Converting monsters from Dragon magazine


Extradimensional Explorer
I think I prefer the Swallow Whole version since it has a well-defined "stomach" organ. Plus the original does say that the victim can induce the ihagnim to spit it out (with the example of poison).

We also need to add hp gain from devouring. I just saw that again!

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I think I prefer the Swallow Whole version since it has a well-defined "stomach" organ. Plus the original does say that the victim can induce the ihagnim to spit it out (with the example of poison).

Okay we'll use that.

Updating the Ihagnim.

We also need to add hp gain from devouring. I just saw that again!

I was thinking it'd be easier if it advanced by a Hit Dice once it devoured enough mass, or splits into two 8 HD Ihagnim if that'd exceed its maximum of 16 HD.


In the article they laid eggs.


You're not getting them mixed up with the Devourer from Dragon #271 are you. That one produces eggs but is a different monster from the Dragon #89 Ihagnim, which uses fission:

 Ihagnim reproduce by fission. A newly created ihagnim has 8 HD and 57 hp, an intelligence of 8, and a movement allowance of 8″ in astral space (80 yds./round). SNIP
 Ihagnim can eat any number of creatures at one “sitting,” subject to the rules below. For every 100 lbs. of living material consumed by an ihagnim, the ihagnim gains 1 hit point. For every 8 hp gained, the ihagnim gains another effective hit die (57-64 hp = 8 HD, 65-72 hp = 9 HD, and so on up to 121-128 hp = 16 HD). Thus, an 8 HD (57 hp) ihagnim that eats a 112 lb. figure gains a point to 58 hp; after eating an 88 lb. figure on the following round, it gains another point to 59 hp (carrying over the excess weight amount from the previous feeding). Once an ihagnim reaches a total of 128 hp, it will begin to divide into two smaller ihagnim, each with 8 HD and 57 hp. This process takes 5-10 rounds; the creature cannot move during that time.
 The number of hit dice an ihagnim possesses is equal to its diameter in feet, its intelligence score, and its movement rate in tens of yards per round. Thus, a 16 HD ihagnim that undergoes fission will produce two smaller ihagnim that move at half the speed of the original one (8″ instead of 16″). SNIP

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #89 (“Creature Catalog”, September 1984) accredited to Roger Moore.


Extradimensional Explorer
I was thinking it'd be easier if it advanced by a Hit Dice once it devoured enough mass, or splits into two 8 HD Ihagnim if that'd exceed its maximum of 16 HD.
So, maybe something like the barghest. In this case, it can advance one HD per so many size categories of creature it devours? I guess we could just do mass, but maybe it also just eats stuff while trying to eat critters. What do you think?


So, maybe something like the barghest. In this case, it can advance one HD per so many size categories of creature it devours? I guess we could just do mass, but maybe it also just eats stuff while trying to eat critters. What do you think?

Yeah, most of the 3E precedents I can think of offhand are size category based. Making it mass based would be fiddly.

So maybe +1 HD for a Small creature, +2 HD for Medium, +4 HD for Large and so on?

Which'd mean a Colossal creature is +32 HD and results in one Ihagnim becoming five Ihagnim…


Maybe have it go exponential at some stage? So a Huge meal just splits one Ihagnim into two, a Gargantuan meal splits it twice into four 8 HD Ihagnim and a Colossal one results in eight of them.

Alternatively we could introduce a random element so eating size X adds Yd# HD and if that exceeds 16HD you just take away 1 HD and divide the result by 8 to determine how many Ihagnim result?

Actually, I like that idea. After all, if a 15 HD Ihagnim gets a meal worth 7 HD that's two Ihagnim with 5 or 6 HD worth of meat left over, which ought to go somewhere.


How about +1 HD for Small, +2 HD for Medium, +2d4 HD for Large (average +5), +2d6+6 HD for Huge (+13 => average 2.5 ihagnim)[2-3], +2d12+20 HD for Gargantuan (+33 => average 5 ihagnim)[3-6] and +2d20+50 for Colossal (+71 => average 9.75 ihagnim)[7-12]?
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