Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings


The +2 circumstance bonus is fine. Might as well make them tougher!

And on that note, your second ability line is good, too.

Updating the Gladiator Lizard.

What other special abilities do you want to add to these?

Well I was slightly tempted to have it get iterative attacks with its talons as though they were weapons, plus bonus feats for perfect two-weapon fighting, so its Full Attack is a pair of +12/+7 talon attacks or a +12/+7 talon plus a +12 talon instead of it just being two +12 melee attacks. Probably while forgetting that pesky off-hand weapons use half damage bonus rule.

That's probably going too far though. :devil:

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Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, I don't think we need to go beyond giving them some good bonus feats in this respect. I think Fafrd and the Grey Mouser probably have difficulties because they're fighting 2 score pairs of Lizards! No need to make them even tougher than they already are.


Yeah, I don't think we need to go beyond giving them some good bonus feats in this respect.

OK, so what feats did you have in mind?

Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization?

Combat Reflexes and Power Attack?

Improved Initiative?

That'd leaves two to pick.

Unfortunately, the Gladiator Lizard can't have Two-Weapon Fighting since it doesn't meet the Dexterity prerequisite.

I think Fafrd and the Grey Mouser probably have difficulties because they're fighting 2 score pairs of Lizards! No need to make them even tougher than they already are.

Where did you get the idea those heroes were fighting forty gladiator lizards?

They were facing a pair of them, and for some of the fight it was Fafhrd facing them by himself.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, I guess I must have thought all the eggs produced a pair of lizards. Are our two heroes still in a dreamlike trance?

Anyway, I kind of like Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (talon), Weapon Specialization (talon) for the fighter bonus feats. Then how about Imp Init, Iron Will, and a skill booster (depending on our choices for skills) for the regular feats?


Hmm, I guess I must have thought all the eggs produced a pair of lizards. Are our two heroes still in a dreamlike trance?

It wasn't so much a dreamlike state as a compulsion to head for the Bleak Shore.

Anyway, I kind of like Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (talon), Weapon Specialization (talon) for the fighter bonus feats. Then how about Imp Init, Iron Will, and a skill booster (depending on our choices for skills) for the regular feats?

I'd give them Combat Reflexes rather than Skill Focus (or whatever) but the rest of those feats are fine.

That'd make it:

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Cleaveᴮ, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attackᴮ, Weapon Specialization (talon)ᴮ, Weapon Focus (talon)ᴮ​

For the Skills, it seems easier to pick three to max out. I'm inclined to keep it simple with Listen, Spot and one other, but what other skill to pick is difficult. They don't seem very stealthy (Hide or Move Silently) or acrobatic (Jump or Tumble).

Hmm, how about either Survival (since they must live in the Bleak Waste) or Intimidate (because they're scary)?


Extradimensional Explorer
The story text you posted says they don't snap out of their stupor until the Mouser kills the pale man, so I'm going with the idea that they have some serious penalties.

Your proposed feats sound good. Definitely go with Listen and Spot. I don't mind Survival for the last skill. Climb would also be appropriate.


The story text you posted says they don't snap out of their stupor until the Mouser kills the pale man, so I'm going with the idea that they have some serious penalties.

They weren't stupefied in the "completely zoned out of their senses" but gained an irrational obsession with travelling to the Bleak Shore. In D&D terms, it was like they're been hit by a super-powerful suggestion to "head to the Bleak Shore" or perhaps a long-distance sympathy spell that caused them to became really really attracted to that place.

From what I remember, they could operate their ship and fight opponents with their usual level of skill.

Got the book up in my collection somewhere if you need quotes.

Your proposed feats sound good.

Updating the Gladiator Lizard.

Definitely go with Listen and Spot. I don't mind Survival for the last skill. Climb would also be appropriate.

How about splitting the difference and giving them 5 ranks in those two skills plus 10 ranks in L&S?

Skills: Climb +12, Listen +11, Spot +11, Survival +6​


We need to set a Natural Armour modifier.

The original monster had AC –3, which is really tough. That's AC 23 if we apply a direct point-for-point transcription, which'd require NA +13 with its current Dexterity.

Would be happy making it NA +12 and bumping the Dexterity up to 15.

I'd also entertain going a bit higher than AC 23 since 3E numbers scale more rapidly than AD&D.

An Armour Class of minus three is better than some 1E AD&D demons (e.g. Vrock AC 0, Hezrou AC –2, Nalgeshnee AC –1, Balor AC –2) and devils (Erinyes AC 2, Barbed Devil AC 0, Bone Devil AC –1), so I could see up going up to, say, AC 24 or 25 if we feel the need for it.

However, I prefer AC 23 at the moment.

So do you prefer:

Armor Class #1: 23 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +13 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 22
Armor Class #2: 23 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 21

I'm leaning towards #2 with Dex 15, which also increases its Reflex save to +7.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'll take your word for it. The summary text must be exaggerating.

Anyway, your proposed skills are fine.

I'd be happy with AC proposal #2. Anything else we want for these? Or are we ready to set CR, org, tactics, etc?



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