D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


How about the line reads...

Fire, Both Mundain and from spells function normally against a cloth golem and do 50% more fire damage.

No need to mention mundane fire, since that's already covered by their vulnerability.

How about:

Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/slashing [?], darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision, vulnerability to fire

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A cloth golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

Fire spells function normally against a cloth golem and their fire damage is increased by 50% because the golem has vulnerability to fire.

A mending spell heals a cloth golem of 1d4 points of damage.

A make whole spell heals a cloth golem of 2d6 points of damage.

A fabricate spell heals a cloth golem of all damage.

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Looks great. Lets roll with that one.

The golems abilitys look a little dull. You think maybe we should make him better at grapples cause he wraps his clothyness arround you. Maybe Construction or a better reach from cloth stretching?


Looks great. Lets roll with that one.

Updating Working Draft.

The golems abilitys look a little dull. You think maybe we should make him better at grapples cause he wraps his clothyness arround you. Maybe Construction or a better reach from cloth stretching?

I was assuming we were going to do something with the "Strangulation" listed in the original's special abilities. Which does not seem to have an explanation.

The simple solution is to adopt the Constrict attack of our Living Hair conversion:

Enworld Creature Catalog said:
Constrict (Ex): Living hair deals 2d6+3 points of damage with a successful grapple check against a Large or smaller creature. Because it flows into and over the victim's nostrils and mouth, a creature in the living hair's grasp cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.

I'm not seeing anything in the original text to support an increased Reach. This doesn't seem a very sophisticated Construct, so I'd rather keep it simple.

Do you think DR 5/slashing is enough, or should we increase it to 10/slashing?


thought the similarly hit diced flesh golem has 5/atamant Lets go with 10/slashing to make up for how easy it is to come up with a slashing weapon as opposed to a adamant one.

I think the constriction from the living hair is a good choice. Maybe improved grab with its slam attack?


thought the similarly hit diced flesh golem has 5/atamant Lets go with 10/slashing to make up for how easy it is to come up with a slashing weapon as opposed to a adamant one.

Fine by me.

I think the constriction from the living hair is a good choice. Maybe improved grab with its slam attack?

It already has Improved Grab, I'd assumed it came with the "Strangulation" territory.

Updating Working Draft.

We could give it a racial bonus to Grapple, but I don't feel it needs it.

Any other abilities you fancy giving it?

Flattening itself to fit through narrow spaces? (Either treat as a creature 1 or 2 sizes smaller, give it a racial bonus to Escape Artist checks, or both)

Racial bonus to Disguise checks when imitating laundry? :p


Maybe hide checks in clothy areas. Like the assanation of militant laundry ladies.

The flattening sounds interesting, Lets keep it simple and give it a bonus to escape artist checks.


Maybe hide checks in clothy areas. Like the assanation of militant laundry ladies.

Methinks cloth golems target laundry ladies regardless of their political inclinations... ;)

Anyhow, I like the idea of a "Self-Folding" ability were the golem pretends to be a pile of laundry. I prefer a Camouflage approach to a Hide bonus, since the golem doesn't have any skill points to put in Hide and it spares us having to give it a racial bonus to Hide (laundry).

The flattening sounds interesting, Lets keep it simple and give it a bonus to escape artist checks.

Well I prefer the size reduction version, but we could use an Escape Artist bonus, maybe something like:

Skills (Ex) #1: Cloth golems have a +10 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.

Skills (Ex) #2: Cloth golems have a +10 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks and can always choose to take 10 on Escape Artist checks, even if rushed or threatened. A cloth golem can take 20 on an Escape Artist check as a full-round action.

Upon reflection, I definitely prefer the "fit in tight spaces as if 1 size category smaller" approach, as that would allow it to easily enter (and fight in!) human-scale residences without penalty. If we do it as an Escape Artist bonus, it also makes the cloth golem expert at escaping nets and entangle spells, which I'm not really in favour of:

So, something like this:

Self-Folding (Ex): As a full-round action, a cloth golem can fold itself into a pile of cloth. In this form, it takes a DC 25 [?] Spot check to notice a cloth golem before it attacks. The golem can self-unfold back into its normal pseudo-humanoid shape as a move action.

Squeeze (Ex): A cloth golem's boneless fabric body allows it to move and fight in confined spaces as if it was a Medium sized creature (although it still has the Space and Reach of a Large creature). In addition, a cloth golem can fit through a gap as narrow as 6 inches square [?] as a full round action.

Skills (Ex): Cloth golems have a +10 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.


Methinks cloth golems target laundry ladies regardless of their political inclinations... ;)

Anyhow, I like the idea of a "Self-Folding" ability were the golem pretends to be a pile of laundry. I prefer a Camouflage approach to a Hide bonus, since the golem doesn't have any skill points to put in Hide and it spares us having to give it a racial bonus to Hide (laundry).

So, something like this:

Self-Folding (Ex): As a full-round action, a cloth golem can fold itself into a pile of cloth. In this form, it takes a DC 25 [?] Spot check to notice a cloth golem before it attacks. The golem can self-unfold back into its normal pseudo-humanoid shape as a move action.

Squeeze (Ex): A cloth golem's boneless fabric body allows it to move and fight in confined spaces as if it was a Medium sized creature (although it still has the Space and Reach of a Large creature). In addition, a cloth golem can fit through a gap as narrow as 6 inches square [?] as a full round action.

Skills (Ex): Cloth golems have a +10 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.

I like it :D makes the critter considerably more interesting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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