D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


d2s are always fun, but I have to roll a d4. Tell you what, if a 1-2 comes up, we'll use the version from my post, but we'll use the version from yours with a 3-4. Here goes:

Victory is Mine!

Mwah ha haa Haaa!!!


I added a bit to the tactics to cover their Undead Minions.

So, are we done?

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Looks good enough!

Hold on, the "unnatural aura" is in the SQs but doesn't have a description.

I've Updated it, and increase the range to 90 ft. It ought to be at least equal to their Frightful Presence range.

Alternatively, we could just cut out the Unnatural Aura, but I fancy keeping it.


Not terribly it just seems weird that everyone stopped mid list. usualy when these projects get rolling the goal is usualy to do all the critters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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