Converting Al-Qadim creatures

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What would you have done? Maybe we can all agree on that....

My suggestion is in post #307.

I'm OK with a negative level version that doesn't penalize hit points. It just seems counterintuitive to have a healing ability that causes hp loss.


Extradimensional Explorer
My proposal has the "master" gain a negative level one hour later. I don't think that's so different than having to "pay back" hp.

But now I'm curious about what Shade would have done. ;)


My proposal has the "master" gain a negative level one hour later. I don't think that's so different than having to "pay back" hp.

There's a considerable difference. The master can pay back hit points at their convenient, and the loss of hit points doesn't make it less powerful in other respects. Negative levels reduce the master's powers across the board, are a nuisance to keep track off, and the hp loss could potentially kill the host.

But now I'm curious about what Shade would have done. ;)

You could always try asking The Shady One!


Extradimensional Explorer
The other nasty effects of the negative levels are to make up for not having a permanent hp "payment."

Well, Shade seems to have missed the hint so far. ;)


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Well, Shade seems to have missed the hint so far.

Cleon said:
Give it time...

Here's where you began losing me upthread...

I suppose the hp loss could work, although I'd favor this approach from other symbionts (replacing Int with Con in the example below):

Mind Feeding (Su): A cerebral hood survives by consuming its host's mental energy. This deals 1 point of Intelligence damage each day the hood remains attached. Ordinarily, the host regains 1 point of lost Intelligence each night, just before the cerebral hood drains a new point, keeping the host at an equilibrium point of -1 to its Intelligence. When the cerebral hood uses its mind blast, however, it deals extra Intelligence damage, so overuse of that special attack can eventually destroy the host's mind.

Still, if the majority prefers hp loss, I'll deal with it.

I'd have kept 'em much, much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH simpler like the other symbionts.


Here's where you began losing me upthread...

I'd have kept 'em much, much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH simpler like the other symbionts.

But we'd miss out on all these wonderful arguments if we kept it simple. :.-(

If I remember rightly, we did discuss making the cost of healing Con damage. I certainly prefer that to temporary negative levels.


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade's talking about going all the way back to the cost of bonding, not healing. I seem to recall wanting to stick to daily Con damage, too.... ;)

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