Converting monsters from Dragon magazine


There's actually nothing in the mind flayer's mind blast that it's mind-affecting. There's also nothing about psionics all being mind-affecting, and there's nothing about stunning that mindless (or immune to mind-affecting) creatures can't be stunned. If you want to put in the immunity, we need to put it in explicitly. However, like the mind-flayer, I'd leave it out. Why couldn't this stun a vermin? Granted, this is a little sticky if they're battling other constructs, but still.

It makes sense that psionic attacks that manifest physically affect mindless creatures.

also, since Mind Flayers are non-OGL, doesn't it make more sense to crib off the psionic power Psionic Blast rather than the illithid special attack. That's a Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] power.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Right. So just take Cleon's Psychic Assault above with 7d8 untyped damage and maybe a 60 ft cone?

EDIT: Cleon jumped in there ahead of me. I don't think there's anything wrong with modeling it off of the mind flayer. But mind thrust is also a telepathy power, so if you both want to make this mind-affecting, it's ok. I'd just think it's semi-physical like the illithid's.


Right. So just take Cleon's Psychic Assault above with 7d8 untyped damage and maybe a 60 ft cone?

EDIT: Cleon jumped in there ahead of me. I don't think there's anything wrong with modeling it off of the mind flayer. But mind thrust is also a telepathy power, so if you both want to make this mind-affecting, it's ok. I'd just think it's semi-physical like the illithid's.

I was representing the semi-physical aspect with the untyped damage. It's only the stunning that's mind-affecting.


Psychic Assault (Sp): Once per day, a sentinel eidolon can unleash a potent psionic blast in a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone takes 7d8 damage and must succeed on a DC X Will save or be stunned for 4d4 rounds. Creatures with immunity to mind-affecting attacks take the damage but are immune to the stunning. The save DC is Charisma-based.


Monster Junkie
Splitting the two feels a bit fiddly for my tastes. I suppose I can live with it, but I'm fine with just picking one type (and allowing mind-affecting or not).


Splitting the two feels a bit fiddly for my tastes. I suppose I can live with it, but I'm fine with just picking one type (and allowing mind-affecting or not).

Looks like you'll live with it, then.

It would seem odd to me to have a special attack with "Psychic" in the name that isn't at least partially mind-affecting.


Extradimensional Explorer
There are tons of abilities with saves for part of the "damage." This is fine.

Other special abilities?


Monster Junkie
Psychic Assault looks good.

I still don't care for "Eldritch Blade" as the sword's name. In my D&D experience, eldritch implies "magic", not "psionics".

Also a minor quibble, but I'd make it "Healed by Acid and Electricity" rather than Lightning.

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