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Converting Al-Qadim creatures


Presumably like any other magic item, but I agree to avoid the question.

Updating the Bird Maiden Working Draft.

What's next for these?

Well we've got a few question marks at the start and end. Under Creating a Bird Maiden:

"Bird Maiden" is a ??? template that can be added to any female humanoid? creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature) that has the ability to cast divine spells plus 5 or more ranks in both the Heal and Knowledge (nature) skills.

I reckon we should make that:

"Bird Maiden" is an acquired template that can be added to any female humanoid creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature) that has the ability to cast divine spells and 5 or more ranks in both the Heal and Knowledge (nature) skills.

For the bottom bit, I'm thinking

Feats: Same as base creature. Bird Maidens can select the Natural Spell feat as if their Bird Shape ability were the druid's Wild Shape ability.

Environment: Warm mountains.
[The MM original lived in tropical mountains]
Organization: Solitary or family (mother and 1-2 daughters).
[The MM original says they're solitary wanderers with no sorority, but it also says they raise their daughters as Bird Maidens.]
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Treasure: Same as base creature.
Alignment: Any, but usually good or neutral.
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2. [?]

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Extradimensional Explorer
I will agree with that, though the CR and LA assume we aren't adding any special attacks (that last bit of red text in the middle there).

Want to do description and background next or the sample?


I will agree with that, though the CR and LA assume we aren't adding any special attacks (that last bit of red text in the middle there).

Well we aren't giving them any additional special attacks so I was just going to cut the "No Special Attacks?" bit out.

Updating the Bird Maiden Working Draft.

Want to do description and background next or the sample?

I don't really care to be frank, so I'd be fine doing whichever of them you fancy.

If you don't have any preferences, shall we do those bits in the order they appear (description first, then background, then sample).


Extradimensional Explorer
OK, description. A beautiful woman with a shawl of feathers.

You know, I'm pretty hopeless at this sometimes.


OK, description. A beautiful woman with a shawl of feathers.

You know, I'm pretty hopeless at this sometimes.

You know, there's nothing in the Monstrous Manual about them having to be beautiful. Apart from the feather garment, the closest hint about their appearance is they are "idol priestesses" who "live as wandering teachers".

There's a couple of bits of description in the Dragon #218's Ecology of the Bird Maiden:

Mufti heard a singing (a woman’s beautiful voice, he thought)...


Kneeling over him was a woman in a plain tan aba, her nose and mouth covered with the strangest veil he had ever seen. It seemed to be made of light brown feathers tightly woven together. Her eyes were dark and curious just like the girl’s had been, and Mufti suspected that if the veil were removed, the face would be beautiful. Her hands, elegant but strong looking, offered a cup.

How about:

A woman in the plain robes of a wandering priestess, with a shawl of feathers draped over her shoulders.


Extradimensional Explorer
Sorry about being AWOL this past week or so; I've had my usual work overflow, a broken furnace (which is pretty serious here in Winnipeg, though fortunately it's not cold yet), and a sick cat to take care of. It's been a lot to deal with.

In any case, I like that description. Background should mention that they are a special group of priestesses with an affinity for nature and the ability to transform into birds. Should we mention something about training at a hidden temple? We should probably find some way to make sure they don't sound too much like druids.


Sorry about being AWOL this past week or so; I've had my usual work overflow, a broken furnace (which is pretty serious here in Winnipeg, though fortunately it's not cold yet), and a sick cat to take care of. It's been a lot to deal with.

As far as I'm concerned a poorly cat is a far more important matter than a broken furnace. Hopefully it's nothing too serious ailing your furry overlord.

In any case, I like that description. Background should mention that they are a special group of priestesses with an affinity for nature and the ability to transform into birds. Should we mention something about training at a hidden temple? We should probably find some way to make sure they don't sound too much like druids.

I'm reluctant to include all the specifics about the hidden temple of the wind and the Aaracokra priests in the general background. How about we have an "Al-Qadim" subentry to include that stuff in?

It'd be enough to say they're a secretive exclusively female order similar to the Swanmays which mostly propogates itself by raising their daughters as Bird Maidens, while any male children are given away to foster parents or exposed (although it should mostly be evil Bird Maidens who do the latter).

Updating the Bird Maiden Working Draft with the description.


Extradimensional Explorer
As far as I'm concerned a poorly cat is a far more important matter than a broken furnace. Hopefully it's nothing too serious ailing your furry overlord.
I certainly agree with you emotionally speaking, but the furnace is pretty urgent given that it's going to be well below freezing this week (high of -12C Thurs). Just got an ultrasound for my furry friend this afternoon; doesn't seem like cancer, which is good news at his age!

I'm reluctant to include all the specifics about the hidden temple of the wind and the Aaracokra priests in the general background. How about we have an "Al-Qadim" subentry to include that stuff in?

It'd be enough to say they're a secretive exclusively female order similar to the Swanmays which mostly propogates itself by raising their daughters as Bird Maidens, while any male children are given away to foster parents or exposed (although it should mostly be evil Bird Maidens who do the latter).

Updating the Bird Maiden Working Draft with the description.

I'll go for your suggested background and the underbar. I'll go try to catch up on a few more threads if you'd like to write some background.


I'll go for your suggested background and the underbar. I'll go try to catch up on a few more threads if you'd like to write some background.

How's this:

The bird maidens are a secretive sisterhood of shapechangers similar to swanmays. Unlike swanmays, bird maidens can shapechange into many kinds of birds, not just one. The bird form a bird maiden assumes may allude to her personality - a parrot for an extrovert individual, a vulture for a morbid one, and so on.

All bird maidens are mendicant nature priestesses. They can be of any alignment, but few are evil. Their sisterhood is not an organized cult, and is united only by their shared faith and religious practices. It has no hierarchy, apart from the master-pupil relationship between a bird maiden and whoever taught her the mysteries of how to become one.

Bird maidens wander the countryside teaching folk about the natural world. A good or neutral bird maiden tries to do this by healing the afflicted and showing people how to live in harmony with their environment, via advice on sustainable farming, animal husbandry, and the like. They do sometimes punish those who despoil nature. The rare evil bird maidens are more vindictive, and enjoy teaching 'lessons' about the cruelty of the wild, by bringing death and ruination to creatures who are ignorant or abusive toward nature.

Most bird maidens travel alone or in the company of her daughters, who she will be raising to become bird maidens themselves. Bird maidens never keep sons. A maiden who bears a male baby usually gives him away to foster parents, but some evil maidens abandon their infant boys in the wilderness.

A bird maiden's shapeshifting powers come from a magical garment made of feathers. This garment is part of the maiden's being, and should it be destroyed, the maiden will die. Bird maidens are sometimes forced to become the slaves - or even wives - of someone who steals their feather garment and threatens to destroy it (and her). Should the maiden manage to regain the stolen garment from her 'lord' or 'husband', she will immediately fly away, but often returns to kill or pauperize her persecutor.

Bird Maidens In Al-Qadim
In the Land of Fate, it is said that bird maidens are taught their powers and rites by Aarakocra priests in a secret temple known as The Crown of All Feathers. According to rumor, this is a great wooden fortress hidden somewhere in the highest hills.


Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good to me! I'd just alter one sentence for parallel structure:

Should the maiden manage to regain the stolen garment from her 'lord' or 'husband', she immediately flies away but often returns to kill or pauperize her persecutor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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