (P 1st) 51
Astral Window (P 3rd) 63
Aura of Comfort (P 2nd) 56

Barrier of Retention (P 5th) 88
Blessed Abundance (P 5th) 88
Blessed Warmth (P 4th) 75
Bloodstone's Frightful Joining (W 7th) 40
Bloodstone's Spectral Steed (W 6th) 37
Body Clock (P 4th) 75
Breath of Life (P 7th) 105

Call Upon Faith (P 1st) 51
Calm Chaos (P 2nd) 56
Caltrops (P 3rd) 63
Chain Contingency (W 9th) 45
Champion's Strength (P 5th) 88
Chaotic Combat (P 4th) 75
Chaotic Command (P 5th) 89
Chaotic Sleep (P 4th) 76
Choose Future (P 3rd) 64
Circle of Privacy (P 4th) 76
Circle of Sunmotes (P Q) 112
Claws of the Umber Hulk (W 6th) 38
Clear Path (P 5th) 89
Cloud of Purification (P 5th) 89
Compulsive Order (P 4th) 76
Conformance (P Q) 113
Conjure Spell Component (W 1st) 17
Consequence (P 5th) 89
Courage (P 1st) 52
Create Campsite (P 3rd) 64
Create Holy Symbol (P 2nd) 57
Crushing Walls (P 6th) 98

Defensive Harmony (P 4th) 77
Dimensional Folding (P 4th) 77
Disbelief (P 6th) 99
Disguise (P 5th) 90
Dissension's Feast (P 2nd) 57
Divination Enhancement 4 28
Divine Inspiration (P 7th) 106
Dragonbane (P 6th) 99
Draw Upon Holy Might (P 2nd) 58

Easy March (P 5th) 90
Efficacious Monster Ward (P 3rd) 65
Elemental Aura (W 9th) 46
Elemental Forbiddance (P 5th) 91
Elemental Swarm (P Q) 113
Emotion Control (P 3rd) 65
Emotion Perception (P 2nd) 58
Emotion Read (P 1st) 52
Estate Transference (W 9th) 46
Etherwalk (P Q) 113
Extradimensional Detection (P 3rd) 66
Extradimensional Manipulation (P 5th) 91
Extradimensional Pocket (P 5th) 91

Fear Contagion (P Q) 115
Fire Burst (W 1st) 17
Fire Purge (P 4th) 78
Fist of Stone (W 1st) 17
Focus * (P 4th) 79
Forest's Fiery Constrictor (W 6th) 38
Fortify * (P 4th) 80
Frisky Chest (P 2nd) 58

Genius (P 4th) 80
Glorious Transmutation (W 9th) 47
Gravity Variation (P 6th) 100
The Great Circle * (P 6th) 100
Greater Malison (W 4th) 29
Grounding (P 5th) 92
Group Mind (P 6th) 101
Gunther's Kaleidoscopic Strike (W 8th) 43

Hatch the Stone from the Egg (W 7th) 40
Health Blessing (P Q) 115
Helping Hand (P 3rd) 66
Hesitation (P 2nd) 59
Highway (P Q) 115
Homunculus Shield (W 8th) 44
Hovering Road (P 7th) 106

Idea (P 2nd) 59
Illusory Artillery (P 5th) 92
Illusory Fortification (P 7th) 107
Imago Interrogation (P Q) 116
Impeding Permission (P 5th) 92
Insatiable Thirst (W 2nd) 21
Intensify Summoning (W 7th) 41
Interdiction (P Q) 116
Inverted Ethics (P 4th) 80

Join With Astral Traveler (P 4th) 81

Khazid's Procurement (W 5th) 34
Know Age (P 1st) 52
Know Customs (P 3rd) 67
Know Time (P 1st) 53

Land of Stability (P 6th) 101
Lasting Breath (W 1st) 19
Leadership (P 4th) 81
Legal Thoughts (P 6th) 101
Lighten Load (P 2nd) 59
Line of Protection * (P 3rd) 67
Log of Everburning (P 1st) 53
Lorloveim's Creeping Shadow (W 3rd) 26
Lorloveim's Shadowy Transformation (W 6th) 38
Lower Resistance (W 5th) 34

Magic Staff (W 5th) 35
Malec-Keth's Flame Fist (W 7th) 41
Mask of Death (W 4th) 29
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp (W 2nd) 22
Maximilian's Stony Grasp (W 3rd) 26
Meld * (P 5th) 93
Memory Read (P 3rd) 68
Memory Wrack (P 5th) 93
Mental Domination (P 4th) 81
Metamorphose Liquids (W 1st) 19
Mind Tracker (P 7th) 107
Mindnet (P Q) 117
Mind Read (P 2nd) 59
Mindshatter (P 5th) 94
Minor Malison (W 3rd) 26
Minor Spell Turning (W 4th) 29
Miscast Magic (P 3rd) 69
Mistaken Missive (P 1st) 53
Moment (P 2nd) 60
Moment Reading (P 3rd) 69
Monster Mount (P 6th) 102
Morale (P 1st) 53
Mordenkainen's Celerity (W 4th) 30
Murdock's Feathery Flyer (W 1st) 19
Music of the Spheres (P 2nd) 60
Mystic Transfer * (P 2nd) 61

Nap (P 2nd) 61

Past Life (W 2nd) 22
Personal Reading (P 1st) 54
Physical Mirror (P 6th) 102
Planar Quest (P Q) 117
Preservation (P Q) 118
Probability Control (P 4th) 83
Protection From Paralysis (W 2nd) 23

Rally (P 2nd) 62
Random Causality (P 3rd) 69
Rapport (P 4th) 84
Repeat Action (P 5th) 95
Revelation (P Q) 118
Reverse Time (P 6th) 103
Reversion (P Q) 118
Ride the Wind (W 2nd) 23
Rigid Thinking (P 3rd) 70
Ring of Hands * (P 1st) 54
Robe of Healing (P Q) 119

Sacred Guardian (P 1st) 55
Safeguarding (W 5th) 35
Sanctify * (P 2nd) 62
Seclusion (P 6th) 103
Sense Shifting (W 2nd) 23
Shadowcat (W 7th) 41
Shadow Engines (P 7th) 108
Shooting Stars (P Q) 119
Shrieking Walls (P 5th) 95
Siege Wall (P Q) 119
Skip Day (P 6th) 104
Slow Rot (P 3rd) 70
Sol's Searing Orb (P 6th) 104
Solipsism (P 4th) 84
Spacewarp (P 7th) 109
Speak With Astral Traveler (P 1st) 55
Spiral of Degeneration (P Q) 120
Spirit Armor (W 3rd) 26
Spirit of Power * (P 7th) 109
Spiritual Wrath * (P 6th) 105
Squaring the Circle (W 3rd) 27
Squeaking Floors (P 3rd) 70
Stalker (P Q) 120
Steal Enchantment (W 7th) 42
Strength of One (P 3rd) 71
Suffocate (W 7th) 43
Summon Lycanthrope (W 4th) 30

Tanglefoot (P 4th) 85
Telepathy (P 3rd) 71
Telethaumaturgy (P 3rd) 72
Tentacle Walls (P 7th) 110
Thief's Lament (P 3rd) 72
Thought Broadcast (P 4th) 85
Thought Capture (P 1st) 55
Thoughtwave * (P 5th) 96
Thunder Staff (W 4th) 32
Timelessness (P 7th) 110
Time Pool (P 5th) 96
Transformation (P Q) 121
Tree Steed (P 4th) 86
Turn Pebble to Boulder (W 4th) 33

Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel (P 5th) 97
Uncontrolled Weather (P 7th) 111
Undead Plague (P Q) 121
Undead Ward (P 5th) 97
Unearthly Choir * (P 3rd) 73
Uplift * (P 4th) 86

Von Gasik's Refusal (W 5th) 36

Warband Quest (P Q) 122
Ward Matrix (P Q) 122
Watery Double (W 3rd) 27
Weather Stasis (P 4th) 87
Weighty Chest (P 1st) 56
Wolf Spirits (P Q) 122

Zone of Sweet Air (P 3rd) 73

Other than the Tome of Magic, there were also a number of books for 2nd Edition called the “Complete Book of…” series, such as the Complete Book of Wizards, Bards, Druids, Elves, etc, that had featured new spells and I’ll get to them in time.

There will probably be other 1E and 2E sources that I’d be working with, but I’m not sure what those are at this time. I’ll probably be avoiding world-specific spells for now (Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Spelljammer, etc) as well as those that only appeared in a module or Dragon magazine. That may change.


First Post
I will let some people check this out before attempting it, besides, I don't have the 1st edition stuff...

But I may help when i coes to 2nd edition...


Creature Cataloguer
for the most part, 2E spells were the same as 1E spells. just a little bit more explained and useful, IMO.

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