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Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine

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Extradimensional Explorer
Well, outsider for sure. The made of "pure energy" part makes me want to say incorporeal, but the rest doesn't really go along with that. The "globe" form should probably be incorporeal, like a ghaele's, I guess.

Since these are possibly the spirits of powerful heros, do you want to bump the HD some?

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Monster Junkie
Well, outsider for sure. The made of "pure energy" part makes me want to say incorporeal, but the rest doesn't really go along with that. The "globe" form should probably be incorporeal, like a ghaele's, I guess.

Agreed with all that.

Since these are possibly the spirits of powerful heros, do you want to bump the HD some?

10 HD could still be considered a fairly powerful hero.

Since they have the same HD and other similarities with ghaele eladrins, we could look toward the ghaele to determine ability scores:

Str 25, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16

The Int fits perfectly with the exceptional Intelligence. I could see possibly reducing Str a bit and increasing Dex.



Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, I guess 10HD is fairly powerful, but not the standard for plane-hopping IMHO. ;) Most importantly, though, I think, it's the same as the ghaele.

I like the ghaele's abilities. Let's maybe go with Str 21, Dex 18?


Monster Junkie
A dawnspirit can communicate telepathically.

Telepathy 60 feet?

On their home plane, a dawnspirit's form is a ball of brilliant sunlight, much like a will-o-wisp, only brighter. When summoned to another plane, a dawnspirit acquires an aesthetically beautiful, but androgynous, form which glows with a pure, white light.

Borrow this?

Alternate Form (Su): A coure can assume the form of an incorporeal ball of light at will. This transformation counts as a standard action. In this form, the coure can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities. In this form, the coure has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source, except for force effects or attacks made with ghost touch weapons. A coure in this form can pass through solid objects, but not force effects, at will. While incorporeal, its attacks ignore natural armor, armor, and shields, but deflection bonuses and force effects work normally against them. In this form, a coure always moves silently and cannot be heard with Listen checks if it doesn't wish to be. While incorporeal, the coure sheds light as it wishes, providing illumination with any radius it wishes up to 30 feet. Changing the amount of light it sheds is a free action that the coure can perform once per round.

The pure light radiating from a dawnspirit causes fear in evil creatures who see the dawnspirit. Creatures of less than three hit dice automatically flee at their fastest movement rate until they are out of sight and for 1d3 rounds thereafter. Creatures of three or more hit dice save vs. spells or are paralyzed with fear for 1d4+1 rounds. Undead who make the saving throw still suffer a -2 "to hit" penalty when within 40 feet of the dawnspirit.

Here's an attempt at this ability...

Light of Purity (Su): A dawnspirit continuously raditates pure light to a radius of 40 feet that strikes terror into evil creatures. Evil creatures of less than 3 HD are immediately panicked (no save) for x rounds/minutes. Evil creatures with more than 3 Hit Dice must succeed on a DC X Will save or cower for x rounds. Undead creatures of any Hit Dice must succeed on a DC X Will save or be turned (as if affected by a turn undead attempt). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Once per day, a dawnspirit can utter a powerful holy word. This ability sometimes is called "the voice of the gods." Extra-planar evil creatures within 60 feet are automatically forced back to their home plane if not already on it. (This effect works even if the dawnspirit is not on its own home plane.) All other evil creatures within 60 feet are affected as if struck by a normal holy word. In addition, good creatures within 30 feet gain a +2 "to hit" and damage bonus for 1d4+1 rounds.

Voice of the Gods (Su): Once per day, a dawnspirit can utter a single word of powerful goodness. This functions as a holy word spell (caster level equals dawnspirit's Hit Dice). Additionally, all good creatures within 30 feet gain a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a sonic effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Ecology: Dawnspirits have no need to eat, sleep, or breathe. They can survive in the vacuum of space, in the depths of the ocean, or anywhere else in the universe, except the Negative Material plane, which they cannot enter. They have no enemies except evil creatures who hate them for their goodness.

Since outsiders normally have to breathe, we'll need a breathless ability, like this...

Breathless (Ex): Members of air races do not breathe, so they have immunity to drowning, suffocation, and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poison).

For the prohibition from the Negative Energy Plane, should we give them a vulnerability (+50%) to negative energy damage?


Extradimensional Explorer
Wow, that's a bunch to process. I think I like all of it, but I reserve the right to reevaluate as we go along. ;)


Monster Junkie
Fair enough. ;)


Though mortals can summon them, dawnspirits serve only at their own discretion and never will knowingly commit an evil act or assist an unworthy being. If asked to do something selfish or evil, a dawnspirit immediately returns to its home plane. When summoned by any means, a dawnspirit instinctively knows the summoner's general character and intentions, and bases its decision whether to appear on the merits of the situation.

Supernatural ability that is a combo of detect evil and detect thoughts?

The DM must decide what a summoned dawnspirit will do, but here are some guidelines: Summoner has followed his alignment strictly and is beset by extra-planar creatures he cannot otherwise combat -- 100% chance to appear. Summoner endangered by extra-planar creatures -- 75% chance to appear, but dawnspirit demands that the summoner complete a quest of the dawnspirit's choosing in return for its aid. If the summoner agrees, he is automatically subject to the quest, no saving throw. Summoner's alignment performance has been exemplary, but summoner or beings dependent on the summoner not in great danger -- 50% chance to appear, demands quest. Summoner's alignment performance has been unsatisfactory or summoner facing encounter he probably can complete on his own without risking death or injury -- 25% chance to appear, demands quest.

Geas/quest as a 1/day SLA, and note in flavor text it only uses this ability when summoned?


Extradimensional Explorer
Agreed with all that.

Skills: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Spot, Listen, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), Concentration, Heal, Hide, Move Silently, Intimidate ?

Feats: Multiattack, Ability Focus (light of purity), Combat Expertise, Imp Disarm?

Where's the DC 20 on Voice of the Gods come from? Should it be an Sp ability if it uses the spell level + Cha mod?

DR 10/evil?


Monster Junkie
I like all that, except I can't see them being stealthy, since they are walking lightbulbs. ;)

How about replacing Hide and Move Silently with Search and Use Magic Device?

Good catch on the save DC for voice of the gods.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, those are good skill choices. I didn't really get a UMD vibe from these, but it actually kind of makes sense. (They can turn off their light, though, right?)

Also on Voice of the Gods: I think we need to put in that the banishment function of the holy word functions even when the dawnspirit is not on its home plane.

How about +4 deflection AC, +2 natural AC? That way it still keeps a pretty good AC as a globe as well as gaining incorporeal protection.

CR 8-9?

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