D&D (2024) The future of edition changes and revisions


Yuck. Who puts tomato sauce on a burrito?

The point being though, whether it's a soft taco or a burrito, it's still Mexican food, right? There are considerably more differences between sushi and a taco or burrito than there is between a taco and a burrito. To terribly mangle the metaphor.

Let's be honest here. You are likely using mostly (with a few exceptions) the same monsters in FR as Greyhawk. It's not like you have totally separate Monster Manuals. The classes play in either setting without modification. There are no setting specific rules like insanity (like you would see in say, Ravenloft). Most of the races work pretty much the same - there isn't an enormous difference between a mountain dwarf in FR or Greyhawk.

IOW, if you strip out the proper nouns, there aren't a lot of differences. And, I say this as a HUGE Greyhawk fan. I ADORE Greyhawk. I really do. There's just so many fun bits in it and, unlike Forgotten Realms, there isn't a mountain of lore behind it meaning that it's much, much easier to color in the blank spaces how I want to, rather than following someone else's creation.

But, let's be honest here. FR and Greyhawk are a lot closer to each other than any other setting. I'm rather stuggling to think of any adventure that would work in one setting that wouldn't work or would be terribly out of place in the other setting.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Yuck. Who puts tomato sauce on a burrito?

The point being though, whether it's a soft taco or a burrito, it's still Mexican food, right? There are considerably more differences between sushi and a taco or burrito than there is between a taco and a burrito. To terribly mangle the metaphor.

Let's be honest here. You are likely using mostly (with a few exceptions) the same monsters in FR as Greyhawk. It's not like you have totally separate Monster Manuals. The classes play in either setting without modification. There are no setting specific rules like insanity (like you would see in say, Ravenloft). Most of the races work pretty much the same - there isn't an enormous difference between a mountain dwarf in FR or Greyhawk.

IOW, if you strip out the proper nouns, there aren't a lot of differences. And, I say this as a HUGE Greyhawk fan. I ADORE Greyhawk. I really do. There's just so many fun bits in it and, unlike Forgotten Realms, there isn't a mountain of lore behind it meaning that it's much, much easier to color in the blank spaces how I want to, rather than following someone else's creation.

But, let's be honest here. FR and Greyhawk are a lot closer to each other than any other setting. I'm rather stuggling to think of any adventure that would work in one setting that wouldn't work or would be terribly out of place in the other setting.
Salsa is a sauce (very literally the same word, etymologically) usually made from tomatoes (though there are others, obviously).

Sure, someone who wants Mediterranean (Eberron) or Thai (Ravnica, say) isn't going to see a big difference between the two dishes with the same ingredients (by and large), because they want something else. But someone who loves Mexican food can carefully consider each diffrence the preparation can make, and lovingly contemplate it.


Salsa is a sauce (very literally the same word, etymologically) usually made from tomatoes (though there are others, obviously).

Sure, someone who wants Mediterranean (Eberron) or Thai (Ravnica, say) isn't going to see a big difference between the two dishes with the same ingredients (by and large), because they want something else. But someone who loves Mexican food can carefully consider each diffrence the preparation can make, and lovingly contemplate it.
Oh, fair enough. But, when someone comes along and says, "Yup, burritos and tacos are both Mexican dishes" they're not wrong.

Ok, that's enough abusing that poor metaphor. :D

The point being, as I said before, your character in Greyhawk very likely isn't terribly different from your character in FR and is quite probably doing very, very similar things. The fact that it's pretty easy to interchange stuff between the two shows how similar they are. A GH Drow is not terribly different from an FR Drow but is significantly different from an Eberron Drow or a Dragonlance Dark Elf.

The point being, as I said before, your character in Greyhawk very likely isn't terribly different from your character in FR and is quite probably doing very, very similar things.
where I agree with your premise (GH and FR have a lot in common) I disagree with this way of saying it. By this metric you need to go gonzo weird for a setting to be different. Even then is a spell jammer background that different from a FR or GH? once in game are you not still some form of treasure hunting/dungeon delving?

I will take a background and concept I used for a 2e ranger in FR.

I grew up in a small town. I was bullied by a fellow farmer who's dad was a bit (and only a bit) better off then my family, and we both competed for the same girl... neither of us got her. She went off and became an 'adventurer' what ever that means. My goal was to learn to be the best farmer and then take over the family business... until one day the farm was destroyed. the town was attacked by a mad mage his goblins and undead. I was bearly 20 and only escaped because another wizard helped get me out. I'm pretty tough (grew up on farm), and I know how to survive off the land, but I would not say I am a warrior. Now I know what 'adventurer' means... because I am one, a wander, a vagubond, a man with no land to call his own. I have 2 short swords a bit of skill and just want to earn enough money to go back to the more simple life.

I can play that as a 1st-3rd level ranger in any edition in 7/10 of the campaign settings TSR/WotC put out.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh, fair enough. But, when someone comes along and says, "Yup, burritos and tacos are both Mexican dishes" they're not wrong.

Ok, that's enough abusing that poor metaphor. :D
Yes, exactly, that's why it's a good metaphors! See also further popular Mexican dishes Exandria, Gloriana, and Midgard.
The point being, as I said before, your character in Greyhawk very likely isn't terribly different from your character in FR and is quite probably doing very, very similar things. The fact that it's pretty easy to interchange stuff between the two shows how similar they are. A GH Drow is not terribly different from an FR Drow but is significantly different from an Eberron Drow or a Dragonlance Dark Elf.
Sure, sounds like a feature rather than a bug...but I like Mexican food.


I grew up in a small town. I was bullied by a fellow farmer who's dad was a bit (and only a bit) better off then my family, and we both competed for the same girl... neither of us got her. She went off and became an 'adventurer' what ever that means. My goal was to learn to be the best farmer and then take over the family business... until one day the farm was destroyed. the town was attacked by a mad mage his goblins and undead. I was bearly 20 and only escaped because another wizard helped get me out. I'm pretty tough (grew up on farm), and I know how to survive off the land, but I would not say I am a warrior. Now I know what 'adventurer' means... because I am one, a wander, a vagubond, a man with no land to call his own. I have 2 short swords a bit of skill and just want to earn enough money to go back to the more simple life.
Let's be honest here though. That's a very, very generic background. Sure, of course that will fit into pretty much any setting because, well, "bad wizard" and "goblins" and "undead" exist in virtually any setting. And, again, I wasn't referring to backgrounds really. I was more referring to what you're going to be doing as an adventurer.

For example, trying to heist a Lightning Rail Train while leading a gang of velociraptor riding halflings is probably not something you can really do in Forgotten Realms, for example.

Voidrunner's Codex

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