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Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine


First Post
freyar said:
Wouldn't mages want animated statues around? :confused:
There is the non-core spell Awaken Construct (Savage Species) that's Sor/Wiz 9 - unfortunately its high level and clerics get the spell as well :(

What about Spider Climb?


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Monster Junkie
Am I on the right track?

A black widow totem's body is chiseled from a single block of hard stone, weighing at least X pounds. The construction also requires an opal and a ruby, each worth at least 5,000 gp. The construction ritual may only be performed by a male drow wizard and a female drow cleric of Lolth. Assembling the body requires a DC X Craft (sculpting) check or a DC X Craft (stonemasonry) check.

CL 12th; Craft Construct, animate objects, cat's grace, prayer, spider climb, cleric must be at least 11th level and wizard must be at least 12th level; Price 30,000 gp; Cost 25,000 gp + 1,200 XP.


First Post
Shade said:
Am I on the right track?
I'd say so.

A 2 cubic feet block of granite weighs about 4000 lbs (link), does this seem about right for the totem?

<edit>must show working out :)

According to the linked site a cubic metre weighs 2,691 kg (or 5,920 lbs), 2cubic is approx 2/3s of a cubic metre, so 2/3 x 5920 = 4000 ish.

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Monster Junkie
That works for me. :cool:

DC 15 for the Craft checks?

Challenge Rating: ?

Other 7 HD golems seems to be in the CR 5-6 range.

Advancement: ?


Monster Junkie
Rag Golem
Freq: Very rare
# App: 1
AC: 10
Move: 3"
HD: 1 hp
% in Lair: Nil
Treasure type: Nil
# Att: Nil
Dmg/Att: Nil
Special Attacks: Cantrips
Special Defenses: See below
MR: See below
Intelligence: See below
Alignment: Neutral
Size: S (6")
Psionics: Nil
Level/XP: I & up/62
Save As: Fighter 1
Morale: 12

Unlike others of its kind the rag golem does not rely upon sheer force as a means to an end. A mere 6 inches tall, it is constructed of whatever household rags the magic user finds handy at the time. Consequently, the cost of producing a rag golem can be as little as 1,000 gp. Once a vaguely humanoid shape has been made the following spells must be cast: tongues, anti-magic shell, geas, teleport without error, polymorph any object, and wish.

The newly-produced golem is physically fully developed, but mentally possesses only 1 point of Intelligence. It gains a further point for each subsequent week of animation until the mage's own Intelligence score is reached. Until then, the mage must be engaged with its uprigining, to the exclusion of other activities; any break in the process will result in deactivation of the little fellow.

On gaining its final intelligence point the ragamuffin can perform the following at will: limited telepathy with the magic user (3" range), teleport (no error), speak and comprehend any spoken language. Related to the last ability is the golem's full literacy in normal and magical script.

The rag golem has a perfect memory and knows everything its master has seen fit to teach it, including spells (from cantrips to 9th level spells). Thus a rag golem often serves as a walking spell book. Provided it is within its telepathic range, the mage can re-learn any spell in its memory (normal time required), subject ot the maximum permitted by intelligence, level, and magic. However, although the golem holds all its maker's spells, itself is powerless to use any except for the cantrips. The golem can cast any cantrip memorized at will.

Like its target brethren, the rag golem is immune to most magical attacks, apart from spells cast by its creator and the various Bigby's hand spells. On top of this, these little monsters are immune to physical attack, be it due to weapon, fire, acid, or whatever. Fortunately for the magic user, they are completely loyal.

If required the golem will use its own initiative to achieve its master's ends. Over time it will develop its own personality, invariably humorous and mischievous, often mimicking the idiosyncrasies and foibles of its creator. Even so, the golem will never behave in a deleterious manner towards its maker. No matter how its personality develops the golem's alignment remains neutral.

If its master dies, a rag golem will set off alone into the big world. As a source of spells such a wandering rag golem is a prize find. However, it is now 'freelance', it must be enticed into cooperation. A 'rogue' rag golem will work with a magic user they find worthy, but not for him!

Basic: As above. The rag golem can only be damaged by spells cast by its creator. It has no magical ability of its own.

From Imagine Magazine #19, October 1984.

Voidrunner's Codex

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