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Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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Extradimensional Explorer
Programmed Image 1/day, Ventriloquism at will, Sound Imitation all seem right.

Probably an SLA for the water animation.

I'm thinking about dimension door between two water-filled areas, kind of like a shadowdancer's shadow jump.

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Monster Junkie
Like so?

Water Leap (Su): Once every three rounds, a splanxty can travel between areas of flowing water as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the magical transport must begin and end in an area with flowing water at least as large as the splanxty. A splanxty can leap up to 100 feet each time.

A splanxty can animate small quantities of water (up to 60 feet away) to create irritating splashes, jets and so forth. Alternatively, the jets can be made to strike out at creatures within 5 feet of the torrent. Up to two attacks per round can be made in this way, and thc splanxty may perform other actions at the same time. Each jet has a THAC0 of 16, and causes 1 hit point of damage.

Here's an attempt at this ability...

Animate Water (Sp): At will, a splanxty can animate a 5-foot patch of water within 60 feet. The water will lash out with irritating jets and splashes against adjacent targets. These attacks use the splanxty's base attack bonus and Dexterity modifier to determine the attack modifier (+5 for a typical splanxty) and deal 1 point of damage. The water cannot be harmed in any way. The water remains animated for 1 full round and may make attacks of opportunity. This is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell.


Monster Junkie

Skills: 35
Common sprite skills include Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spot

Feats: 1 more (Most sprites have Alertness or Stealthy...since these fellas are never surprised, I'd lean more toward Alertness)

Treasure: No coins; 50% goods (metal or stone only); 50% items (no scrolls) [like a nixie?]

CR: 3-4? Pixies are CR 4, but have a few more SLAs, can fly, and are naturally invisible, while splanxties have 1 more Hit Die than pixies.

Grigs speak Sylvan. Some also speak Common.
Nixies speak Aquan and Sylvan.
Pixies speak Sylvan and Common, and may know other languages as well.

So maybe...
Splanxties speak Aquan and Sylvan. Some also speak Common.


Extradimensional Explorer
Definitely Alertness.

Skills: max out Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform (?), Spot.

Treasure is good. Languages are good.

CR 4 I think is ok.

What did you think about Hide in Plain Sight as long as they're in the water? That could push them a little more in to the CR 4 range.


Monster Junkie
Oops! You did mention that upthread. How's this?

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in any sort of water, a splanxty can use the Hide skill even while being observed.


Monster Junkie

FREQUENCY: Very rare
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any (prefers darkness)
DIET: Blood
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11-12)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
THAC0: 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4x4, 1d6
SPECIAL ATACKS: Surprise, hug, blood drain
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Phasing, wall crawling
SIZE: M (5' long, 2' tall)
MORALE: Average (8-10)
XP VALUE: 3,000

Shadowcrawlers are sly predators that prowl subterranean areas hunting for prey. They appear to be some sort of strange cross between cats and spiders, and they are very likely the unfortunate result of magical experimentation.

A shadowcrawler's body is covered in soft, short hair of purest ebony. It has eight legs that stick out laterally from its body, which appears almost segmented because of its series of shoulders. The feet of a shadowcrawler look much like cat paws, complete with retractable claws. The shadowcrawler's head and eyes are also very catlike in appearance, though its snout is longer. The creature's tail looks much like a cat's tail.

Some shadowcrawlers, perhaps 10%, have learned to speak rough Common or a different local language. Their speech is guttural. They have no known language.

Combat: Shadowcrawlers are cunning predators and wiil often lie in wait for hours for a good catch or stalk a group of animals (or adventurers) for long periods of time, waiting to attack a straggler. These creatures can travel on wall and ceilings just like spiders, and they will often hang above a doorway to wait for prey. A shadowcrawler will never attack any creature that is larger than an average human.
When in darkness, a shadowcrawler is totally silent and almost invisible. Opponents receive a -4 penalty to their surprise rolls when confronting a shadowcrawler.

A shadowcrawler will attack only one opponent at a time. When attacking its chosen target, a shadowcrawler rears up on its four back legs and strikes with its four front claws, causing ld4 damage per successful hit. At the same time, it will attempt to bite for 1d6 hit points of damage. If two or more of its claws hit, it draws its victim into a hug and begins dragging him off, using its powerful rear legs to backpedal at a movement rate of 9. The victim of a hug can break fire with a successful bend bats/lift gates roll, but he is otherwise immobile, taking ld4 points of crushing damage each round.

If a shadowcrawler's bite hits in the same round as a successful hug or while a victim is being held, the creature will drain lood at a rate of 1d6 hit points per round.

Shadowcrawlers also have the ability to phase through solid material at will. If wounded for more than 10 hit points in a single round, a shadowcrawler will drop any victim it holds and phase into the surrounding rock, vanishing for 1-3 rounds. The shadowcrawler moves through rock at its normal movement rate while phased, and it cannot be detected except by magical means. If it still wishes to press the attack, the creature will lunge out of the rock and try to attack with surprise, efther from above or behind its victim if possible.

A shadowcrawler is able to phase through rock while holding a victim, though it must pause for an entire round before doing so. It can take no other action besides holding its victim, draining blood if it has already begun to do so, and preparing to phase.

A phase door spell will instantly kill a shadowcrawler if cast on it while the creature is phasing through solid material.

Habitat/Society: Shadowcrawlers have an ingrained hatred for all other forms of life and prefer to live a solitary existence. They will usually make a lair in a dry cave, digging out a small hollow in which they sleep, lining it with fur. Shadowcrawlers are very light sleepers. A shadowcrawler will stake out a rather large territory around its lair, killing or driving off all weaker predators in the area.

About once every four years, a shadowcrawler will seek a mate, its yowling mating cry echoing from the stone walls of the tunnels it prowls. After a brief affair, the shadowcrawlers return to theik respective homes.

The creature's gestation period is three months, after which the female lays a large egg sac, hiding it away in a safe place. After another month of development, 2-12 shadowkittens hatch from the egg sac and scatter. Most are slain before they are able to adequately defend themselves and only 1-2 reach maturity, which occurs after a year of growth.

Ecology: Shadowcrawlers will attack almost any animal, though they prefer the blood of mammals. These creatures are neither stupid nor brave enough to attack other fierce predators, preferring instead to find new territory.

Originally appeared in GR2 - Dungeons of Mystery (1992).


Inventor of Super-Toast
OK, so Medium magical beast... improved grab, pin, blood drain, racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently... how do we want to handle the phasing through stone? The stone specifically makes me think xorn-type movement.


Extradimensional Explorer
Also Climb speed. Xorn-like motion through rock might work, though the carrying a victim is a little weird, esp with the full-round "warm-up" time. Any other beasties like this we can think of?

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