Converting First Edition Monsters

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I don't see where we get that from the original text Shade has in the underbar. It gives no indication as to what the epycott wax is supposed to do. For all we know, it's to cause a stench to drive off predators or intruders.

I don't see where we get that from the original text Shade has in the underbar. It gives no indication as to what the epycott wax is supposed to do. For all we know, it's to cause a stench to drive off predators or intruders.

It's from this bit:

UK6 said:
To prevent water loss from sweating, they coat their bodies with a waxy substance derived from the roots of the epycott plant".

Sure sounds like it offers protection from dehydration to me.

Alrighty then, make it a circumstance bonus.

EDIT: and because of the stink, a +2 bonus to anyone tracking them by scent.

Something like this?

Epycott Plant
Hek survive in the Ash Mire by collecting the roots of the epycott plant. This hardy plant has a vigorous root system that covers several squre miles. The plant sporadically sprouts bushes which survive only a few days under the harsh sun.

Harvested roots are pounded to separate fibres from the hard outer skin, leaving the mushy flesh and a waxy juice. The fibres are used to produce clothing, footwear and tents. The flesh is used to feed the hek's underground fungus gardens and their giant striders.

The juice of the epycott plant can be formed into a body wax. A single application of epycott wax grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage (and becoming fatigued) due to thirst. The pungent odor of the wax, however, grants a +2 circumstance bonus to anyone attempting to track the wearer by scent.

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