Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine


Extradimensional Explorer
Should we try downsizing a ragamoffyn (sp?) for physical stats? I suggest an int at the minimum level needed to cast the appropriate spells.

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Monster Junkie
Fair enough. Taking the smallest raggamoffyn, the tatterdemanimal, and downsizing it to Diminutive gives us:

Str 4, Dex 25, Con -, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 15

Since "The golem can cast any cantrip memorized at will", I think we should make them spell-like abilities, and thus it will need a decent Charisma.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok, then, Str 4, Dex 25, Con -. I guess if we keep wish as part of the construction, we should make Int 19. Swap Wis and Cha from the raggamoffyn? Maybe even drop wis a bit?

I can see the argument for making cantrips SLAs (all of them?), but it might be more flavorful to let it cast cantrips as a Xth level sorceror. Ah, I'm probably just being silly. Too bad these guys can't use the other spells, or they'd be nearly unstoppable!

On immunities and such: DR 10/-, Immunity to all the energies, Immunity to magic as usual for constructs (except for spells from the creator and Bigby's hand spells). Does that sound about right?


Monster Junkie
Added to Homebrews.

Note that "Bigby" isn't in the SRD, so we can't say "the Bigby's hand spells".

Should we expand it to vulnerability to all spells with the Force descriptor? It's immune to near everything else, so I think it would work.

Otherwise, how shall we mention the "hand" spells?


Extradimensional Explorer
Ugh, I guess they don't chain the spells together in the SRD. Let's just go with the force descriptor. I think that's "magi-scientific" enough. :p


Monster Junkie
Imagine Magazine said:
On gaining its final intelligence point the ragamuffin can perform the following at will: limited telepathy with the magic user (3" range), teleport (no error), speak and comprehend any spoken language. Related to the last ability is the golem's full literacy in normal and magical script.

Telepathic Link (Su): A rag golem can communicate telepathically with its master to a range of 30 feet.

Imagine Magazine said:
The rag golem has a perfect memory and knows everything its master has seen fit to teach it, including spells (from cantrips to 9th level spells). Thus a rag golem often serves as a walking spell book. Provided it is within its telepathic range, the mage can re-learn any spell in its memory (normal time required), subject ot the maximum permitted by intelligence, level, and magic. However, although the golem holds all its maker's spells, itself is powerless to use any except for the cantrips. The golem can cast any cantrip memorized at will.

How's this?

Walking Spellbook (Su): A spellcaster can scribe any spell he knows into his rag golem's memory, as if scribing to his spellbook. As long as the rag golem is within 30 feet, the spellcaster can prepare spells as if the rag golem were his spellbook. Should the rag golem's master dies, another spellcaster may attempt to obtain the rag golem's stored spells. This follows all the normal rules for mastering another spellcaster's spellbook.

Spell-Like Abilities: A rag golem may use any cantrips its master has stored within it as spell-like abilities. These abilities may be used at will.


Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good. I'd add greater teleport as an SLA (CL13?). Should the spoken language just be the languages that the creator knows? Also, regarding the literacy in magical script, maybe just magical writing by its creator?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Looks good. I'd add greater teleport as an SLA (CL13?). Should the spoken language just be the languages that the creator knows? Also, regarding the literacy in magical script, maybe just magical writing by its creator?

Good point. I think tongues as an SLA would suffice, since it could "speak and comprehend any spoken language". As for the literacy in magical script, that screams "read magic" to me.


Extradimensional Explorer
Sounds good, let's add tongues and read magic as at will (?) SLAs. We should then add read magic as part of construction (tongues is actually already in the old text).


Monster Junkie
That'll work.

If required the golem will use its own initiative to achieve its master's ends. Over time it will develop its own personality, invariably humorous and mischievous, often mimicking the idiosyncrasies and foibles of its creator. Even so, the golem will never behave in a deleterious manner towards its maker. No matter how its personality develops the golem's alignment remains neutral.

Skills: 24
How about: Bluff 4, Concentration 4, Knowledge (arcana) 4, Sense Motive 4, Sleight of Hand 4, Spellcraft 4?

Feats: 1
Combat Casting? Magical Aptitude?

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